Artikkelit jotka sisältää sanan 'peat'

Kari Laasasenaho, Anu Palomäki, Marjastiina Teixeira, Risto Lauhanen, Perttu Palkia, Liisa Maanavilja, Jukka Turunen, Lauri Ikkala, Ari Pappinen, Suvi Kuittinen, Tero Laakso, Mirella Miettinen, Lasse Aro, Paula Jylhä, Antti Wall. Turvemaiden ennallistamistalouden resurssi- ja osaamistarpeet: Asiantuntijoiden näkemyksiä ennallistamistavoitteiden haasteista.
English title: Resource and competence needs of the peatland restoration economy: Experts’ views on the challenges of restoration goals.
Original keywords: turvemaat; ennallistaminen; aluetalous; koulutus; kustannukset; työvoima
English keywords: peatlands; restoration; regional economy; education; costs; workforce
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Euroopan unionin ennallistamisasetus ((EU) 2024/1991) hyväksyttiin kesäkuussa 2024. Asetuksen on ennakoitu lisäävän ojitettujen turvemaiden ennallistamista Suomessa. Turvemaiden ennallistaminen tarkoittaa pääasiassa vedenpinnan tason nostoa ja suon toiminnallisuuden palauttamista kohti luonnontilaa. Kasvavat ennallistamistavoitteet vaativat resurssien vahvistamista ennallistamistaloudessa eli toimialalla, joka muodostaa taloudellisen tuloksen ja työllisyyden ennallistamisen suunnittelussa, toteutuksessa ja seurannassa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää, mitä resursseja ja osaamista turvemaiden ennallistamishankkeet ovat yleensä vaatineet ja mitä haasteita ennallistamistalouden kasvattamiseen liittyy nykyisessä tilanteessa.

Tutkimuksessa toteutettiin sähköinen kysely turvemaiden ennallistamista tehneille organisaatioille, kuten metsä- ja ympäristöalan toimijoille. Kysely lähetettiin 18 vastaanottajalle ja vastausprosentti oli 66,7 %. Vastaajat olivat ennallistaneet metsäojitettuja soita, turvetuotantoalueita ja turvepeltoja. Kyselyaineistoa täydennettiin erillisellä asiantuntijahaastattelulla, jolla kartoitettiin toimialan kokoa Suomessa. Tulosten mukaan jokainen ennallistuskohde on yksilöllinen, mikä vaikeuttaa hankkeiden keskinäistä vertailua. Ennallistamishankkeet työllistävät tyypillisesti 3–5 henkeä hanketta kohden ja kestävät suunnittelusta toteutukseen 1–3 vuotta. Ennallistamisen kokonaiskustannukset ovat tyypillisesti 1000–1500 € hehtaarilta. Suurin osa kustannuksista kohdistuu käytännön työhön, jossa vaaditaan vetisiin oloihin soveltuvaa konekalustoa. Turvemaiden ennallistamistaloudessa työskentelee arvion mukaan noin 50–100 pientä yritystä ja n. 200–300 henkeä. Suuremmat toimijat ovat yleensä metsäalan yrityksiä. Ennallistaminen voisi luoda täysipäiväistä työtä yli tuhannelle ihmisille ja maksaa arviolta 353–529 miljoonaa euroa, mikäli Suomen ojitetuista turvemaista päätettäisiin ennallistaa 352 500 ha vedenpinnan tasoa nostamalla vuoteen 2030 mennessä.

Ennallistamisasetuksen kansallisessa ennallistamissuunnitelmassa on otettava kantaa ennallistamistalouden kehittämistoimiin. Ennallistamistalouden käytännön työvoimaan, koulutukseen ja osaamiseen tarvitaan usean vuoden panostus, jotta kasvaviin ennallistamistavoitteisiin päästäisiin. Lisäksi ennallistamishankkeiden rahoituksen rakenteelliset ongelmat pitää pystyä korjaamaan, jotta ennallistaminen yleistyy. Turvemaiden ennallistamistavoitteiden toteutumista on arvioitava kriittisesti, sillä aikataulu on nykytilanne huomioiden haastava.

  • Laasasenaho, Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu, 60101 Seinäjoki Sähköposti: (sähköposti)
  • Palomäki, Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu, 60101 Seinäjoki Sähköposti:
  • Teixeira, Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu, 60101 Seinäjoki Sähköposti:
  • Lauhanen, Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu, 60101 Seinäjoki Sähköposti:
  • Palkia, Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulu, 60101 Seinäjoki Sähköposti:
  • Maanavilja, Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Vuorimiehentie 5, PL 96, 02151 Espoo Sähköposti:
  • Turunen, Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Vuorimiehentie 5, PL 96, 02151 Espoo Sähköposti:
  • Ikkala, Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Teknologiakatu 7, 67100 Kokkola Sähköposti:
  • Pappinen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Metsätieteiden osasto, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta, 80101 Joensuu Sähköposti:
  • Kuittinen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Metsätieteiden osasto, Luonnontieteiden, metsätieteiden ja tekniikan tiedekunta, 80101 Joensuu Sähköposti:
  • Laakso, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Oikeustieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta, 80101 Joensuu Sähköposti:
  • Miettinen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Oikeustieteiden laitos, Yhteiskuntatieteiden ja kauppatieteiden tiedekunta, 80101 Joensuu Sähköposti:
  • Aro, Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke), Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 A 20520 Turku Sähköposti:
  • Jylhä, Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke), Teknologiakatu 7, 67100 Kokkola Sähköposti:
  • Wall, Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke), Teknologiakatu 7, 67100 Kokkola Sähköposti:
Aleksi Isoaho, Lauri Ikkala, Aleksi Räsänen. Satelliittikuvien muutostulkinta aapasoiden ennallistamisen hoitoseurannan priorisoinnissa.
English title: Prioritising restoration monitoring of aapa mires using satellite image change detection.
Original keywords: hydrologia; kasvillisuus; turvemaat; kaukokartoitus; Landsat; optinen; Sentinel-2
English keywords: peatlands; vegetation; hydrology; Remote Sensing; Landsat; optical; Sentinel-2
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Suoluonnon ennallistaminen tulee lisääntymään merkittävästi tulevina vuosina. Tämä lisää tarvetta myös kustannustehokkaille ennallistamisen vaikutusten seurantamenetelmille. Viime vuosina kaukokartoituksen potentiaalia soiden ennallistamisen seurannassa on tutkittu useassa eri hankkeessa. Tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että etenkin avosoiden pintamärkyyden muutoksia voidaan seurata kohtalaisen tarkasti optisten satelliittikuvien avulla. Tässä artikkelissa esittelemme toimintamallin, jota voidaan hyödyntää ennallistetuilla avosoilla hoitoseurannan priorisoinnissa, etenkin aapasoiden vesienpalautuskohteilla. Ensin satelliittikuvien muutostulkinnalla todetaan vettyneet ja vettymättömät alueet, joista voidaan päätellä epäonnistuneet ennallistamistoimenpiteet ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan myös mahdolliset metsätalouden vettymishaitta-alueet. Tämän jälkeen tehdään priorisoidusti kenttä- tai droonitarkastelu ongelma-alueille ja toteutetaan tarvittaessa korjaavia ennallistamistoimenpiteitä. Tulevaisuuden suurien ennallistusalojen kannalta olisi tärkeää ymmärtää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat ennallistamisen onnistumiseen ja miten ennallistamismenetelmiä voidaan kehittää tämän perusteella.

  • Isoaho, Biotalous ja ympäristö, Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke), Paavo Havaksen tie 3, 90570 Oulu Sähköposti: (sähköposti)
  • Ikkala, Ympäristöratkaisut-yksikkö, Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK), PL 97, 67101 Kokkola Sähköposti:
  • Räsänen, Maantieteen tutkimusyksikkö, Luonnontieteellinen tiedekunta, Oulun yliopisto, PL 8000, 90014 Oulun yliopisto Sähköposti:
Niko Silvan, Sakari Sarkkola. Puustobiomassojen määrä ja hyödyntämismahdollisuudet heikkotuottoisilla mäntyvaltaisilla turvemaan ojitusalueilla.
English title: Biomass utilization potential on low-productive Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) dominated peatlands drained for forestry.
Original keywords: suometsä; kokopuukorjuu; bioenergia; biomassa; pintaturve; juurakko; juuristo
English keywords: Biomass; forestry; bioenergy; surface peat; drainage area
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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää heikkotuottoisten kitumaan metsäojitettujen soiden biomassapotentiaalia, koska mm. energiaturpeen käytön ennakoimattoman nopea ja raju väheneminen aiheuttaa ainakin lyhyellä aikavälillä merkittäviä paineita puuperäisten polttoaineiden käytön lisäämiselle. Heikkotuottoiset metsäojitetut suot voisivat olla yksi mahdollinen puubiomassareservi. Ojituksen jälkeen näille alun perin avoimille tai vähäpuustoisille soille on syntynyt puustoa, josta usein kuitenkin vain osa on hyödyntämiskelpoista jatkokäyttöön puuraaka-aineena. Energiakäyttöön puu sopisi dimensioidensa puolesta kuitenkin hyvin ja korjuusaantoa lisäisi puun korjaaminen kokopuuna siten, että myös kanto- ja juuristobiomassaa korjattaisiin samalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin heikkotuottoisella turvemaakasvu­paikalla kasvavan männikön biomassamääriä Lylynnevan suolla Karviassa. Puut korjattiin kokopuukorjuuna eli kokonaisina runkoina kantoineen ja juurineen. Biomassat määritettiin ositteittain koepuista ja niille laadittiin tilastolliset biomassan ennustemallit. Tarkasteltaviin biomassa­ositteisiin sisältyvät runkopuubiomassan ohella oksa-, kanto- ja juuribiomassat sekä juurakoiden mukana noussutta suon pintakerroksen kasvibiomassaa, kariketta ja pintaturvetta. Näistä määritettiin biomassaositteiset lämpöarvot. Tulokset suhteutettiin Valtakunnan metsien 11:n inventoinnin (VMI 11) puustotietoaineistoon. Tulostemme mukaan heikkotuottoisilta metsäojitetuilta soilta voitaisiin korjata runsaat 30 miljoonaa tonnia kokopuubiomassaa, jonka lisäksi kariketta ja ns. juurakkoturvetta saataisiin noin 9 miljoonaa tonnia. Lämpöarvoltaan kokopuubiomassa-juurakkoturveseos on hyvin lähellä mäntyrunkopuusta tehtyä haketta. Vaikka käytetty korjuutapa on suhteellisen voimaperäinen puuston ja maanpinnan käsittely, sillä voidaan olettaa olevan pidemmällä aikavälillä merkittäviä luonnonhoidollisia ja maankäytön kokonaiskestävyyttä parantavia vaikutuksia, mikäli alueen seuraava käyttömuoto perustuu vedenpinnan nostamiseen. Heikkotuottoisille ojitusalueille syntyneen biomassareservin eduksi voidaan katsoa myös se, että sen hyödyntäminen ei kilpaile aines­puun tuotannon kanssa.

  • Silvan, Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke), Parkano. Sepänkatu 6, 39700 Parkano Sähköposti:
  • Sarkkola, Luonnonvarakeskus (Luke), Latokartanonkaari 9, 00790 Helsinki Sähköposti:
Joni Haapakoski, Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Jari Miina, Leila Korpela, Raisa Mäkipää. Erirakenteishakkuiden vaikutus aluskasvillisuuden rakenteeseen metsäojitetuissa korvissa.
English title: Short-term effects of selection harvesting on the structure of understorey vegetation in drained Picea abies mires.
Original keywords: kasvillisuus; jatkuva kasvatus; parittainen t-testi; poimintahakkuu; turvekangas; yleistetty lineaarinen malli; yläharvennus
English keywords: peatland; ground vegetation; continuous cover forestry; generalized linear model; paired sample t-test; thinning from above; uneven-aged cutting
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Jatkuvapeitteistä metsänkasvatusta on ehdotettu vaihtoehdoksi avohakkuiden käyttöön perustuvalle metsänkasvatukselle etenkin turvemailla, mutta menetelmän vaikutukset tunnetaan puutteellisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli analysoida voimakkuudeltaan kahden erilaisen erirakenteishakkuun (hakkuun jälkeiset puuston pohjapinta-alat 17 m²/ha ja 12–13 m²/ha) aiheuttamia, kahden vuoden aikana tapahtuneita kasvillisuusmuutoksia metsäojitetuissa korvissa sekä testata voiko hakkuiden aiheuttamia kasvilajien runsausmuutoksia ennustaa valtakunnalliseen (VMI) kasvillisuusaineistoon perustuvien mallien avulla. Erirakenteishakkuiden vaikutusta lajistoon sekä lajien ja lajiryhmien run­sauksiin tutkittiin kokeellisesti kohteilla, jotka sijaitsivat eteläboreaalisen vyöhykkeen pohjoisosissa Multialla, Heinävedellä ja Juuassa. Kasvilajien vasteita koeala- ja puustotunnuksiin, erityisesti puuston pohjapinta-alaan, tutkittiin koko maan kattavan kasvillisuusaineiston avulla. Lisäksi analysoitiin vastemallien soveltuvuutta hakkuiden vaikutusten ennustamiseen käyttäen kokeellisen tutkimuksen aineistoa testiaineistona. Heinät ja sarat sekä ruohot runsastuivat nopeasti hakkuun jälkeen. Selvimmin hyötyivät pallosara (Carex globularis), metsätähti (Trientalis europaea) ja metsäalvejuuri (Dryopteris carthusiana). Kenttäkerrokseen kuuluvat puut (alle 50 cm) ja pensaat runsastuivat voimakkaammin hakatuilla aloilla, lajeista esimerkkinä vadelma (Rubus idaeus). Mustikan (Vaccinium myrtillus) ja puolukan (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) runsauksissa ei tapahtunut juuri muutoksia. Sammalet yleensä niukkenivat hakkuun myötä, mutta karikkeella kasvavat suikerosammalet (Brachythecium spp.) hie­man runsastuivat voimakkaammin käsitellyillä aloilla. Lajimäärämuutokset eivät olleet tilastollisesti merkitseviä. Tutkitut käsittelyt olivat kasvillisuutta hyvin säästäviä. Tulokset ovat todennäköisesti yleistettävissä tavanomaisten harvennusten vaikutuksiin. Kasvilajien vastemallit selittivät havaittujen peittävyysmuutosten suuntaa pääosin hyvin, mutta peittävyyksien tasoissa oli selvää, osin ajourista ja hakkuutähteistä johtuvaa vaihtelua. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää arvioitaessa eri hakkuutapojen vaikutuksia aluskasvillisuuden rakenteeseen, sen merkitykseen metsikön vesi- ja ravinnetaseisiin, metsien uudistumiseen sekä ekosysteemipalveluihin.

  • Haapakoski, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Metsätieteiden osasto, Yliopistokatu 7, 80100 Joensuu Sähköposti:
  • Hotanen, Luonnonvarakeskus, Yliopistokatu 6B, 80100 Joensuu Sähköposti:
  • Miina, Luonnonvarakeskus, Yliopistokatu 6B, 80100 Joensuu Sähköposti:
  • Korpela, Luonnonvarakeskus, Latokartanonkaari 9, 00790 Helsinki Sähköposti:
  • Mäkipää, Luonnonvarakeskus, Latokartanonkaari 9, 00790 Helsinki Sähköposti:
Mika Nieminen, Sakari Sarkkola, Kersti Haahti, Tapani Sallantaus, Markku Koskinen, Paavo Ojanen. Metsäojitettujen soiden typpi- ja fosforikuormitus Suomessa.
English title: Forestry on drained peatlands as a source of surface water nitrogen and phosphorus in Finland.
Original keywords: ojitus; suometsätalous; huuhtoutuminen; turvemaat; vesistövaikutukset
English keywords: peatland forestry; Drainage; leaching; water quality
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Viime vuosina julkaistujen tutkimusten mukaan metsäojitettujen soiden vesistökuormituksen epäillään olevan moninkertaisesti aiemmin arvioitua suurempaa. Syynä tähän on se, että kuormitusta syntyy aiemmista käsityksistä poiketen silloinkin, kun ojitusalueilla ei ole vuosikausiin tehty mitään toimenpiteitä. Tässä työssä arvioitiin metsäojitusalueilta syntyvä vesistökuormitus ottamalla huomioon sekä tämä nykyisistä metsätaloustoimenpiteistä riippumaton ”ojituslisä” että kunnostusojituksen, lannoituksen ja hakkuiden aiheuttama kuormitus. Tehdyn arvion mukaan metsätaloudesta ojitetuilla soilla syntyy Suomessa vuosittain typpikuormitusta noin 8 500 Mg ja fosforikuormitusta 590 Mg. Kun ojituslisä otetaan huomioon, typpikuormitus on noin 18-kertainen ja fosforikuormitus 6–7-kertainen aiempiin vain eri toimenpiteiden kuormitukset huomioon ottaviin arvioihin verrattuna. Vesiensuojelun kannalta oleellista olisi selvittää, mitkä tekijät ojitusalueilla aiheuttavat ojituslisän muodossa tapahtuvaa pysyvää kuormitusta ja mitä tämän kuormituksen torjumiseksi on tehtävissä.

  • Nieminen, Luonnonvarakeskus, Helsinki Sähköposti:
  • Sarkkola, Luonnonvarakeskus, Helsinki Sähköposti:
  • Haahti, Luonnonvarakeskus, Helsinki Sähköposti:
  • Sallantaus, Suomen ympäristökeskus, Helsinki Sähköposti:
  • Koskinen, Helsingin yliopisto, Maataloustieteiden osasto Sähköposti:
  • Ojanen, Helsingin yliopisto, Metsätieteiden osasto Sähköposti:
Jyrki Hytönen, Lasse Aro, Jorma Issakainen, Mikko Moilanen. Turvetuhka ja biotiitti männyn metsityslannoituksessa suonpohjalla.
English title: Peat ash and biotite in fertilization of Scots pine on an afforested cutaway peatland.
Avainsanat: potassium; Scots pine; biotite; nutrition; potassium chloride; Cutaway peatland
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In Finland peat is used in power generation, often burned with wood mixture resulting in mixed ash types. Peat ash is usually rich in phosphorus (P) but poor in potassium (K) and thus not as good fertilizer for peatland forests as wood ash. In this study we compared the effects of peat ash and peat ash with added potassium (potassium chloride or biotite) on the growth and nutrition of Scots pine seedlings on a cutaway peatland. In addition, peat ash was pelletized with biotite in one treatment. The treatments were applied around single trees with 10 replications. The study site was rich in N, but poor in P and K. Peat and foliar samples were analysed, and the height growth of seedlings was monitored for 17 years following the treatments. Pure peat ash had a positive effect on the growth of Scots pine but the survival rate of seedlings was not satisfactory. Peat ash enriched with potassium increased substantially growth of seedlings and increased the foliar K concentration compared to unfertilized control and peat ash alone. Pelletized peat ash and biotite gave similar results as the use of un-pelletized peat ash and biotite. Peat ash alone is not recommended for fertilization of Scots pine stands on drained peatlands. Adding K to peat ash enables recycling of large amounts of nutrients back to peatland forests, and is a good alternative to low-soluble P and K fertilizer. The granulation of the product would ensure good spreadability.

  • Hytönen, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Silmäjärventie 2, 69100 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: (sähköposti)
  • Aro, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Itäinen Pitkäkatu 3, 20520 Turku, Finland Sähköposti:
  • Issakainen, Ratapellontie 11, 91500 Muhos, Finland Sähköposti:
  • Moilanen, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Paavo Havaksen tie 3, 90014, University of Oulu, Finland Sähköposti:
Paavo Ojanen. Metsäojituksen vaikutuksesta ilmastoon.
English title: Climatic impacts of forestry on drained boreal peatlands.
Original keywords: turvemaa; ojitus; hiilidioksidi; metaani; kasvihuonekaasut; typpioksiduuli; suometsätalous
English keywords: peat; peatland forestry; ditching; Carbon dioxide; methane; nitrous oxide; greenhouse gases
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Metsäojitus vähentää merkittävästi soiden metaanipäästöjä. Rehevien ruoho- ja mustikkaturvekankaiden maaperä on kuitenkin merkittävä hiilidioksidin lähde ilmakehään turpeen vähenemisen takia. Karujen puolukka- ja varputurvekankaiden turve ei näyttäisi nykyisin merkittävästi vähenevän. Puustobiomassan merkittävän suurenemisen ansiosta Suomen metsäojitetut suot ovat tällä hetkellä kasvihuonekaasujen nettonielu. Ilmastonmuutoksen hillitsemisen kannalta metsänkasvatuksen jatkaminen lienee paras maankäyttömuoto metsäojitetuille soille lähivuosikymmenten aikana. Vaikka laajamittaisella ennallistamisella voitaisiin estää rehevien soiden turpeen väheneminen, samalla kuitenkin puuston kasvu vähenisi ja metaanipäästö kasvaisi. Ennallistamisen jälkeen kestänee vähintään kymmeniä tai satoja vuosia, ennen kuin saavutetaan ilmaston kannalta metsänkasvatuksen jatkamista parempi tilanne. Pitkällä aikavälillä rehevien soiden ennallistaminen on kuitenkin ilmaston kannalta parempi vaihtoehto, koska jo muutaman kymmenen senttimetrin paksuisen turvekerroksen häviäminen vapauttaa enemmän hiiltä ilmakehään kuin kookaskaan puusto pystyy sitomaan itseensä. Metsäojitettujen soiden kasvihuonekaasutaseista on viime vuosina kertynyt melko kattavasti tietoa. Jotta metsätalouden jatkamisen tai mahdollisen puuston kasvamaan jättämisen tai suon ennallistamisen ilmastovaikutuksen suuruutta voidaan täsmällisesti arvioida, tarvitaan vertailulaskelmia eri vaihtoehtojen kasvihuonekaasupäästöistä. Suuren kokonaispinta-alan takia metsäojitettujen soiden tulevalla käytöllä voi olla suuri vaikutus Suomen kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin.
  • Ojanen, Luonnonvarakeskus (LUKE) Sähköposti: (sähköposti)
Anna Salomaa, Riikka Paloniemi. Ekosysteemipalvelut, vapaaehtoisuus ja soidensuojelu.
English title: Ecosystem services, voluntariness and mire conservation.
Original keywords: turve; luonnonsuojelu; METSO-ohjelma; säätelypalvelut; tukipalvelut; virkistys
English keywords: peat; Nature conservation; METSO-programme; recreation; regulating services; supporting services
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Ekosysteemipalvelut ja vapaaehtoisuus ovat nousseet Suomen luonnonsuojelupolitiikassa keskiöön EU:n ympäristöpolitiikan ja METSO-ohjelman myötä. Tutkimme tässä artikkelissa, (a) kuinka ekosysteemipalvelut ja (b) suojelukeinojen vapaaehtoisuuden näkökulma tulevat esille soiden suojelupolitiikan määrittelyyn liittyvissä keskusteluissa ja (c) minkälaisen kokonaisuuden ekosysteemipalvelukeskustelun ja vapaaehtoisuuden näkökulma muodostaa? Analysoimme kvalitatiivisesti kolmea aineistoa: valtioneuvoston periaatepäätöstä soiden ja turvemaiden kestävästä ja vastuullisesta käytöstä ja suojelusta, soidensuojelua koskevaa asiantuntijakeskustelua ajalta ennen soidensuojelun täydennysohjelman valmistelua sekä julkista, ohjelman valmistelun aikaista verkkokeskustelua -sivustolla. Sekä vapaaehtoisuus että ekosysteemipalvelut näkyivät soidensuojelun täydennysohjelmaan liittyvässä keskustelussa. -sivustolla keskustelu oli henkilökohtaisempaa ja vastakkaisasettelevampaa kuin muissa aineistoissa. Ekosysteemipalveluista nousivat esiin etenkin tuotantopalvelut turve ja puu, jotka nähtiin molemmat sekä resursseina että haitan aiheuttajina. Myös henkilökohtaiset, virkistykseen liittyvät palvelut, joihin yhdistettiin myös marjat ja riista, herättivät paljon keskustelua. Abstraktimmat säätely- ja tukipalvelut jäivät aineistoissa sivuosaan. Vapaaehtoisuutta pidettiin toivottavana, mutta toisaalta vapaaehtoisuuden toimivuus suojelukeinona kyseenalaistettiin. Ekosysteemipalveluista puhuminen näyttäytyi kiinnostavasti tiukan suojelun puolustamisena vastakohtana vapaaehtoisuudelle. Soiden suojelun keinot pyrkivät yhdistämään vapaaehtoisuuden ja ekosysteemipalveluiden tuotannon, mutta keskusteluissa käsitteet eivät ole löytäneet toisiaan.
  • Salomaa, Ympäristötieteiden laitos, Helsingin yliopisto. PL 65, 0014 Helsingin yliopisto Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Paloniemi, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Cândida Mendes, Eduardo Dias. Azorien rahkasuot – esimerkkinä Terceira-saaren suot.
English title: Classification of Sphagnum peatlands in Azores — cases from Terceira Island.
Original keywords: suo; Azorit; Sphagnum; suotyyppi; suokasvillisuus
English keywords: Sphagnum; mire vegetation; peatland; Azores; mire inventory
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The aims of this study were to explore the mires (peatlands) in Terceira Island of Azores, invent their vegetation and ecology, and classify the mires to the ecological groups. In the field, totally 300 mires were identified and mapped, of which 58 were selected for the detailed analysis of this study. Physical, chemical, floristic, hydrological and geomorphologic data of the mires were collected in 1997–2004. The data were organized and analysed using ordination methods (CA). A detailed distribution map of the mires in the Island is presented. Three major mire site groups occurring in Azores were identified: (1) Basin mires; (2) Transition and raised mires and (3) Hillside and blanket mires. The profiles and the plant species of these site type groups are presented.
  • Mendes, Centro do Clima, Meteorologia e Mudanças Globais (C_CMMG) – CITTA. GEVA Intergraph Registed Laboratory, Departamento de Ciências Agrárias Universidade dos Açores. Rua Capitão João d’Ávlia – Pico da Urze 9700-042 Angra do Heroísmo Açores, Portugal Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Dias, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Juha Laitila, Kari Väätäinen, Antti Asikainen. Runko- ja juuripuun sekä latvusmassan yhdistelmä- ja erilliskorjuu ojitetuissa suometsissä.
English title: Comparison of two harvesting methods for complete tree removal on tree stands on drained peatlands.
Avainsanat: clear cutting; complete tree harvesting; fuel wood chips; integrated harvesting; peat production; productivity; single-grip harvester; stump lifting; time consumption models
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This case study represents a novel complete wood biomass harvesting method for woody peatlands, which are to be prepared for peat production for energy use. The productivity and cost-efficiency of complete tree harvesting in a peatland forest dominated by Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) was examined in this study. In complete tree harvesting, a single-grip harvester lifts a whole tree with its roots from the ground and divides the tree into stump and stem part sections by cross-cutting. This work method was compared to the conventional harvesting method, wherein the stem wood and stump wood are harvested in separate operations with different machines. The work study was conducted for complete tree cutting and conventional tree cutting by a single-grip harvester. In total there were 97.6 solid cubic metres (m³) of wood harvested in the study. The harvesting cost of the extracted wood (stump section, stem wood and crown mass) to the road side landing was calculated for both harvesting methods by using time study models of cutting obtained from this study and the separate stump lifting and biomass forwarding models acquired from the literature. According to the results, the complete tree harvesting was cost-competitive to conventional harvesting (including stem wood, crown mass and stump extraction) when the breast height diameter of the trees to be removed was below the range of 16–20 cm.
  • Laitila, Metsäntutkimuslaitos, PL 68, 80101 Joensuu Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Väätäinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Asikainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Meeri Pearson, Markku Saarinen, Juha Heiskanen, Tytti Sarjala, Jukka Laine. Kasvualustan kuivumisen vaikutukset rahkasaraturpeeseen istutettujen männyntaimien ensikehitykseen.
English title: High and dry: Consequences of drought exposure in Scots pine seedlings grown in authentic peat soil.
Original keywords: männyntaimet; Pinus sylvestris; kuivuus; rahkasaraturve; fotosynteesin tehokkuus (Fv/ Fm); mykorritsat; polyamiinit; juurten ja versojen kasvu
English keywords: drought; Fv/Fm; mycorrhizal colonization; Pinus sylvestris seedlings; poly-amines; root and shoot growth; Sphagnum-Carex peat
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Should the frequency of drought increase in boreal forests due to climate change, seedlings planted in prepared peat mounds could become more susceptible to soil desiccation. The resistance of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings to drought will thus be a key factor in the regeneration success of pine-dominated, forestry-drained peatlands. In this study, we evaluated the physiological, metabolic, and morphological responses of year-old seedlings gradually exposed to extreme drought in highly decomposed Sphagnum-Carex peat blocks. Drought clearly suppressed root and shoot growth as well as fractional colonization of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Sustained declines in photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) of previous-year and current-year needles did not occur until the volumetric soil water content had dropped to 30% and 10%, respectively. Polyamine analysis revealed that new needles are preferred in protecting the different parts of the seedlings against drought stress. Despite growth losses, the maintenance of rather high photochemical efficiency in current-year needles under severe water stress would appear to indicate a potential for seedling recovery if water availability in the peat improved. Given the high tolerance exhibited by Scots pine seedlings, death by drought seems a lesser concern.
  • Pearson, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Unit, Kaironiementie 15, FI-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Saarinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Heiskanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Sarjala, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Laine, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Hanna Silvennoinen. Kasvihuonekaasujen diffuusio kuivatuskanavissa trooppisilla soilla.
English title: Diffusion GHG fluxes at tropical peatland drainage canal water surfaces.
Avainsanat: tropical peat; drainage canal; CO2; CH4; N2O; surface diffusion
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Data on greenhouse gas (GHG) exchange between water surfaces and the atmosphere above tropical peatland drainage canals are lacking in the literature. We quantified diffusion fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O between the water surface and the atmosphere for two typical reclaimed peatland sites. One site was an industrial pulp wood plantation in the Kampar Peninsula (Sumatra) and the other was an abandoned peatland area in Kalimantan (Borneo). Drainage canal fluxes were measured by using floating closed chambers during both the wet and dry seasons. Fluxes at the sites were determined across a range of conditions that were created by varying land use histories, and also by canal biotic environment and hydrological features. Gas fluxes in the canal systems were influenced by their respective surrounding peatland areas, the season, and canal management. Fluxes of all three gases were higher at the more recently reclaimed settled (undisturbed) canals of the Kampar site in comparison to the Kalimantan site. In general, the mean flux from the canals ranged from 9–16, 0.1–1.1 and 0–0.003 g m–2 d–1 for CO2, CH4 and N2O, respectively. A cumulative equivalent annual emission of these three GHGs from canals was nearly three times higher at the Kampar site (13.8 kg CO2 e m–2 y–1) than that at the Kalimantan site (4.8 kg CO2 e m–2 y–1). Mean fluxes of the three gases and the cumulative annual emission at the Kampar site were higher in the settled canals in comparison to the disturbed canals when both dry and wet season fluxes were calculated. The fluxes of CH4 and N2O especially decreased when canals had been recently cleaned (i.e. were in disturbed condition). In terms of their relative global warming potentials (GWP), CO2 was the most important of the three GHG’s both at the Kalimantan site settled canal (69% of the fluxes were attributed to CO2) and at the disturbed canals at the Kampar (82%) site, whereas CH4 dominated in settled canals at the Kampar site at 61% contribution to the total annual emission. CH4 contributed 31% to the total cumulative equivalent annual emission at the Kalimantan settled canal. N2O had only a minor role (0–2% of the cumulative fluxes) at the sites. On a unit area basis, GHG emissions from the drainage canals formed were generally higher emission sources in comparison to the surrounding peatland, and proportional contributions from the three GHG species to the total were more diverse in canals than on land.
  • Jauhiainen, Jyrki Jauhiainen, Department of Forest Sciences, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, e-mail: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Silvennoinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Teijo Palander, Timo Punttila, Arto Kariniemi. Kuormatraktorin massan hallinta kuormaimen avulla turvemaiden puunkorjuuta varten.
English title: Controlling the wheel weights of forwarders by loading and boom moving in timber harvestings on peatlands.
Original keywords: suo; ajoura; kuormain; kuormatraktori; puunkorjuu; raiteistuminen
English keywords: peatland; track; forwarder; forwarder loading; timber harvesting
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Tässä kokeellisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuormatraktorin kuormauksen ja kuormaimella keventämisen vaikutusta pyörien painon jakaumiin punnitsemalla koneet ennen koetta ja sen jälkeen. Mittaustuloksista laskettiin kuormaimen taakan vaikutuspotentiaali, joka kuvaa kuormatraktorin pyörän painon muutoksen vaihtelua, kun eripainoisia taakkoja siirretään etuviistosta takaviistoon. Kuormaimen taakan vaikutuspotentiaali oli suurin 6-pyöräisen Valmet 840S-2 kuormatraktorin etupyöriin (2–24 %). Tulosten perusteella kuormatraktorin etupyörien keventäminen on mahdollista kuormaimen avulla, jos kuormain on takaviistossa 45º kulmassa. Tässä asennossa kuormain ja taakka vähensivät (keventäminen) kuormaimen vastakkaisen puolen etupyörien painoa 0–8 %. Keventäminen vähensi takapyörien painoa 19–38 %. Kahdeksanpyöräisellä Valmet 840S-2 kuormatraktorilla ”keventäminen” lisäsi etupyörien painoa 6–9 % ja vähensi takapyörien painoa 13–32 %. Yleisen käsityksen mukaan kuormatraktori on kuormattava tasaisesti asettamalla puuntyvet vuorotellen eteenpäin ja taaksepäin, jotta kuormatraktorin kuorma olisi hyvä. Tämän kokeen tulokset osoittivat, että kuormatraktori on kuormattava tyvet taaksepäin, jos tavoitteena on vähentää etupyörillä kyntämistä. Tutkimuksen perusteella kuormaimella voi vaikuttaa kuormatraktorin massan jakautumiseen pyörille. Siksi kuormatraktorin kuljettajan tilannereaktiot ja kuormaimen käyttö voivat vähentää raiteen muodostumista sulan turvemaan ajotilanteissa.
  • Palander, Teijo Palander, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Metsätieteiden osasto, PL 111, 80101 Joensuu, email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Punttila, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Kariniemi, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Soili Kojola, Timo Penttilä. Harvennusten ajoittaminen ojitetuilla soilla — metsiköittäin vai kunnostusojituksen yhteydessä kerralla kuntoon?
English title: Timing of thinnings in drained peatland stands.
Original keywords: harvennus; kunnostusojitus; metsänhoito; ojitetut suot; simulointi
English keywords: drained peatlands; silviculture; ditch network maintenance; simulation
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Metsäkeskusten kunnostusojitushankkeiden metsikkökuvioista muodostettiin satunnaisesti yhdistäen kolme 35–50 hehtaarin suunnittelualuetta, joiden avulla tarkasteltiin ns. kerralla kuntoon -menettelyn mukaisten (toteutetaan kunnostusojituksen lisäksi kaikki tarpeelliset metsänhoitotoimet yhdellä kerralla koko suoalueelle) ja toisaalta metsänhoitosuosituksia kuvioittain mukailevien metsänkäsittelyjen tuotos- ja talousvaikutuksia. Pääasiassa karuhkoja rämeitä edustavien alueiden puustojen kehitykset simuloitiin kunnostusojituksen ajankohdasta päätehakkuuseen saakka. Erityishuomiota kiinnitettiin alueisiin sisältyvien vähäpuustoisten kuvioiden ensiharvennusten voimakkuuteen sekä harvennusten ajoittumiseen suhteessa kunnostusojitukseen. Harvennusten myöhentäminen sekä vähäpuustoisilla että muilla ns. normaalipuustoisilla kuvioilla paransi koko suunnittelualueen pitkän aikavälin taloustulosta jonkin verran, mutta vähäpuustoisten kuvioiden käsittelyajankohdan vaikutus oli selvästi suurempi. Harvennuksia myöhentämällä myös ensiharvennusten ainespuukertymä kasvoi. Jos vähäpuustoiset kuviot kuitenkin harvennettiin kunnostusojitusvaiheessa ja samaan aikaan normaalipuustoisten kuvioiden kanssa, paras tulos saavutettiin suhteellisen voimakkailla harvennuksilla. Vähäpuustoisten kuvioiden jättäminen kokonaan harventamatta johti heikoimpaan aluetason taloustulokseen. Metsänkasvatuksen pidemmän aikavälin kannattavuutta voitaisiin käytännössä parantaa rajaamalla kunnostusojitusalueen vähäpuustoiset kuviot omiksi käsittelylohkoikseen ja siirtämällä niiden harvennukset toteutettaviksi vasta alueen seuraavalla hakkuukierrolla.
  • Kojola, Soili Kojola, Metsäntutkimuslaitos, Etelä-Suomen alueyksikkö, PL 18, 01301 Vantaa, Puh./Tel. 029 532 2111, Fax: 029-532 2103, email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Penttilä, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Riitta Korhonen. Kylpyturpeen ominaisuudet ja laatusuositukset Suomessa.
English title: Characteristics and the quality guidelines of balneological peat in Finland.
Original keywords: suo; turve; kylpyturve; turvehoidot; maatuneisuus; rahkaturve; saraturve; humushapot
English keywords: peat type; peat; balneology; humification; mire; pH; fulvic acids; humic acids
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Keski-Euroopan kylpylöissä on käytetty turvetta jo yli kahdensadan vuoden ajan reuman sekä muiden tuki- ja liikuntaelinsairauksien, urologisten ja gynekologisten vaivojen ja jopa lapsettomuuden hoitoon. Hoidot on tunnettu paremmin mutakylpyjen ja mutahauteiden/naamioiden nimellä, mutta niissä käytettävä materiaali on lähes aina turvetta. Suomessa turvehoitoja alettiin käyttää ensimmäisten kylpyturvetutkimusten valmistuttua 1990-luvun alusta alkaen. Geologian tutkimuskeskuksessa on tutkittu suomalaisten kylpyturpeeksi soveltuvien turvelajien fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia ominaisuuksia vuodesta 1989 lähtien. Tutkimustulosten perusteella Suomesta löytyy runsaasti hyvälaatuista turvehoitoihin sopivaa turvetta. Tutkimustulosten ja käytön perusteella kylpyturpeelle on pyritty antamaan laatusuositukset, jotka vastaavat kansainvälisiä kylpyturpeen käytön laatuvaatimuksia kriteerejä. Hyvä kylpyturve on pitkälle maatunutta, H7 - H8 von Postin 10-asteikon mukaan, ja turve sisältää humushappoja vähintään 20 % kuivapainosta. Rikkipitoisuus on alle 0,30 % kuivapainosta ja siinä ei ole haitallisia määriä raskasmetalleja. Tässä artikkelissa esitetään tulokset 23 suolta tehdyistä kylpyturvetutkimuksista. Merkittävimmät erot rahka- ja saraturpeiden välillä havaittiin pH-arvoissa, rahkaturpeet ovat happamampia kuin saraturpeet. Myös humushappojen (2%) ja humiinien (5%) määrät olivat hieman korkeampia saraturpeilla.
  • Korhonen, Riitta Korhonen, erikoistutkija emerita, Tilanhoitajankaari 22 C 55, 00790 Helsinki, e-mail: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Markku Saarinen, Timo Silver. Pääravinnesuhteet ja kaliumin riittävyys karujen rämeiden ojitusalueilla.
English title: Macronutrient ratios and sufficiency of soil potassium in drained nutrient-poor Scots pine peatlands.
Original keywords: turvemaa; ravinnepuutos; kuivatus; pääravinne; kaliumin riittävyys
English keywords: Drainage; peatland; macronutrient; nutrient deficiency; potassium sufficiency
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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää turpeen ja nykypuuston kaliumvarojen määrä sekä arvioida kaliumvarojen riittävyys puuston kasvulle päätehakkuuvaiheessa ja toisen puusukupolven aikana vanhoilla varputurvekankaan (Vatkg) ojitusalueilla Lounais-Suomessa. Tarkoituksena oli arvioida, voiko osalla karuista varputurvekankaista kalium loppua jo ennen päätehakkuuvaihetta tai viimeistään toisen puusukupolven aikana. Puustoon oli mittaushetkellä sitoutunut kaliumia keskimäärin 62 % (23–106 %) turpeen kaliumvarastoon verrattuna. Jos kiertoajan kokonaistuotokseksi arvioidaan 200 m3 ha–1, eikä turpeen tiivistymisen tai laskeuman mahdollista vaikutusta kaliummäärien muutoksiin huomioida, oli pintaturpeessa keskimäärin 67 % (34–96 %) siitä kaliummäärästä, jonka puusto tarvitsee tuon kokonaistuotoksen maanpäällisen biomassan saavuttamiseksi. Kaliumin riittävyys nykypuuston koko kiertoajalle sekä seuraavan puusukupolven tarpeisiin riippuu paljolti siitä, pystyvätkö ilmasta tuleva kalium ja turpeen tiivistyessä konsentroituva kalium kompensoimaan hakkuun ja huuhtoutumisen aiheuttamat menetykset. Tarkastelu osoittaa, että myös karuilla rämeillä käytettävissä olevan kaliumin määrä saattaa rajoittaa puuston kehitystä. Vähiten kaliumia sisältävien turpeiden kasvupaikoilla ongelmia voi ilmetä jo ensiharvennuksen jälkeen, eikä kalium ehkä riitä edes tavoiteltuun 200 m3 ha–1 kokonaistuotokseen. Kaliumin riittävyyden ongelma lienee pahin niillä varputurvekankailla, jotka ovat lähtöisin runsaasti nevapintaa sisältäneistä lyhytkorsirämeistä (LkR).
  • Saarinen, Markku Saarinen, Metsäntutkimuslaitos, Länsi-Suomen alueyksikkö, Kaironiementie 15, FI-39700 Parkano, email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Silver, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Florence Renou-Wilson, Minna Pöllänen, Kenneth Byrne, David Wilson, Edward Farrell. Koivun soveltuvuus suonpohjien metsittämisessä Irlannissa.
English title: The potential of birch afforestation as an after-use option for industrial cutaway peatlands.
Avainsanat: fertilization; Biomass; natural regeneration; downy birch; cutaway peatlands; sowing; shelter
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In the next few decades, industrial peat extraction will cease gradually over more than 80,000 hectares of cutaway peatlands in Ireland and alternative land uses will change the landscape of these areas. This study showed that substantial natural regeneration of downy birch (Betula pubescens) can occur on abandoned as well as cutaway peatlands afforested with conifers. Natural seedling birch stands measured in this study had an estimated biomass production of between 3100 and 5800 kg dry matter ha–1 year–1. This corresponded to an annual carbon stock increment estimated at between 1500 and 2900 kg C ha–1. Direct sowing experiments conducted in this study were the first of their kind in Ireland and showed that sowing downy birch and fertilization with P and K could be a possible management option for the after-use of cutaway peatlands. Exposure was the main obstacle to successful germination and artificial shelter led to higher rates of germination and survival of birch seedlings after the first winter. It can be concluded that birch (naturally or artificially established) can be a feature of this future landscape, bringing many attributes: nurse species, biomass, increased woodland cover and biodiversity.
  • Renou-Wilson, F. Renou-Wilson, School of Biology and Environmental Science, Agriculture and Food Centre, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4. Tel: +353 17167725; Fax: +353 17161102; email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Pöllänen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Byrne, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Wilson, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Farrell, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jenni Miettunen. Riekon (Lagopus lagopus) talviravinnon käyttö ja valinta Suomen eteläisissä populaatioissa.
English title: Winter food use and selection of willow grouse (Lagopus lagopus) in southern Finland.
Original keywords: suot; metsäkanalinnut; ravintokäyttäytyminen; pajut; ympäristön muutos
English keywords: peatlands; mires; gallinaceous birds; willows; environmental change
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Riekkokannat Suomen eteläisissä osissa ovat heikentyneet merkittävästi viime vuosikymmenten aikana. Yhtenä keskeisenä tekijänä tälle on esitetty predaation ja metsästyspaineen ohella varsinkin avosoiden kuivattamista ja metsittymistä, jotka ovat muuttaneet riekkojen elinympäristöjä. Yhtenä syynä riekon vähenemiselle voi olla ravinnon määrän, laadun ja saatavuuden pieneneminen. Suurin osa aiemmista riekkojen ravinnonkäytön ja -valinnan tutkimuksista on tehty Lapissa kupujen sisältöjen perusteella, mutta tietoa eteläisen Suomen riekkojen ravintokäyttäytymisestä on hyvin vähän. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin riekkojen talviravinnon käyttöä ja valintaa Itä-Suomessa Ilomantsissa ja Joensuun Uimaharjussa. Näillä alueilla elää vielä pieniä riekkopopulaatioita. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin riekkojen kokonaisravinnonkäyttöä syönnösjälkiä laskemalla. Riekkojen suhteellista ravinnonkäyttöä selvitettiin laskemalla lumijälkiä eri kasvilajien tuntumasta sekä kartoittamalla kasvillisuutta kahdessa eri mittakaavassa. Valintakokeessa riekoille tarjottiin kuutta eri pajulajia sekä hieskoivua. Riekkojen käyttämä ravinto koostui kiiltopajusta (Salix phylicifolia), pohjanpajusta (S. lapponum) ja tuhkapajusta (S. cinerea). Mustuvapajua (S. myrsinifolia) riekot söivät mielellään silloin, kun sitä oli tarjolla. Hieskoivua (Betula pubescens) riekot käyttivät ravintonaan vain vähän. Suhteessa tarjolla olevan ravinnon määrään vaivaiskoivu (Betula nana), mustuvapaju, halava (S. pentandra) ja pohjanpaju olivat halutumpia kuin kiiltopaju, mutta kiiltopaju saattaa kasvutapansa vuoksi tarjota riekoille helpommin saatavaa ravintoa. Valintakokeen mukaan riekot ovat pajulajien suhteen generalisteja. Valintakokeessa olivat mukana pohjanpaju, tuhkapaju, kiiltopaju, mustuvapaju, halava, virpapaju (S. aurita) ja hieskoivu. Virpapajua ja hieskoivua syötiin vähemmän kuin muita mukana olleita kasvilajeja. Valintakokeessa vuosikasvujen kärjet olivat suositumpaa ravintoa kuin silmut. Riekkoja olisi mahdollista ruokkia talven yli, sillä ne oppivat testilajien paikat ja palasivat samoille paikoille syömään uudet testiasetelmat. Riekot tarvitsevat vuoden aikana useita erilaisia elinympäristöjä, jotka ovat riittävän lähellä toisiaan. Eteläiset riekkopopulaatiot tarvitsevat selviytyäkseen sekä avosoita, kangasmetsiä että pajua tarjoavia talvielinympäristöjä. Tulosten perusteella talviravintoa esiintyi tutkimusalueilla riittävästi, eivätkä ravinnon määrä, laatu tai saatavuus rajoittanut riekkojen elinmahdollisuuksia.
  • Miettunen, Jenni Miettunen, Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Luonnontieteiden ja metsätieteiden tiedekunta, biologian laitos, PL 111, 80101 Joensuu, email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Anna M. Laine, Kenneth A. Byrne, Gerard Kiely, Eeva-Stiina Tuittila. Vedenpinnan muutoksen lyhytaikaiset vaikutukset hiilidioksidi- ja metaanipäästöihin peittosuolla.
English title: The short-term effect of altered water level on carbon dioxide and methane fluxes in a blanket bog.
Avainsanat: Sphagnum; Drainage; peatland; methane; flooding; ecohydrology; photosynthesis; respiration; Racomitrium; Rhynchospora alba
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Peatlands play an important role in the global carbon (C) cycle, by acting as a large, long-term C sink. The C sink is sustained by a high water level that inhibits decomposition of organic matter. The C gas dynamics are therefore sensitive to changes in water level, and in climatically different years a peatland can vary from a sink to a source of C. We measured carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from vegetation communities ranging from hummocks to low lawns in a blanket bog. After a one-year calibration period the water level was both lowered and raised experimentally and the changes in vegetation composition and gas fluxes were monitored during a further year. In all vegetation communities the water level drawdown increased the respiration rate and decreased methane emission; rising water level decreased respiration and increased methane emissions. The effect of altered water level on photosynthesis depended on species composition. Water level drawdown decreased photosynthesis in most communities; rising water level decreased the photosynthesis of hummocks species, and increased the photosynthesis of Rhynchospora alba.
  • Laine, Anna M. Laine, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, P.O. Box 3000, 90014 University of Oulu, telephone: +358 8 5531521, email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Byrne, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Kiely, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Tuittila, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Sakari Rehell, Raimo Heikkilä. Aapasoiden nuoret sukkessiovaiheet Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maankohoamisrannikolla.
English title: Young successional stages of aapa mires on the land uplift coast of northern Ostrobothnia, Finland.
Original keywords: Aapasuo; soiden ekohydrologia; soiden sukkessio; soiden kehitysvaiheet; soiden kasvillisuusgradientit; kronosekvenssi; maankohoamisrannikot
English keywords: peatland; aapa mire; ecohydrology; successional stages; vegetation gradients; chronosequence; land uplift coast
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Maankohoamisesta johtuvan rannansiirtymisen tuloksena on Perämeren rannikolle syntynyt aapasoiden nuorista kehitysvaiheista koostuvia sukkessiosarjoja. Ne ovat ekologisesti ja tieteellisesti arvokkaita ekosysteemejä, jotka ovat ainutlaatuisia maailmassa. Näiden soiden ekologiaa ja nykyistä tilaa on kuitenkin tutkittu verrattain vähän. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa aapasoiden nuorten kehitysvaiheiden suojeluarvon ja niiden säilymiseen liittyvien uhkien arviointiin ja selvittää soistumiseen liittyviä syitä sekä kasvillisuuden ekologisten vaihtelusuuntien ilmenemistä hydrologialtaan erilaisissa osissa suoaltaita. Tässä tutkimuksessa esitetään tuloksia nuorten (alle 2000 vuotta), luonnontilaisten aapasoiden määrän arvioinnista ja niiden kasvillisuuskartoituksesta kahdelta laajimmalta yhtenäiseltä aapasoiden sukkessiosarja-alueelta Perämeren rannikolla. Alueista toisen maaperä on moreenivaltainen ja toisen hiekkavaltainen. Tulokset osoittivat, että aapasoiden kehitysvaiheissa on suuri osa lettomaisia ja keskiravinteisia nevoja ja vain hyvin rajallinen määrä rahkasammalten kasvusta eroaa rämeiden sukkession alkuvaiheiden kehityksestä. Aapasoiden sukkessiosarjat ulottuvat koko valuma-alueen soistumiseltaan useiden satojen hehtaarein alueelle. Hydrologialtaan erilaiset valuma-alueen osat kehittyvät yhdessä muodostaen yhden kokonaisuuden. Vedenjakajien tuntumassa primääristä soistumista ilmenee pienien painanteiden ja lampien soistumisena, missä rahkasammalten kasvu painanteiden yli on hyvin nopeaa. Valuma-alueen alajuoksun osissa primääristä soistumista tapahtuu laajoilla märillä luhdilla, jossa veden virtaus on voimakasta. Myöhempi suon kehitys, jossa tapahtuu mm. ympäröivien kangasmetsien soistumista näyttää johtavan aapasuokompleksin muodostumiseen, jossa reunaosat ovat rahkasammalen vallitsemia ja keskusosat rimpipintaisia. Tulokset osoittavat, että nuorten aapasoiden suojelussa olisi olennaista kiinnittää huomiota soistuvien valuma-alueiden hydrologian säilyttämiseen. Valitettavasti hyvin harvat tällaisista valuma-alueista ovat enää nykyisin luonnontilaisia.
  • Rehell, Sakari Rehell, Metsähallitus, luontopalvelut, PL 81, FI-90101, Oulu, Finland. e-mail: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Heikkilä, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Klaus Silfverberg, Mikko Moilanen. PK-lannoituksen vaikutus männyn ravinnetilaan Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ojitusalueilla.
English title: Long-term nutrient status of PK fertilized Scots pine stands on drained peatlands in North-Central Finland.
Avainsanat: fertilization; peatland; site type; needle analysis; nutrient deficiencies
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The low availability of usable phosphorus (P), as well as the scarcity of potassium (K), are often limiting tree growth on peatlands. Approximately one third of the 5.5 million ha of peatlands drained for forestry in Finland has been fertilized during the last 50 years. The aim of this study was to determine the long-term effect of PK fertilization on the nutrient status of Scots pine on different site types of drained peatlands. Changes in nutrient concentrations (N, P, K) and dry mass of current needles was used for examining the effect of fertilization. The material included 82 fertilization experimental stands comprising a total of 892 needle samples; 434 from PK-fertilized and 458 from unfertilized control stands. The needles were collected and analyzed between 1980 and 2002. Depending on the experiment, a time period of 1–35 years had elapsed between fertilization and needle sampling. More than half (54%) of the control stands had P concentration below the defi ciency limit 1.3 mg g–1, and correspondingly, 48% had K concentration below 4.0 mg g–1. Fertilization increased considerably the needle dry mass and foliar P and K concentration raised above the deficiency limits. The lower the concentrations of foliar P and K and the higher the concentration of N were in control trees, the more pronounced the effect of PK fertilization was. Compared to control, the needle P concentration was still noticeably higher on the fertilized stands after 21–35 years of the fertilization. However, K concentration had decreased and was at the same level as in the control trees. The effect of fertilization was strongest on sites which had been treeless or sparsely forested before drainage and which had severe nutrient shortages or imbalances. The response to fertilization was very similar regardless of the temperature sum of the year the needles first appeared. The results of this study show that the P status of Scots pine could be improved for over 30 years with single fertilization. On the other hand, ensuring the K status will require 1–2 refertilization treatments during the rotation period.
  • Silfverberg, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Unit, P.O. Box 18, FI-01301 Vantaa Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Markku Mäkilä, Tomasz Goslar. Etelä- ja keskiboreaalisten soiden pintakerroksen hiilidynamiikka.
English title: The carbon dynamics of surface peat layers in southern and central boreal mires of Finland and Russian Karelia.
Avainsanat: Finland; peatland; Acrotelm; peat accumulation; carbon pool; turnover
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The carbon pool of surface layers (up to 500 years old) in 73 boreal mires was investigated in order to assess its significance in the carbon cycle. Peat columns were collected from mires of varying depth, age and degree of natural state in the aapa mire and raised bog regions and coastal mires of southern and central Finland and Russian Karelia. The quantities of carbon sequestered during recent centuries and over the entire lifetimes of the mires were determined using a total of 367 dates (186 14C AMS and 181 conventional dates) and age-depth models derived from bulk density measurements. Particular attention was paid to accumulation over the last 100 and 300 years, as these periods encompass the best estimates of the acrotelm age across the range of sites investigated. The average carbon pool of layers younger than 300 years was determined as 101 ± 8 tonnes ha-1 in the aapa mire region, 115 ± 9 tonnes ha-1 in the raised bog region and 184 ± 20 tonnes ha-1 in coastal mires. Overall, the mean carbon pool of layers younger than 300 years was calculated to be 121 ± 7 tonnes ha-1 (range 44–259 tonnes ha-1) and of layers younger than 100 years 63 ± 4 tonnes ha-1 (range 17–141 tonnes ha-1). The size and dynamics of the carbon pool represented by these surface layers depends upon the mire site type, vegetation and natural state; variations reflect differences in plant communities as well as factors that affect biomass production and decay rates. The high carbon accumulation in surface layers is temporary and mainly related to the development of the mire. The surface layers are still undergoing a rapid carbon cycle. A relatively rapid accumulation and turnover of carbon is taking place in surface layers (<300 years) in the same way as in a growing forest. Therefore, this "pre-peat" in the surface layers of mires should be distinguished as a separate class from the peat underneath. Our results indicate how important it is to understand the carbon accumulation rates of surface layers and the long-term dynamics of mire carbon accumulation in order to set the current flux estimates in perspective.
  • Mäkilä, Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box, 96, 02151 Espoo, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Goslar, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jyrki Hytönen, Mikko Moilanen, Klaus Silfverberg. Kivennäismaalisäyksen vaikutus turpeen ravinnemääriin ja männyn ravinnetalouteen metsäojitetuilla soilla.
English title: Long term effects of mineral soil addition on the nutrient amounts of peat and on the nutrient status of Scots pine on drained mires.
Original keywords: lannoitus; turvemaa; ravinteet; kivennäismaa
English keywords: peatland; mineral soil; foliar analysis; nutrients; Fertilisation
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Six field experiments on the use of mineral soil for amelioration of pine-dominated peatland forests were established in the 1920’s and 1930’s on drained mires in southern and central Finland. The treatments consisted of varying amounts of different textured mineral soil added on top of peatland. Soil samples were taken 52–74 years after the mineral soil application in 10 cm layers, up to 40 or 50 cm depth. The samples were analysed for pH, ash content, bulk density and nutrient concentrations. In two of the experiments, foliar samples of Scots pine were analyzed 66 and 77 years after the mineral soil application, and in one experiment, tree growth was measured for the period of 31–60 years after the application. The mineral soil had a long term effect on the physical and chemical properties of the top peat layer. Ash content and bulk density of the peat increased along with increasing application amounts, as did soil total P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Fe and B. The changes caused by the mineral soil were mostly restricted to the top 30 cm layer. The higher the soil fine fraction was, so was the increase in peat total P, K, Ca and Mg amounts. The addition of mineral soil increased tree growth and improved nutrient deficiencies (P, K) of Scots pine on one experiment, but decreased the B concentrations near the deficiency level.
  • Hytönen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Unit, P.O. Box 44, FI-69101 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Silfverberg, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Timo Korkalainen, Pekka Pietiläinen, Alfred Colpaert. Pinus sylvestris L. stands in three fertilized and drained peatlands in northern Finland.
English title: The effect of total peat nitrogen on the height and volume of Scots pine.
Avainsanat: Drainage; Scots pine; stand volume; peat nitrogen; foliar nutrient; stand height
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The total peat nitrogen (N) concentration is an important factor when determining stand heights and volumes in areas of poor climate conditions. This study explores the effect of peat nitrogen on the height and volume of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands in drained peatland sites in three temperature sum regions (Susivaara 909, Hepokangas 930, and Haapua 987 dd) in northern Finland. The peat nitrogen concentration ranged from 0.7% to 3.0%. In all experimental fields, the concentrations of foliar nutrients (nitrogen (N), potassium (K), phosphorus (P), and boron (B)) were analyzed. A total of 550 peat samples, 440 foliar samples, and 1687 sample trees were measured. We found nitrogen deficiencies in the foliar samples of all experimental fields. At Haapua, the stands were the highest, about 140 dm, when the peat N-concentration was at its maximum (3.0%). In the areas of Susivaara and Hepokangas, the stand heights were lower than in Haapua, about 90 dm, when N-concentrations of peat were at their maximum (2.5% and 2.8%). The stand volumes were largest at Haapua (about 190 m3/ha, N = 3.0%). At Susivaara (80 m3/ha, N = 2.5%) and Hepokangas (70 m3/ha, N = 2.8%), lower stand volumes were measured. We found a strong positive relationship between peat N-concentration and stand height as well as stand volume at Hepokangas and Haapua. At Susivaara, however, this relationship was weak. The results show that the total peat nitrogen concentration strongly affects stand height and volume on drained peatlands. The information of this study can be utilized, for example, when assessing the feasibility of forest management practices, such as the profitability of ditch network maintenance and fertilizations on peatlands.
  • Korkalainen, University of Joensuu, Department of Geography, P.O. Box 111, 80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Pietiläinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Colpaert, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
David Swanson. Suon pienmuotojen, veden saatavuuden ja turpeen kertymisen vuorovaikutus pohjoisilla luonnontilaisilla soilla.
English title: Interaction of mire microtopography, water supply, and peat accumulation in boreal mires.
Avainsanat: hydrology; microtopography; mire patterning; peat accumulation
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Studies of mire hydrology and carbon accumulation have shown 1) an exponential increase in the rate of horizontal water movement with increasing height of the water table, and 2) a curvilinear relationship between the water table elevation and carbon accumulation rate, with a single maximum. Equations for these relationships suggest that optimal carbon accumulation will occur where the water table is at moderate depth and the surface has little microtopography. Wet conditions tend to enhance microtopographic relief by differential peat accumulation, while dry conditions tend to reduce relief. For mires with abundant dry microsites, increasing the water supply typically increases the rate of carbon accumulation, but this effect could be transient because microtopographic relief may also increase and have a negative effect on carbon accumulation. The runoff-inhibiting nature of ridge and hollow patterns makes patterned mires especially vulnerable to loss of carbon fixation ability with increasing wetness. While dry periods often cause peat loss in the short term, over the long term their effect may be positive because they hinder the formation of strong microtopography. This helps explain why high peat accumulation rates and some of the world’s most extensive peatlands occur in continental regions with a marginally adequate moisture supply.
  • Swanson, USDA Forest Service, PO Box 907, Baker City, OR 97814 USA Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Jarmo Laitinen, Sakari Rehell, Antti Huttunen, Teemu Tahvanainen. Suomen suosysteemit - erityistarkastelussa aapasuot ja niiden vedenvirtauskuviointi.
English title: Mire systems in Finland - special view to aapa mires and their water-flow pattern.
Avainsanat: mire classification; raised bog; aapa mire; groundwater; mire hydrology; aerial photograph interpretation; peatland morphology; slope fen
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An attempt is made in this paper to create two consistent mire typologies, i.e. 1) the Combined Finnish Mire Typology covering all possible mire areas in Finland and 2) the Mire Water Flow Typology for boreal, zonal mire systems, i.e. aapa mires and raised bogs. Furthermore, larger groundwater recharge-discharge patterns concerning mires and the biological significance of morphologic and hydrologic mire classifications are discussed. Zonal mire systems from raised bogs to aapa mires are described as a dominance-based continuum. Local mire systems are subdivided according to factors that impede the formation of mire massifs, which are the essential morphological units of zonal mire systems. Smaller-scale mire units for aapa mires and the acrotelmic flow pattern are presented on the basis of a typical mid-boreal aapa mire system with a raised bog, based on the aerial photograph interpretation. The discussion of the groundwater recharge-discharge pattern and the biological significance of morphologic and hydrologic mire classifications is based on literature.
  • Laitinen, University of Oulu, Department of Biology, Botany, P.O.Box 3000, FI-90014, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Rehell, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Huttunen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Tahvanainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Florence Renou, Tom Egan, David Wilson. Tutkimuksia suonpohjien jälkikäyttömahdollisuuksista Irlannissa.
English title: Tomorrow's landscapes: studies in the after-uses of industrial cutaway peatland in Ireland.
Avainsanat: agriculture; Biomass; restoration; cutaway peatlands; forestry; wetland creation
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With the cessation of industrial peat harvesting, there is an opportunity to create new landscapes that can confer both socio-economic and ecological benefits. This paper reviews over 50 years of study in the after-use potential of industrial cutaway peatlands in Ireland. The options for after-use are determined to a large extent by the residual peat type, hydrological constraints, geographic location and economic considerations. Over the years, the main areas of investigation have included commercially driven options such as agriculture, forestry, and biomass production, as well as the more ecological and environmental options such as dryland recolonisation and wetland creation/restoration. In that time, the emphasis has continually changed as new research has emerged, in turn directing and shaping decision-making. By 2050, around 80000 ha of harvested peatlands will have become available for other uses. As such, a coherent post-harvesting strategy, underpinned by previous and future research, is essential in order to maximise the potential of these new ecosystems.
  • Renou, School of Biology and Environmental Science, Agriculture and Food Science Centre, University College Dubline, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Egan, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Wilson, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
James Curry, Olaf Schmidt. Lieropopulaatioiden pitkäaikainen muodostuminen suonpohjien nurmiviljelyksillä Irlannissa.
English title: Long-term establishment of earthworm populations in grassland on reclaimed industrial cutaway peatland in Ireland.
Avainsanat: colonization; earthworms; Lumbricidae; reclaimed peat soils
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Earthworm populations in reclaimed cutaway peatland soils in central Ireland were sampled 20-30 years after reclamation and establishment of grass-clover leys following industrial peat mining. Nine earthworm species in total were present, with 4-7 species per field in the six fields sampled. Population densities were 130-506 individuals m-2, and biomass ranged from 80 to 279 g m-2. Thus, under favourable conditions reclaimed cutaway peat soils can support earthworm populations comparable in density and biomass to those typical of the most fertile mineral soils. However, species richness tended to be lower than in comparable grasslands on mineral soils, and reclaimed peat appears to be unfavourable for larger deep-burrowing species such as Lumbricus friendi and Lumbricus terrestris.
  • Curry, UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Schmidt, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Richard Payne, Aoibheann Kilfeather, Jaap van, Jeffrey Blackford. Turvekerroksen ajoittaminen vulkaanisen tuhkan avulla.
English title: Experiments on the taphonomy of tephra in peat.
Avainsanat: peatland; tephra; taphonomy; Achnacree
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Understanding the taphonomy of tephra (volcanic ash) is crucial to the use of tephrochronology in peatlands. This study uses field experiments on a Scottish peatland to investigate the post-depositional movement of tephra in peat. Experiments were designed to investigate the temporal change in tephra profiles over a 24-month study period, the horizontal distribution of tephra and the microscopic distribution of tephra particles within the peat. Tephra concentration profiles show that the majority of tephra shards are retained within the top cm of peat with small numbers penetrating to a maximum of 6 cm depth. This distribution would be reduced as the peat is compressed with subsequent accumulation. Examination of thin sections from the plots indicates that tephra movement may be dependent on the microscopic structure of the peat, especially porosity. These results provide general support to the use of tephrochronology although further work will be required, particularly in other peat types and environments.
  • Payne, Department of Geography, Queen May, University of London, Mile End Road, London E1 4NS United Kingdom Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kilfeather, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • van, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Blackford, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Mikko Moilanen, Pekka Pietiläinen, Jorma Issakainen. Pinus sylvestris L. on drained peatlands.
English title: Long-term effects of apatite and biotite on the nutrient and stand growth of Scots pine.
Avainsanat: phosphorus; potassium; nutrient status; Fertilisation; nutrient deficiency; drained peatland; potassium chloride; rock phosphate
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Phosphorus and potassium deficiencies are common in Scots pine stands growing on drained peatlands. In this study, the foliar nutrient concentrations and stand growth were monitored after the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilisers of different solubility in four experiments on thick-peated drained peatlands in northern central Finland. The studied stands involved three fertilisation treatments: (i) unfertilised control, (ii) rock phosphate and potassium chloride, and (iii) apatite and biotite. The growth of stands was monitored 20–25 years after the fertilisation. Needles were sampled four times: 4–9, 11–14, 16–19 and 21–24 years after the fertilisation. According to foliar analyses, the trees on the control plots suffered from severe phosphorus and potassium deficiencies. Rock phosphate and apatite fertilisation increased the foliar phosphorus concentrations above the deficiency limit, and the effect was still noticeable 21–24 years after the application. Both potassium sources, that is, the slowly soluble biotite and the water-soluble potassium chloride increased the foliar potassium concentration to an adequate level. Potassium chloride increased the concentrations faster and stronger than biotite during the first years (4–9) after the applications. The situation was reversed when 11–14 years or more had passed from the fertilisation: the biotite fertilised stands had higher potassium concentrations. The fertilisation treatments decreased the foliar nitrogen, zinc, manganese, copper and boron concentrations. The fertiliser applications increased the stand volume growth considerably. Raw phosphate and potassium chloride increased the volume growth significantly already during the first five-year period. The effect of the apatite and biotite treatment was weaker during the first 10 years, but became stronger with time. During the period 19–24 years after the fertilisation, the stand growth on the biotite plots was equal to that of the plots fertilised with potassium chloride. However, during the whole study period the differences between the treatments remained insignificant. The results showed that slowly soluble apatite and biotite are suitable sources of phosphorus and potassium for pines on drained peatlands. However, to avoid boron deficiency, also boron should be added simultaneously.
  • Moilanen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Muhos Research Station, Kirkkosaarentie 7, FIN-91500 Muhos, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Pietiläinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Issakainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Pekka Pietiläinen, Mikko Moilanen, Heikki Vesala. Pinus sylvestris L. on drained peatland after potassium fertilisation.
English title: Nutrient status and growth of Scots pine.
Avainsanat: drained peatlands; needle analysis; Pinus sylvestris; Fertilisation; nutrient deficiency; growth increment; nutrient concentration; potassium chloride
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The effects of potassium (K) fertilisation on the nutrient status and growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands on drained peatlands were studied on three field experiments in northern central Finland. The Scots pine stands were at a sapling or pole stage with a dominant height of 3–8 m when the experiments were set up. The stands differed from each other in their nutritional status, for example, the foliar K concentration varied considerably between the experiments. The experiments were fertilised with potassium chloride, rock phosphate (P 42kg ha-1) and urea (N 46kg ha-1) between 1979 and 1980. The potassium doses in terms of elemental K, were 50, 100, 200 and 400kg ha-1. The foliar samples were taken three times during the study period: 7–9 years, 14–15 years and 19–20 years after fertilisation. The stand measurements were done 19–22 years after the fertilisation. The rate and magnitude of stand response due to fertilisation depended essentially on the nutritional status of the trees. The strongest effect of PK-fertilisation was obtained on a nitrogen-rich peatland, where the stands suffered from severe phosphorus and potassium deficiencies (foliar P concentration < 1.2 mg g-1, K concentration < 3.5 mg g-1). During the study period, the annual stand volume growth on fertilised plots ranged from 3.9 to 5.4 m3 ha-1 a-1, and that of the unfertilised plots was 0.78 m3 ha-1 a-1. In other sites, where the lack of phosphorus and potassium was not so drastic, nor did the trees suffer from shortage of nitrogen, the effect of PK-treatment on tree growth was weak or almost non-existent. The foliar K concentrations rose with the amount of potassium chloride applied. The fertilisation effect of the dose of 100kg K ha-1 lasted 15–20 years, after which the foliar K concentration dropped close to the deficiency limit. The effect of the larger doses (200–400kg K ha-1) on the needle K concentration was more pronounced and still visible at the end of the study period. However, the stand growth responses gained with larger potassium applications were not essentially greater than those with the 100 kg ha-1 dose.
  • Pietiläinen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Muhos Research Station, Kirkkosaarentie 7, FIN-91500 Muhos, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Vesala, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Sylvain Jutras, André Plamondon. Vedenpinnan nousu avohakkuun jälkeen ojitetulla puustoisella suolla.
English title: Water table rise after harvesting in treed fen previously drained for forestry.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; water table level; forested peatland; black spruce
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Water table measurements were obtained in a treed fen that was drained in 1987 and harvested for timber in 1997. The water table level was quantified at five different distances from the ditch for three ditch spacing. Water table levels were compared between pre-drainage, post-drainage and post-removal of the canopy. The phenomenon of watering-up after clear-cutting did not occur where a drawdown of at least 10 cm was caused by the drainage. This lowering was observed across the 20 m ditch spacing and within the first 6 m from the ditch, in the 40 and the 60 m spacing. The water table fluctuations were also reduced after harvesting.
  • Jutras, Forest Biology Research Centre, Université Laval, Sainte-Foy, QC G1K7P4 Canada Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Plamondon, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Päivi Picken. Suonpohjien turpeen alaisen mineraalimaan ominaisuudet eri geologisilla alueilla.
English title: The characteristics of mineral subsoils of Finnish cut-away peatlands related to different geological areas.
Avainsanat: cut-away peatlands; after-use; mineral subsoil; geochemical province; Litorina zone
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In Finland, the whole peat layer of a peat production area is used due to the value of the basal peat as energy peat. In this situation the properties of the mineral subsoil below the peat layer are significant when choosing the form of after-use. The geochemical provinces are based on the chemical features of the fine material in till, related to differences found in the bedrock, defined by Geological Survey of Finland. The study of peat production areas (1998-1999, covering 9800 ha) shows that the characteristics of the provinces affects the subsoil sediments. In Lake Ladoga–Bothnian Bay zone subsoils were rich in sulphur and iron. The amount of water soluble sulphur was 3-6 times higher than that in the Granitoid area of Central Finland and the Archaean gneiss areas (calculated as mg kg-1). Below the highest shoreline of the ancient Litorina Sea the average content of the water soluble sulphur in subsoil sediments was ca. seven fold compared to the content found above the highest shoreline, (calculated as mg kg-1). There was also a difference in soil acidity between these areas. Nutrient content varied between sediments, which have the same fine material percentage. In the Lake Ladoga–Bothnian Bay geological zone and in the zones of Svecocarelian schists and gneisses, natural nutrient levels are high when compared to the Granitoid areas.
  • Picken, Kekkilä Oyj, P.O. Box 67, 04300 Tuusula, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Jarmo Laitinen, Sakari Rehell, Antti Huttunen, Seppo Eurola. Arokosteikot: ekologia, esiintyminen ja suojelutilanne Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla ja Kainuussa.
English title: Aro wetlands: ecology, occurrence and conservation in north-central Finland.
Avainsanat: Nature conservation; aapa mire; ecological gradient; Finnish mire site type system; groundwater; mire complex; peatland morpology; seasonal drought; wetland classification
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The present paper introduces and describes a poorly known wetland type – aro wetland – in well permeable mineral soil substratum in Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu (between 64° – 66° N lat.). Field observations (linked with the interpretation of aerial photographs) were made in 32 localities, whose conservation status is presented. We define boreal aro wetlands ecologically as a seasonal wetland type of their own which occur on well-drained mineral soil, which are mainly characterised by treeless, mire expanse fen vegetation and in which the peat accumulation is (almost) totally hampered by the vigorous decomposition of the organic matter resulting from an extremely unstable water regime (flood and seasonal drought) and small plant production. Aro wetlands in the western part of the study area occur on sandy substratum (the largest in parts of mire complexes split by ancient raised beach ridges), whereas in the eastern part the aro wetlands known so far are small pond-like depressions in till substratum. Carex lasiocarpa (mostly) dominates the vegetation on sandy substratum. Juncus filiformis and Carex nigra are typical, and Rhynchospora fusca and Molinia caerulea a bit rarer. Sphagnum cover is usually minimal. Considering aro wetlands an extreme case of suo (mire) makes the stability of water regime (stable – unstable) a direction of variation in the traditional Finnish mire site type system, which is based on several ecological gradients.
  • Laitinen, University of Oulu, Department of Biology, Botany, P.O.Box 3000, FI-90014, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Rehell, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Huttunen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Eurola, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Merja Myllys, Marko Sinkkonen. Viljeltyjen turve- ja multamaiden pinta-ala ja alueellinen jakauma Suomessa.
English title: The area and distribution of cultivated organic soils in Finland.
Avainsanat: peatland; soil; organic soil; mire cultivation; arable area
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The area of cultivated organic soils, and their distribution in Finland were estimated. The estimation was based on the soil classification data collected by three authorised soil testing laboratories, and the statistics of the arable land area. The data was collected in a five year period (1998-2002). During this period, over 90% of farms received environmental EU supplement and had their soils analysed. Therefore, the reliability of the estimation was now better than it used to be before Finland joined the European Union. In the Finnish soil classification system, organic soils are divided into two classes depending on their organic matter content. The area of organic soils with the organic matter content of ≥40% (m/m) (i.e. peat) was 85000 ha, i.e. 3.8% of the arable area. The area of organic soils with the organic matter content of 20-39.9% (m/m) and often with a mineral subsoil, was 214 000 ha i.e. 9.7% of the arable area. Altogether, the area of these soils was 300 000 ha i.e. 13.6% of the total arable area in Finland.
  • Myllys, Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus MTT, Maaperä ja ympäristö 31600 Jokioinen Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Sinkkonen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Marja-Leena Päätalo, Anu Hilli, Mikko Moilanen, Eila Tillman-Sutela. Koivuverhopuuston tiheyden ja kuusialikasvoksen pituuden tasauksen vaikutus taimikon pituuskasvuun ojitusalueella.
English title: Impact of birch crop density and heigth equalization of Norway spruce understorey on spruce seedlings' height growth on a drained peatland.
Avainsanat: Betula pubescens; Picea abies; drained peatland; height equalization; height growth; natural seedlings; nurse crop density; understorey
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A viable understorey of Norway spruce often develops under a nurse crop on nutrientrich peatlands drained for forestry. The impact of birch nurse crop density and height equalization of the Norway spruce understorey on the height growth of spruce seedlings was studied on three sites: on a transforming herbrich spruce swamp, an abandoned peat field and a mixed peat/mineral soil field. The nurse crop was managed in 1990: 1) no thinning, 4000 stems ha-1, 2) thinning to 1000 stems ha-1. 3) thinning to 500 stems ha-1, or 4) removal of the nurse crop. In addition, the spruce seedlings over 1 m in height were removed from randomized halves of each plot. The unmanaged nurse crop reduced the growth of the understorey the most on all the sites. On the other hand, the spruce seedlings grew the best on the plots where the nurse crop had been removed. Due to height equalization the growth of the spruce understorey first slowed down, but towards the end of the study period the height growth of the equalized and non-equalized spruce understoreys were almost the same.
  • Päätalo, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Muhos Research Station, Kirkkosaarentie 7, FIN-91500 Muhos, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Hilli, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Tillman-Sutela, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Sakari Sarkkola, Juhani Päivänen. Mustakuusen ja männyn istutustaimikon kehitys karulla ojitetulla suolla.
English title: Development of planted black spruce and Scots pine on an oligotrophic drained peatland.
Avainsanat: afforestation; Pinus sylvestris; Picea mariana; treeless peatlands; young stand development
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The development, structure, production and fertilisation of planted black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands growing on a drained, originally treeless Sphagnum papillosum fen (LkKaN) in Central Finland up to the age of 30 years were studied. For black spruce the stem number was 2250 stems ha–1, dominant height was ca 7.1 m, the mean stand volume 26 m3 ha–1, the annual mean volume increment 1.5 m3 ha–1 and the total mortality based on stem number was 21%. For Scots pine the comparable characteristics were 1015 stems ha–1, 10.4 m, 45 m3 ha-1 , 3.3 m3 ha-1 and 59% respectively. Fertilisation had no apparent impact on the stand characteristics. About 63% of the planted black spruce individuals had at least one vegetatively generated layer. High number of layers seemed to have a negative effect on dominant parent tree growth. It is concluded that growth and yield of black spruce are generally not competitive in operational forestry in Finland. However, black spruce could be used as an alternative tree species in treeless areas that resist afforestation, and it might also be cultivated for decorative purposes.
  • Sarkkola, Department of Forest Ecology, P. O. Box 27, Fin-00014 University of Helsinki Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Päivänen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Anu Hilli, Marja-Leena Päätalo, Mikko Moilanen, Marja-Leena Piiroinen. Verhopuuston tiheyden ja lannoituksen vaikutus kuusen taimien pituuskasvuun ojitetulla turvemaalla.
English title: The effect nurse crop density and fertilization on the height growth of Norway spruce seedlings on drained peatland.
Avainsanat: peatland; Foliar nutrients; Betula pubescens; growth responses; Picea abies; planting; release cutting
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A natural understorey of Norway spruce often develops under birch on oligo-mesotrophic peatlands, but spruce can also be planted on these sites. The effects of fertilization and the density of the pubescent birch nurse crop on the height growth and needle nutrient status of a planted spruce understorey on an old drained herb-rich sedge pine fen was investigated in this study. The spruce transplants were planted early in the 1960’s. The nurse crop was removed, thinned to 200 stems ha-1 or left unmanaged in 1988. A number of plots were also fertilized. The height growth of the spruce transplants was measured during two periods after management, and the needle nutrient concentrations were determined before fertilization and again 10 years later. The height growth of the spruce was 40 - 60% greater after removal of the nurse crop than that under the unthinned nurse crop. Even the thinned nurse crop slowed down the growth of the understorey. However, height growth was the best on the plots on which the nurse crop was removed and the plots fertilized.
  • Hilli, OSLA, Kirkkotie 1, FIN-91500 Muhos, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Päätalo, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Piiroinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Lasse Aro, Seppo Kaunisto. Jatkolannoituksen ja kasvatustiheyden vaikutus nuorten mäntymetsiköiden ravinnetilaan sekä puuston ja juuriston kehitykseen paksuturpeisella suonpohjalla.
English title: Effect of refertilisation and growing on the nutrition, growth and root development of young Scots pine stands in a peat cutaway area with deep peat layers.
Avainsanat: afforestation; root penetration; Pinus sylvestris; nutrition; Fertilisation; cutaway peatlands; N/P ratio
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The effects of refertilisation and growing density on the soil and tree nutrition, root penetration and growth of Scots pine stands were studied in a cutaway peatland area with deep peat layers. The fertilisation treatments were control, N1975+PKB1985 and PK1975+PKB1996 refertilisations and those of the growing density <1 300, 1 654 and 1 954 trees ha-1. The maximum root penetration varied between 26 and 34 cm independently of the treatments. The N/P ratios in pine needles were quite high even on the refertilised plots (11.6-15.7). The duration of P fertilisation seems to be shorter (about 15 years) on cutaway peatlands with deep peat layers than on drained peatland forests. The greatest yield without natural removal (239 m3 ha-1, on an average) in 35-years-old stands was measured on plots, which had the highest growing density and had been repeatedly fertilised with PK. The results show that quite a high yield of Scots pine can be reached on cutaway peatlands. However, pine has to be fertilised with PK at the afforestation stage and at least once later if the remaining peat layer is 40-60 cm, and possibly several broadcast fertilisations are needed on peat layers deeper than 60 cm. It seems that growing tree stands on cutaway peatlands in higher densities than in conventional forestry may improve nutrient cycling in stands and hence decrease leaching of nutrients from the site.
  • Aro, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kaunisto, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Pekka Pietiläinen, Seppo Kaunisto. Turpeen kokonaistyppipitoisuuden ja lannoituksen vaikutus männyn neulasten typpipitoisuuteen kolmessa eri lämpösummavyöhykkeessä.
English title: The effect of peat nitrogen concentration and fertilization on the foliar nitrogen concentration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in three temperature sum regions.
Avainsanat: fertilization; nitrogen; foliar analysis; climate; peat nitrogen; Deficiency; temperature sum
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Wood production capacity on drained peatlands depends on the site type and temperature sum. Site type is closely related to the peat total nitrogen concentration. This study aims at clarifying the effect of peat nitrogen, fertilization and refertilization on the foliar nitrogen concentration of Scots pine in different temperature sum conditions (850, 950 and 1080 d.d.) on peatland sites with a wide peat nitrogen gradient (0.79- 2.80% in the 0-10 cm layer). In the coldest region, regardless of the peat total nitrogen concentrations in the 0-10 cm surface peat layer and PK- fertilization or PK-refertilization (37 and 26 years earlier respectively), the needle nitrogen concentrations were mostly below the severe deficiency limit (N = 1.2%) and also the arginine concentrations revealed a nitrogen shortage (<0.5 mg g-1). In the middle region the mean nitrogen concentrations in the needles were clearly higher and in the PK- fertilization and PK-refertilizations (32 and 22 years earlier respectively) surpassed the slight nitrogen deficiency limit (N = 1.3%). Also the arginine concentrations surpassed the deficiency limit (0.5 mg g-1 ) in both fertilization treatments although the mean arginine concentrations were near or under the deficiency limit. In the warmest region 25-26 years after the spot fertilization the mean nitrogen concentration was 1.84% and the arginine concentration was 3.04 mg g-1 revealing a surplus of nitrogen caused by phosphorus and potassium deficiencies. The PK-fertilization given 10 years later decreased the nitrogen concentration to 1.56% and the arginine concentration to 0.58 mg g-1. In the more favourable conditions the nitrogen and arginine in the needles increased when the nitrogen in the peat increased. In conclusion, tree growth in the middle and the warmest temperature sum region would respond to PK-refertilisation above a certain total peat nitrogen level but in the coldest temperature sum region tree growth would not respond to PK-refertilization in any of the studied peat total nitrogen conditions because of nitrogen deficiency.
  • Pietiläinen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Muhos Research Station, Kirkkosaarentie 7, FIN-91500 Muhos, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kaunisto, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jari Huttunen, Hannu Nykänen, Jukka Turunen, Olli Nenonen, Pertti Martikainen. Typpioksiduulivirrat suunnitellun Vuotoksen tekojärven alueen soilta.
English title: Fluxes of nitrous oxide on natural peatlands in Vuotos, an area projected for a hydroelectric reservoir in northern Finland.
Avainsanat: global change; Northern boreal peatlands; climate warming; flooding; greenhouse gas emission; hydro dam
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Nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes were measured on ten natural minerotrophic peatlands in an area planned for a hydroelectric reservoir (Vuotos) in northern Finland. The mean N2O fluxes from the sites with mean water tables from –25 to 3.4 cm (negative below the peat surface) ranged from –30 to 230 µg m–2 d–1 during summer 1994. At the driest site, the herb-grass spruce mire with the mean water table at –38 cm, the mean summertime N2O emission was 940 µg m-2 d-1 in 1994, attributable to the increased N2O release at low peat temperatures in autumn. A similar increase in the N2O emissions was not found in 1995, as the measurements were finished before the peat started to freeze. The mean N2O fluxes at the sites correlated negatively with the mean water table levels. The peatlands in the northern boreal zone are unlikely important sources of atmospheric N2O in their natural state. The planned reservoir would barely have large long-term N2O emissions from the pelagic zone, but the importance of temporally flooded areas in the postflood N2O release is uncertain similar to the short-term emissions following the flooding.
  • Huttunen, Research and Development Unit of Environmental Health, Department of Environmental Sciences, Bioteknia 2, University of Kuopio, PO Box 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Nykänen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Turunen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Nenonen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Martikainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Elisabeth Groeneveld, Line Rochefort. Nursing plants in peatland restoration: on their potential use to alleviate frost heaving problems.
Avainsanat: Sphagnum; revegetation; regeneration; rehabilitation; colonisation; degraded mire; peat erosion
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Peatland restoration measures usually require the rewetting of the disturbed ecosystem. In northern latitudes, the increase in wetness of the bare peat substrate causes frost heaving. In this paper, we described the problem of frost heaving in cutover peatlands and an array of means whereby it can be diminished. Several avenues of research should be pursued with the use of nursing plants to reduce frost heaving and promote Sphagnum establishment and growth. For large scale restoration of peatland ecosystems, Polytrichum strictum appears to be a good potential nursing plant to Sphagnum. However the importance of competition between polytric and Sphagnum is unknown and we do not know under which conditions the association is beneficial or not.
  • Groeneveld, Groupe Recherche en Écologie des Tourbières and Centre d'Études Nordiques, Pavillon Paul-Comtois, Université Laval, Québec, Canada Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Rochefort, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Markku Saarinen. Kasvillisuuden ja maanmuokkauksen vaikutus männyn ja koivun taimettumiseen varpu- ja puolukkaturvekankaille.
English title: Effect of vegetation and site preparation on the restocking of Scots pine and birch in dwarf-schrub and Vaccinium vitis-idaea type peatland forests.
Avainsanat: peatlands; drainage areas; natural regeneration
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The study deals with the natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and birch (Betula pendula & B. pubescens) on ten experimental fields on peatland sites drained for forestry, mainly during the 1930s. The principal goal of the study was to investigate the effect of different types of natural ground vegetation on the restocking of pine and birch following site preparation (rotavation and mounding) on old drainage areas. Rotavation, which corresponds to disc trenching on upland forest soils, is capable of producing fully-stocked pine stands. The effect of surface treatments such as rotavation depends, however, on the predominant ground vegetation. Sphagnum moss patches are often well restocked even when not prepared, which means that site preparation often only has an effect on transformed Pleurozium and Dicranum vegetation. The success of rotavation has also encouraged forest owners to use other alternative methods of surface treatment such as mounding. The tree seedlings tend to be concentrated on the surface of the furrows produced by rotavation, which means that restricting digger-scarification to the topmost surface of the soil on well-drained regeneration sites can produce the same result; the required machinery is usually already present at the site for ditch network maintenance.
  • Saarinen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, 39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Seppo Kaunisto, Tytti Sarjala. Kuusen neulasanalyyttinen kaliumravitsemuksen arviointi eri vuodenaikoina.
English title: Estimating potassium nutrition of Norway spruce with needle analysis during different seasons.
Avainsanat: potassium; peatland; mire; Deficiency; deficiency limit; putrescine
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The aims of this study were 1) to get a better background for estimating limit values of potassium nutrition for Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) and 2) to find out if the needle potassium nutrition during dormancy could be estimated by analysing needles collected before the dormant period. Five groups of trees with different nutritional backgrounds were selected. One was on a shallow-peat (5–30 cm) mineral soil slope and four on a deep-peat site next to it. Needles were collected four times during the autumn months and twice during dormancy. The needle K concentration of a severe potassium deficiency limit indicated by the exponential accumulation of putrescine, was about 4.5 mg g–1. However, trees suffered from potassium shortage already at the potassium concentrations of about 5 mg g–1. The needle potassium concentrations during the autumn months from late August to early October were in very close correlation with the concentration during dormancy, y = 0.869x – 0.208 (r2 = 0.92), where y is the potassium concentration in the winter months and x that during the autumn months.
  • Kaunisto, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, 39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Sarjala, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Heikki Veijalainen. Ojitettujen suokuusikoiden ravinnetarpeen määritys neulasanalyysillä.
English title: Nutritional diagnosis of Norway spruce stands growing on drained peatlands using foliar analysis.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; foliar analysis; Critical concentration; nutrient deficiency
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The purpose of this study was to determine critical nutrient concentration values for interpreting foliar analysis of Norway spruce stands growing on drained peatlands. During 1987–91, a total of 162 spruce needle samples from various peatland sites in Finland were taken and analysed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The mean height growth of the two preceding growing seasons was used as the growth parameter for multiple and simple regression analyses. Foliar concentrations significantly explained height growth. Simple regression analysis was used to estimate the following critical values indicating severe to moderate nutrient deficiencies for the main nutrients: N 1.15–1.30%, P 1.70–2.30 mg g-1 and K 5.40–6.60 mg g-1. Also the following tentative critical concentrations are suggested: Cu 2.0 mg kg-1, Fe 13.0 mg kg-1, Mg 0.80 mg g-1 and Zn 16.0 mg kg-1. Results for B are in accordance with previous, but unsubstantiated, critical values (6–8 mg g-1).
  • Veijalainen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Centre, P.O. Box 18, FIN-01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Markus Hartman, Seppo Kaunisto, Klaus Silfverberg. Turpeen ominaisuudet ja kasvillisuus metsitetyn ja lannoitetun avosuon eri trofiatasoilla.
English title: Peat properties and vegetation along different trophic levels on an afforested, fertilised mire.
Avainsanat: Sphagnum; nitrogen; Carex; mineral nutrients; peat component; degree of humification; forest mosses
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Relationships between the peat nutrient concentrations and the degree of humification, the ground vegetation and the botanical composition of the peat were studied on an afforested, originally treeless mire with a wide nitrogen gradient. The afforestation was carried out in 1971 using spot sowing and spot fertilisation. A broadcast fertilisation experiment that involved six replicates with four treatments, (i) a control, (ii) PK (rock phosphate and KCl), (iii) PK+ B, Cu and (iiii) wood ash was established in 1981–82. The surface peat layers were sampled for nutrient analyses in 1995 and for peat type determinations in 1997. The ground vegetation was inventoried in 1995. In 1995, the peat total nitrogen concentration varied from 8.7 to 29.1 mg g-1 in the 0–5 cm peat layer. The total nitrogen, phosphorus and iron concentrations and the degree of humification in the peat were all positively correlated with the proportion of Carex components and with each other. The frequency of Sphagnum mosses correlated negatively but that of forest mosses positively with the peat total nitrogen concentration. Broadcast fertilisation with wood ash increased the concentrations of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, boron, copper and zinc especially in the 0–5 cm peat layer but did not affect other peat properties or the ground vegetation.
  • Hartman, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Reseach Centre, P.O. Box 18, 01301 Vantaa Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kaunisto, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Silfverberg, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
James Aber, Susan Aber. Leijailmakuvausmenetelmän käyttömahdollisuudet soiden kartoituksessa - esimerkkejä Viron soilta.
English title: Potential of kite aerial photography for peatland investigations with examples from Estonia.
Avainsanat: peatland; Estonia; Remote Sensing; kite aerial photography
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Kite aerial photography (KAP) involves the use of large kites to lift camera rigs 50–150 m above the ground. Various types of radio-controlled, single- and dual-camera systems may be employed to acquire images in visible and near-infrared portions of the spectrum. KAP has many advantages for peatland research, including: high portability, rapid setup and operation, small crew, range of suitable weather and site conditions, high-resolution images, and low cost of equipment and operation. On this basis, KAP could be utilized for multitemporal imagery throughout the growing season and from year to year to document study sites. Kite aerial photography at Endla Nature Reserve in Estonia demonstrates the potential of this method for acquiring useful images in vertical and oblique orientations. Sun glint in oblique views (toward the sun) can highlight the presence of water bodies regardless of water depth or turbidity. Color-infrared KAP would be especially useful for separating different types of vegetation cover and water bodies in peat bogs. Kite aerial photography could represent one level of observation in a multistage and multitemporal approach that involves ground study, conventional aerial photographs, and satellite imagery.
  • Aber, Earth Science, Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas, 66801 U.S.A. Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Aber, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Risto Lauhanen, Erkki Ahti. Kunnostusojituksen vaikutus rämemänniköiden kehitykseen.
English title: Effects of maintaining ditch networks on the development of Scots pine stands.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; peatland; ditch cleaning; complementary ditching; tree stand; Pinus sylvestris L.; volume growth
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This study aimed at finding out the effects of maintaining ditch systems by ditch cleaning and complementary ditching on volume growth of drained Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands. Volume growth during the first ten post-treatment years was increased by 0.16 m3 ha-1 a-1 after ditch cleaning, 0.36 m3 ha-1 a-1 after complementary ditching, and 0.48 m3 ha-1 a-1 after the combined treatment. The average growth reactions during the second five-year period were considerably higher than during the first one. No drastic reductions in stand growth, however, occurred in the untreated plots during the post-treatment period of ten years.
  • Lauhanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ahti, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Samuli Joensuu, Erkki Ahti, Martti Vuollekoski. Kunnostusojituksen pitkän ajan vaikutus valumaveden ominaisuuksiin.
English title: Long-term effects of maintaining ditch networks on runoff water quality.
Avainsanat: peatland; ditch maintenance; runoff quality
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The effects of ditch network maintenance on runoff water quality was studied at 23 sites in different parts of Finland. The study included a calibration period of 1–3 years before maintaining the ditches and six years after. No observations were made during winter. After ditch maintenance, which involves either cleaning of old ditches and/or digging of complementary new ditches, the concentrations of suspended solids in runoff water increased immediately. At sites where the ditches cut into fine-textured subsoil, runoff continued to have increased suspended solids concentrations throughout the whole six-year period. However, if the bottom of the ditches consisted of coarse mineral subsoil or peat, the annual mean concentration of suspended solids returned to pre-treatment levels in 5–6 years. Concentrations of mineral nitrogen, especially NH4-N, increased while the concentration of organic nitrogen decreased after ditch network maintenance. These changes persisted for the whole six-year period. The overall effect of these changes resulted in a slight lowering of total dissolved nitrogen concentrations. With the exception of a few sites, runoff water pH increased after ditch maintenance and remained high during the 6-year period. Concentrations of DOC decreased at all sites after ditch maintenance and was still at a low level after six years. Concentrations of base cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na) increased significantly after ditch maintenance and were still high after six years. High concentrations of Al and Fe immediately after the digging operations were observed in a few sites. Concentration of total dissolved P did not change much and tended to decrease rather than increase.
  • Joensuu, Forestry Development Centre Tapio, Soidinkuja 4, FIN-00700 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ahti, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Vuollekoski, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Samuli Joensuu, Erkki Ahti, Martti Vuollekoski. Vanhoilta metsäojitusalueilta valuvan veden ominaisuudet.
English title: Discharge water quality from old ditch networks in Finnish peatland forests.
Avainsanat: peatland forests; ditch networks; water quality
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Runoff water from 75 Finnish ditch networks was sampled for chemical analysis in 1990-1992. In total, 2815 samples were analyzed. Higher mean and median concentrations of total dissolved phosphorus were observed than reported earlier. Except for phosphorus, concentration of most elements increased with increasing site fertility. No clear relationship between phosphorus concentration and the site characteristics could be detected. The median concentration of suspended solids in runoff water from old ditch networks was as low as 2.4 mg l-1.
  • Joensuu, Forestry Development Centre Tapio, Soidinkuja 4, FIN-00700 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ahti, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Vuollekoski, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tytti Sarjala, Seppo Kaunisto. Ectomycorrhizae in Scots pine seedlings at different trophic levels of a drained mire. A preliminary study.
Avainsanat: Ectomycorrhiza; ergosterol; peat nitrogen; Pinus sylvestris polyamines
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The mycorrhizal infection of the roots of four-year-old Scots pine seedlings was stud ied by analysing root ergosterol, endogenous polyamines, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium concentrations after two years in the field.The seedlings had been planted in a 25-year-old pine plantation on an originally treeless mire representing a wide peat nitrogen gradient.Common mycorrhizal types with Scots pine, such as Cenococcum Piloderma and Boletaceae types, and a number of unidentified types were found in the roots.The roots contained quite normal or a little lower levels of ergosterol than re ported elsewhere on tree roots in mineral soil forests.After two growing seasons in the field a positive correlation (r =0.584**)was found between the root ergosterol and peat nitrogen concentrations.The root ergosterol and spermidine concentrations correlated positively.This may be due to a more abundant physical presence of the fungal tissue which contains more spermidine than the other polyamines, or it may be due to a posi tive effect of the mycorrhizal fungi on the metabolic activity of the roots.
  • Sarjala, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kaunisto, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Roy Tomlinson, Laoise Davidson. Estimates of carbon stores in four Northern Irish lowland raised bogs.
Avainsanat: peat bulk density; peat carbon density; peat carbon stores
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Soils store more carbon (C) than does vegetation and in Northern Ireland peat has been estimated to account for about 42% of the soil C store. This estimate, however, was based on incomplete field evidence, including uncertainty on peat depths and peat bulk density. This paper aims to show how the estimate might be improved, taking into account bulk density and carbon density measurement. Trial 3-D models are presented to estimate total C content of individual bogs. Results suggest that C stores in northern Irish lowland raised bogs are lower than previously estimated primarily because of low bulk densities which showed no consistent increase with peat depth. Bulk density varied within and between bog profiles on the same bog and between bogs leading to different estimates of C stores. The research indicates a need for more precise modelling of bogs based on stratigraphy and dating of layers and a need for standardised measurement of peat bulk density and carbon storage. The findings, particularly if they apply to the extensive blanket bog, affect local and national totals of soil C stores and have implications for national policies on increasing/preserving C stores.
  • Tomlinson, School of Geography, The Queen’s University of Belfast, BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Davidson, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Alan Gilmer, Nicholas Holden, Shane Ward, Anthony Brereton, Edward Farrell. A model of organic matter accumulation in a developing fen/raised bog complex.
Avainsanat: peat; peatlands; mires; climate; Sphagnum productivity
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A mechanistic simulation model of organic matter accumulation for a developing fen/ raised bog complex in Ireland is presented.Parameter/variable values have been prima rily drawn from the published literature.The development of the theoretical considera tions of fen peat as a substratum to a raised bog is evaluated using the model.Terrestri alization is the pathway of hydroseral succession.The conceptual model treats peat growth as the accumulation of a series of parcels comprising both a labile and a non- labile component.The fen phase of the model uses a discrete description of organic matter accumulation while the raised bog phase uses a continuous description.Both phases use a constant decay rate.The model integrates changes in net primary produc tivity and aerobic decay to simulate four climatic periods.The model generates outputs for peat depth and mass with time and profiles of bulk density with depth.Results over a simulated period of 10 000 years demonstrate how changes in surface net primary productivity and aerobic decay can change the rate of peat accumulation in the develop ing fen/raised bog complex.Sensitivity analysis showed that the most important pa rameters influencing simulated depth and mass were the labile fraction in organic mat ter (raised bog)followed by net primary productivity (raised bog).The potential sig nificance of underlying fen peat as a proportion of the total depth and mass of a devel oping fen/raised bog complex was evaluated and shown to be substantially diminished after 5 000 years.It was established that the model predictions corresponded well with data for Irish Midland bogs and given suitable adjustment of values, could potentially simulate Fennoscandian conditions as well.
  • Gilmer, Department of Agricultural & Food Engineering (Peat Technology Centre), University College Dublin, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Holden, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Ward, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Brereton, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Farrell, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Ryszard Oleszczuk, Jan Szatylowicz, Tomasz Brandyk, Tomasz Gnatowski. An analysis of the influence of shrinkage on water retention characteristics of fen peat-moorsh soil.
Avainsanat: shrinkage; moisture retention characteristic; fen peat
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The paper presents the results of laboratory-and field-measured soil moisture retention characteristics for different layers in peat-moorsh soil developed from a fen.Field de termination was based on the measurements of the moisture content and pressure head values performed on undisturbed soil columns during a drying process.Laboratory measurements were performed with sand table and pressure chambers.In order to ob tain moisture retention characteristics related to actual volumetric moisture content, the shrinkage characteristics were measured for different soil layers.The comparison of the laboratory and field measured moisture retention characteristics showed that the results of field measurements were very close to those of laboratory measurements, expressed in terms of fictitious volumetric moisture content.This expression of water content based on initial soil volume provides a better estimation of differential water capacity.
  • Oleszczuk, Department of Environmental Development and Land Improvement, Warsaw Agricultural University, ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Szatylowicz, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Brandyk, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Gnatowski, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Juhani Päivänen, Sakari Sarkkola. The effect of thinning and ditch network maintenance on the water table level in a Scots pine stand on peat soil.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; peatland; hydrology; ditch cleaning; complementary ditching; tree harvesting
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The effect of tree stand thinning and ditch network maintenance on the water table level was studied in an uneven-aged Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand growing on a drained dwarf shrub pine bog in southern Finland. The water table level was monitored once a week during the growing seasons (May–September) of 1991–1999. This time span is divided into the following treatment periods: calibration (1991–1992), thinning (1993–1994), ditch cleaning (1995), and proper ditch network maintenance (1996–1999). The growing season of 1995 was not included in the calculations because the ditch cleaning treatment failed. The layout included three thinning intensities (9.5, 15.0, and 28.1% removal of the initial stand volume) and an unthinned control. For the ditch maintenance treatment there was an additional control sample plot. The effect of the treatments on the water table level was evaluated both by a graphical approach and linear regression analysis. Only a slight, ecologically insignificant rise in the water table level was caused by the thinning cuttings. Ditch maintenance seemed to eliminate this change. It was concluded that in the planning stage, a careful evaluation of the real need of maintaining the ditch network (ditch cleaning or complementary ditching) should be done in connection with the first commercial thinning in order to avoid unnecessary costs.
  • Päivänen, Department of Forest Ecology, Box 24, FIN-00014 Helsinki University, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Sarkkola, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Bjørn Kløve. Effect of peat harvesting on peat hydraulic properties and runoff generation.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Drainage; runoff generation; hydrological pathways; hydraulic conductivity; shear strength; soil loss; subsidence; peak runoff
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Peat hydraulic conductivity, shear strength, plant composition and runoff at seven peat harvesting sites in Central Finland were measured. A large variation in hydraulic conductivity (10–8–10–6 m s–1 ), peat shear strength (302–413 kPa), and peak runoff (97–898 l s–1 km–2 ) was observed between different harvesting sites. The hydraulic conductivity showed a clear correlation with peat shear strength (r = –0.89), which has not been previously observed. The correlation between hydraulic conductivity and degree of humification was weak (r = 0.60). Soil lowering decreased the hydraulic conductivity and the peat shear strength. These reductions, with reduced drainage depths, increased peak flow and changed runoff generation patterns by increasing the possibility of Horton and saturation excess overland flow.
  • Kløve, Jordforsk, Norwegian Centre for Soil and Environmental Research, 1432 Ås, Norway Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Adam Bogacz. Physical properties of organic soil in Sto owe Mountains National Park (Poland).
Avainsanat: Stolowe Mountains; organic soils; peat deposit; physical properties; muck process
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The aim of this work was to determine physical properties of organic soils developed in different sites of the mountain area of Stolowe Mountains National Park, Poland. The profiles with different botanical composition of peat were analysed and classified by types and species of peat. Peat, muck and peat-mud were identified (9 profiles) at chosen locations. Investigation showed that top plateau organic soils were developed on a sandy-loam or sand weathered sandstone base. Organic soils in valleys and slopes were developed on a loamy-silt or clay basement. Peat horizons developed according to different types of sites (mesotrophic and eutrophic, sometimes oligotrophic). Generally, these soils are ombrotrophic, i.e. fed by atmospheric water only. These soils were classified as Fibric Histosols and Terric Histosols. Organic soils within the main regions of the park were over-desiccated, with advancing muck-forming processes being noted.
  • Bogacz, Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Environment Protection, Agricultural University of Wroc aw 50-357 Wroc aw, ul. Grunwaldzka 53, Poland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Michael Trepel, Torbjörn Davidsson, Sven-Erik Jørgensen. Quantitative simulation of biochemical processes in peatlands as a tool to define sustainable use.
Avainsanat: nitrogen; peatland; modelling; restoration; denitrification
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A natural property of mires is their ability to accumulate carbon and nutrients in the form of peat.Drainage and agricultural land use have changed the nutrient balance from accumulation to mobilisation.In this study, the effect of land use and hydrology on nitrogen dynamics is quantified using a GIS-based dynamic modelling approach.In the simulation, the nitrogen budget is controlled by drainage depth, land use type and fertilizer application.Denitrification is, next to harvest, the quantitatively most impor tant output pathway from peat soils with a predominant vertical water flow.Only for the wet Caricion elatae type was a net nitrogen accumulation simulated.The spatial visualisation of the nitrogen balance shows a high variability based on the heterogene ity of the peatland.Rewetting and extensivication can reduce the deficit in the nitrogen balance and lead to a slight increase of the accumulating area.These simulation results can be used in environmental planning to define a more sustainable land use in the future.
  • Trepel, Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Section of Environmental Chemistry, Universitetsparken 2, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Davidsson, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Jørgensen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Bertalan Galambosi, Zsuzsanna Galambosi, Miroslav Repcák. Eri viljelymenetelmien ja ruokinnan vaikutus turvepenkeissä kasvatettujen kihokkien kasvuun ja vaikuttavien aineiden tuotokseen.
English title: Growth, yield and secondary metabolite production of Drosera species cultivated in peat beds in Finland.
Avainsanat: peat; Drosera rotundifolia; yield; Drosera anglica; cultivation methods; regular feeding; 7-methyljuglone
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Cultivation experiments on D. rotundifolia and D. anglica were carried out in peat beds in Mikkeli, South Finland (61°44’ N, 27°18’ E) in 1992-1997. Plants were propagated by direct sowing and transplanting of small seedlings in peat beds (size 3 m2, depth 0.7 m) filled with non-fertilized peat (pH 4.0). Seed germination, growth, flowering cycle as well as fresh herb and seed yields were measured. To increase the growth, plants were regularly fed milk powder. The 7-methyljuglone, quercetin and kaempferol contents of the flowers, leaves and stems were determined from sown and transplanted, fed and non-fed Drosera plants. Both Drosera species were successfully cultivated in peat beds. Direct sowing in autumn followed by natural winter stratification seemed to be the best propagation method. Flowering started after the second and third growing years. Feeding the plants milk powder increased growth by 27-113%. The fresh yield during the third, fourth and fifth years ranged between 0.05 and 0.9 kg m-2, being highest in the first and second harvest years. Plant density decides the yield of small-sized species. The average yield was about 50 times higher in peat beds than in the nature. Feeding milk powder did not affect the secondary metabolite contents. The 7-methyljuglone content was 13-81% higher in the fed Drosera rotundifolia plants than in the non-fed ones. The quercetin and kaempferol contents were lower in the fed plant, 10-30% and 1-10% lower in D. rotundifolia and 30-60% and 1-15% lower in D. anglica, respectively. According to the results, it seems to be possible to grow Drosera rotundifolia and D. anglica under controlled conditions outside the natural ecosystem. The results also suggest that higher yields can be expected by cultivation of these species.
  • Galambosi, Ecological Production, Resource Management, Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, FIN-50600 Mikkeli, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Galambosi, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Repcák, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Juha Heiskanen. Kasvualustana käytetyn heikosti maatuneen rahkataturpeen lämmönjohtavuus.
English title: Thermal conductivity of low-decomposed Sphagnum peat used as growth medium.
Avainsanat: water content; peat substrate; water retention; sandy soil; thermal soil properties
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The thermal conductivity of low-decomposed Sphagnum peat, used as a growth medium for container seedling production in tree nurseries, and of a sandy mineral soil was studied using the single thermal probe method in the laboratory. The thermal conductivity of the peat was low and decreased from 0.5 to 0.05 W m-1K-1 when the water content decreased from near saturation to air-dry. In comparison, the thermal conductivity of the sandy soil was much higher, decreasing steeply from 1.5 to 0.5 W m-1K-1 with decreasing water content. Results are in accordance with those reported earlier for similar media. The results suggest markedly weaker and more delayed temperature fluctuations in pure peat media compared with media containing mineral soil, which is in agreement with observations made in tree nurseries.
  • Heiskanen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Juntintie 40. FIN-77600 Suonenjoki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Risto Lauhanen, Seppo Kaunisto. Kunnostusojituksen vaikutus rämeiden ravinnetilaan.
English title: Effect of drainage maintenance on the nutrient status on drained Scots pine mires.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; peat; Scots pine; ditch cleaning; complementary ditching; nutrients; needles
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The effects of drainage maintenance on the nutrient contents in peat and Scots pine needles on drained pine mires were studied. The material consisted of twelve Finnish field experiments. Drainage maintenance (increasing ditching intensity; no treatment at all, mere ditch cleaning, mere complementary ditching, and both of them together) was carried out in 1982-1985. The needles were sampled in 1994-1995 and peat in 1996. There were great differences in the site types and consequently also in the peat and needle nutrient concentrations between the experiments. The needle Mn concentrations demonstrated a fairly good drainage status in all the treatments. Drainage maintenance had only minor effects on the nutrient status of peat and needles. Ditch cleaning decreased magnesium, manganese and zink amounts in the surface peat. Increasing the intensity of drainage maintenance increased the 100-needle dry mass, but decreased the needle boron concentrations. Peat and needle nitrogen concentrations increased slightly (not significantly) along with the increased intensity in drainage maintenance. The peat nutrients classified correctly 83.7% of the fertility classes for drained peatlands.
  • Lauhanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700, Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kaunisto, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Hannu Nousiainen, Päivi Paalamo. Kasvillisuuden sukkessio ja monimuotoisuus Teuravuoman koeojitusalueella Pohjois-Suomessa.
English title: Vegetation succession and diversity on Teuravuoma experimental drainage area in northern Finland.
Avainsanat: fen; aapa mire; compositional gradients; FUPGMA classification; GNMDS ordination; peatland vegetation
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This case study deals with the effects of forest drainage on six mire site types represented by 33 permanent sample plots within a Finnish aapa mire complex located in north boreal vegetation zone. We analysed the main compositional gradients, the abundances of plant species and the diversity of vegetation. The vegetation descriptions were made about at the time of drainage in 1933 and after that in 1943, 1950 and 1994. The forest drainage emphasized the importance of spruce mire and hummock-level bog influences (mire margin and mire expanse effects respectively) in controlling the structure of plant communities. The change of plant community was greatest on fertile mire site types, also spruce mire influence promoted the secondary succession. As expected, the shallow-rooted and/or demanding flark-level vascular plants and (eutrophic) fen mosses had not been able to adapt to the ground water level drawdown. At first, after drainage, species number, Shannon's H' and Simpson's D increased: many mire species of hummock and intermediate level microsites had increased while also pioneer and forest species had colonized the plots. By 1994, however, as the mire species were decreasing these measures had turned to decline except on the (most) infertile site types. Pielou's J' and the evenness based on D reacted vaguely, decreasing a little, though, from 1933 to 1994. Thus, in such cases the dominance in the vegetation had increased. The beta-diversity describing here the differences between plant communities (or site types) decreased along with the hydrological conditions becoming more uniform after drainage.
  • Hotanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Station, P.O.Box 68, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Nousiainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Paalamo, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Hannu Hökkä, Art Groot. Katsaus viimeaikaisiin tutkimuksiin mustakuusen (Picea mariana) kasvatuksesta Pohjois-Ontarion turvemailla.
English title: Recent studies on black spruce management on peatlands in northern Ontario. A literature review.
Avainsanat: peatlands; succession; regeneration; stand management; Picea mariana; stand structure
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Black spruce (Picea mariana, (Mill.) B.S.P.) has been traditionally managed as evenaged stands with artificial or natural regeneration on peatlands of northern Ontario Clay Belt region. However, lack of resources to make artificial regeneration on all clear-cuts and harvest methods unfavorable for natural regeneration often resulted in unsatisfactory regeneration. As a consequence, alternative management methods have been introduced for peatland black spruce, and this literature review discusses studies of these methods. In natural stands, both evenaged and uneven-aged structures may be found, while the second-growth stands originating from old horse-logging are mostly uneven-aged, with abundant advance growth. Currently, mechanized harvest with regeneration protection has been shown to sufficiently preserve residual trees and subsequently produce stands that are heterogeneous with respect to the size structure. In second-growth stands, uneven-aged management can be implemented with minimum diameter limits determined from stand structure and cut-to-length harvesting. Such management perpetuates a stand structure appropriate for uneven-aged management. Simulation study has been made to estimate black spruce yield under uneven-aged management with varying cutting cycle and minimum diameter limit. It seems that in some peatland sites uneven-aged management is a possibility to manage black spruce.
  • Hökkä, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Rovaniemi Research station, P.O. Box 16, FIN-96301 Rovaniemi, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Groot, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tenho Hynönen, Timo Makkonen. Turvemaapeltojen maan ominaisuudet ja niiden vaikutus hieskoivujen alkukehitykseen Pohjois-Savossa.
English title: Soil properties of peat-based fields and their effect on the initial development of downy birch in Pohjois-Savo, southern Finland.
Avainsanat: Bulk density; nutrients; downy birch; growth disorder; nutrient relations; peat based field
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The present study looked into the soil properties of twenty-four peat-based field by examining the 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm soil layers and thc effect that soil properties have on the initial development of young stands of downy birch growing in Pohjois-Savo, southern Finland. Adding of mineral soil to peat-based fields and the decomposition and subsidence of peat had resulted in increasing the bulk density of the peat, especially in the tilling layer. Also, the amounts of nutrients in the tilling layer were higher than in the layer below. Together with fertilization, the addition of mineral soil had increased the soil's nutrient amounts manyfold compared to virgin mires and mires drained for forestry. Eighthy-one per cent of the trees were alive. The share of viable trees had fallen to half of the planting density, being now just 840 trees per hectar. The increase in the amount of extractable potassium and total copper in the soil improved the growth of young stands and reduced the proportion of trees of inferior quality. Growth disorders were observed in downy birch, and these were probably caused by increases in the ratios of the amounts of main nutrients and micro-nutrients in the soil. The ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus to copper was reflected best of all in the growth of young stands. An increase in the amount of soil nitrogen and phosphorus in relation to the amount of soil copper impaired stand growth and promoted the occurrence of trees afflicted by growth disorders.
  • Hynönen, Pohjois-Savo Forestry Centre, P.O. Box 1019, FIN-70101 Kuopio, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Makkonen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Seppo Kaunisto, Mikko Moilanen, Jorma Issakainen. Apatiitti- ja flogopiittilannoituksen vaikutus männyn neulasten ravinnepitoisuuksiin ojitetuilla rämeillä.
English title: Effect of apatite and phlogopite application on the needle nutrient concentrations of Pinus sylvestris (L.) on drained pine mires.
Avainsanat: peatland; Scots pine; nutrition; Fertilisation; macronutrient; micronutrient
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Pine nutrition was monitored after the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilisers of different solubility in 12 experiments on drained mires in northern Central Finland. Ten experiments involved the following three treatments: (i) control, (ii) fertilisation with rock phosphate and potassium chloride, and (iii) fertilisation with apatite ore or enriched apatite and phlogopite. Two experiments focused on the fertiliser amount. In seven experiments needle samples were collected three times: 3-7, 11-14 and 16-19 years after fertilisation and in the others once or twice (after 10-17 years). The stands suffered from phosphorus and potassium shortage on the unfertilised plots. Rock phosphate had raised the needle phosphorus concentrations slightly more than apatite by 5-7 and 11-14 years after fertilisation. By the last sampling apatite (16-19 years after) had raised the concentrations to about the same or to a higher level than rock phosphate. Potassium chloride raised the concentrations more than phlogopite during the first few years after fertilisation but the situation had reversed by 11-14 years. Five years later the change was even more pronounced. The needle potassium concentrations increased slightly with the increasing application amounts on the nitrogen-rich sites. Fertilisation with PK lowered the needle zinc, manganese, copper and boron concentrations especially on the nitrogen-rich sites.
  • Kaunisto, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Issakainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tapani Sallantaus, Harri Vasander, Jukka Laine. Metsätalouden vesistöhaittojen torjuminen ojitetuista soista muodostettujen puskurivyöhykkeiden avulla.
English title: Prevention of detrimental impacts of forestry operations on water bodies using buffer zones created from drained peatlands.
Avainsanat: peatland drainage; load; restoration; water pollution
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Before large-scale drainage, the outflowing water from forests was naturally filtered through peatlands. The even topography, dense moss cover and the favourable physical, chemical and biological properties of surface peat facilitate versatile buffering functions in these systems. In addition to retaining suspended solids, peatlands may act as traps for nutrients or harmful metals. Major part of these buffering systems have been lost as a result of forestry drainage. Restoring drained peatlands, being potentially well suited to act as a buffer zone between forestry land and a watercourse, is the major reason for rewetting outside nature reserves. Potentially each drainage area should include a restored part through which waters both from the drainage area itself and from the surrounding upland forest catchment would be filtered. Preliminary results from three experimental catchments show that buffer zones restored from drained peatlands may be succesfully used in decreasing the detrimental impacts forestry operations may have on adjacent water courses. Long-term monitoring is, however, required for the quantitative assessment of the buffer efficiency.
  • Sallantaus, Pirkanmaa Regional Environment Centre, P.O.Box 297, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Vasander, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Laine, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Klaus Silfverberg. Ravinteiden huuhtoutuminen tuhka- ja PK-lannoitetusta turpeesta.
English title: The leaching of nutrients from ash- and PK-fertilised peat.
Avainsanat: phosphorus; potassium; peat core; percolation water; nutrient loss
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The nutrient concentrations of the water percolating through fertilised peat cores were investigated in a greenhouse experiment. The nutrient concentrations in the peat cores were also determined before and after the experiment. The fertiliser treatments were 500 kg ha-1 of PK peatland fertiliser, 5 000 and 25 000 kg ha-1 of birch ash, and an unfertilised control. The cores were watered on three occasions after application of the fertilisers. The percolation water collected from the fertilised cores contained significantly more nutrients than the control. The total amounts of leached nutrients were equivalent to 0.01 - 20.1 % of the nutrients in the peat cores, K clearly being leached the most. The susceptibility of the nutrients to leaching followed the order K > Mg > Ca > Mn > P. The fertiliser treatments also increased the leaching of nitrate and ammonium. The amount of leached nutrients was relatively the highest from the PK treatment, but in absolute terms the highest from the largest dose of wood ash. According to the peat analyses, the concentrations of most of the nutrients had increased only in the surface layer of the peat (0 - 5 cm). In contrast, the K concentrations had increased throughout the whole profile (0 - 20 cm). The application of large amounts of ash fertiliser should be avoided in order to minimise nutrient leaching losses. Although the fertilisers used in this experiment have been or are being replaced by new types of fertiliser, the results of this study can be used to facilitate the interpretation of the results of field experiments in which these fertilisers have been used..
  • Silfverberg, Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18, FIN-01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Markku Saarinen, Timo Silver, Samuli Joensuu. Ojien mitoitus kunnostusojituksessa. Kirjallisuustarkastelu.
English title: Ditch dimensioning in ditch-network-maintenance areas. A literature review.
Avainsanat: peatlands; ditch network maintenance; drainage areas
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Drainage of pristine mires has been discontinued in Finland and now drainage activity focuses on remedial treatment of old ditch networks on transformed drained mires. In the era of first-time drainage, uniform regulations were applied in the dimensioning of ditches. Also the current national recommendations pertaining to remedial drainage and the dimensioning of ditches corresponds to the old regulations applied in first-time drainage. However, regional organizations have their own directives, and accordingly ditch depths show considerable regional variation. The purpose of this paper is to look for answers to questions which have arisen already some years ago, especially among practitioners responsible for forest-improvement works in non-industrial, private woodlots: Can the service life of ditch networks be increased by means of ditches which are deeper than those implemented at the time of first-time drainage and will this also result in a reduced impact on water ecosystems by reducing the number of remedial actions needed ? Is ditch depth in old, well-stocked drainage areas a more important factor than ditch spacing in controlling the drainage depth?
  • Saarinen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Silver, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Joensuu, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Philippe Frankard, Pacal Ghiette, Marie-Noëlle Hindryckx, René Schumacker, Cécile Wastiaux. Wallonian suot (Etelä-Belgia).
English title: Peatlands of Wallony (S-Belgium).
Avainsanat: peatlands; Belgium; ecological management; Wallony
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Various types of peatlands are present in Wallony: raised bogs, oligotrophic and rich fens, wet heaths, marshy woodlands. Many areas have been degraded by past and recent human activities. Much attention is now devoted to their protection, scientific study and ecological management. Besides their exceptional biological and ecological interest, they are among the last natural spaces in a very urbanised country like Belgium.
  • Frankard, Centre scientifique de la Région Wallonne, c/o Station scientifique des Hautes-Fagnes, rue de Botrange, 137, B-4950 Robertville, Belgium Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ghiette, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Hindryckx, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Schumacker, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Wastiaux, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Antti Wall, Juha Heiskanen. Metsitettyjen turvepeltojen maan fysikaaliset ominaisuudet.
English title: Physical properties of afforested former agricultural peat soils in western Finland.
Avainsanat: Bulk density; organic matter; water retention; peat fields; soil aeration
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The bulk density, organic matter content and soil water-retention characteristics of twenty-one afforested former agricultural peat soils were studied. Soil samples were collected from 5-10 cm, 15-20 cm, 25-30 cm and 35-40 cm soil layers. The studied soils' physical properties differed from those of undrained peatlands and peatlands drained for forestry mainly due to the mixing of mineral soil with the peat during cultivation. In the case of thick peat soils (peat layer >30 cm), the bulk density was at a maximum (0.37 g cm-3) and the organic matter content at a minimum (54%) in the uppermost soil layer. In the case of shallow peat soils (peat layer <30 cm), bulk density increased and organic matter content decreased with increasing soil depth. In thick peat soils, total porosity and water retention at selected matric potentials were at their highest in the lowermost soil layer while in shallow peat soils, the uppermost soil layer possessed the highest total porosity and water retention. Most of the water was retained within the range -100 to -1500 kPa in both soil types. This indicated that small pores were predominant. Air-filled porosity at -10 kPa matric potential (about field capacity) was, on average, 16% in thick peat soils and 17% in shallow peat soils in the uppermost soil layer and decreased with increasing soil depth. The results suggest that the physical properties were generally rather unfavourable for adequate soil aeration and water availability as needed for satisfactory tree growth.
  • Wall, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, Box 44, FIN-69101 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Heiskanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Timo Penttilä, Mikko Moilanen. Lannoituksen vaikutus hieskoivikoiden kasvuun ja ravinnetilaan ojitetuilla turvemailla Pohjois-Suomessa.
English title: Effect of fertilization on growth and foliar nutrient status of pubescent birch stands on drained mires in northern Finland.
Avainsanat: nitrogen; phosphorus; potassium; peatland; Foliar nutrients; Betula pubescens; growth responses
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The effects of fertilization and refertilization on the growth of pubescent birch (Betula pubescens) stands growing on drained peatlands in northern Finland were studied in eight field experiments. The treatments were: (i) control with no fertilization, (ii) fertilization with nitrogen (N), (iii) fertilization with phosphorus and potassium (PK), and (iv) fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). The sites represented four different mesotrophic to eutrophic site types with stand median heights ranging from 7 m to 13 m. Tree growth was monitored at stand level during periods of five to eleven years following the setting up of the experiments and during periods of 4 to 7 years following the repetition of the treatments in 1985. At the end of the second period, sun-exposed leaves were sampled from two stands in August 1990 for the purpose of conducting foliar nutrient analyses. The first-time fertilization treatments did not affect tree growth on any of the site types. Following the repetition of the treatments, the stands responded positively to NPK or PK fertilization on all site types except on the shallow-peated herb-rich peatland forest. There was no response to mere N-fertilization on any of the site types. The growth responses observed were weaker than those reported for Scots pine in similar climatic conditions. Key words: Betula pubescens, foliar nutrients, growth responses, nitrogen, peatland, phosphorus, potassium
  • Penttilä, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Rovaniemi Research Station, P.O.Box 16, FIN-96301 Rovaniemi, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Mika Nieminen. Hidasliukoisten fosforilannoitteiden ominaisuudet ja käyttökelpoisuus suometsien lannoituksessa. Kirjallisuuteen perustuva tarkastelu.
English title: Properties of slow release phosphorus fertilizers with special reference to their use on drained peatland forests. A review.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; fertilizer dissolution; fertilizer leaching; phosphate minerals
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Slow-release phosphorus fertilizers have long been considered as a primary fertilization option on drained peatland forests in Finland. There has also been growing interest in using slow-release P-fertilizers as a better alternative to water-soluble fertilizers on agricultural land. Manufacture of different P-fertilizers, and those fertilizer and site properties which affect the rate of P release, are reviewed. The effects of slow-release P-fertilizers on plant growth and the liability to be leached into waterways are also discussed. In particular, the behaviour of slow-release P-fertilizers on drained peatland forests is considered. Key words: fertilizer dissolution, fertilizer leaching, phosphate minerals, peatland forestry
  • Nieminen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Centre, P. O. Box 18, FIN-01301, Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Markku Saarinen. Kasvupaikkatekijöiden vaikutus vanhojen ojitusalueiden taimettumiseen Kirjallisuuteen perustuva tarkastelu.
English title: Effect of site factors on restocking of old drainage areas. A literature review.
Avainsanat: peatlands; drainage areas; natural regeneration
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The rate of renewal of forests on drained peatlands in Finland will undergo a rapid rise in the near future as a large amount of these forests is approaching their renewal age. Indeed, forest renewal increasingly calls for familiarity with the special characteristics of peatland habitats. These special characteristics making them different from upland sites are primarily connected to hydrology, temperature conditions, nutrient status, and to changes in the composition of the ground vegetation. This literature review is focused on the effects of these site factors on the germination of tree seeds and the initial development of seedlings on different seedbeds. Key words: drainage areas, natural regeneration, peatlands
  • Saarinen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Janne Uuttera, Matti Maltamo, Juha-Pekka Hotanen. Suometsien rakenne-erot keskisessä Suomessa.
English title: The structure of virgin and managed peatland forest stands in central Finland.
Avainsanat: Drainage; habitat diversity; peatland forest management; structure of forest stand
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The structure of peatland forests were compared between different site quality classes, drainage phases, and different forest ownership groups. The comparisons and statistical tests were made in terms of the number of tree species, range of diameter distribution and the estimated number of tree storeys, separately for spruce- and pine-dominated mires. The statistical tests were performed with multivariate analysis of variance and covariance. Tree storeys were estimated with objective rules from the peaks of continuous diameter distribution smoothed by the non-parametric kernel-estimation. The data used from the 8th National Forest Inventory of Finland. On average the mean values of the chosen stand structure characteristics differed significantly between the site quality classes. The stands had a more diverse structure the more fertile the site was. When examining the differences between the post-drainage succession phases, a decrease of the stand structure diversity was observed in the recently drained peatlands. After this, the mean values of the stand structure characteristics increased and exceeded the values of undrained peatlands at latest in the transformed post-drainage succession stage. Statistically significant differences in the means of stand structure characteristics between the forest ownership groups were not observed. It seems that drainage and possible cleaning cuttings have been made with the same intensity regardless of the particular forest ownership group. It is also possible that drainage causes so drastic change in growing conditions that small differences in the intensity of cleaning cuttings between forest ownership groups are disappeared. The results correspond to the results of previous studies which have examined different stand structure characteristics. The forest on drained peatlands maintains an uneven-sized structure for quite a long period after drainage. In order to preserve habitat diversity this structure of the peatland forests should be maintained in subsequent forest management practices. Key words: drainage, habitat diversity, peatland forest management, structure of forest stand.
  • Uuttera, The European Forest Institute, Torikatu 34, FIN-80100 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Maltamo, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Hotanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Markku Saarinen. Neulasten pääravinnepitoisuuksien muutokset turvekankaan alikasvoskuusikossa ylispuuhakkuun jälkeen.
English title: Effects of the removal of shelterwood on the foliar nutrient concentrations of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) on drained peatlands.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Picea abies; foliar analysis; nutrients; shelterwood; underwood
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Abstract: The foliar chemical composition of a Norway spruce underwood were analysed one year before and in three years after the removal of a downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) shelterwood on an old drainage area. The most remarkable change due to the release was considered to be the significant decrease in the potassium concentrations. The nitrogen concentrations increased very strongly, and phosphorus increased slightly but not significantly during the first growth period after the release, decreasing later to a level approaching the deficiency limit. Consequently the nutrient balance between N and K was strongly shaken by the increased N/K-ratio. One reason for that might be the increased use of K in the growing points of roots after the root competition of shelterwood was eliminated. Key words: foliar analysis, nutrients, peatlands, Picea abies, shelterwood, underwood.
  • Saarinen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, Kaironiementie 54, FIN-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Antti Wall, Jyrki Hytönen. Painomaan vaikutus metsitetyn turvepellon ravinnemääriin.
English title: Effect of mineral soil admixture on the nutrient amounts of afforested peat fields.
Avainsanat: afforestation; mineral soil; nutrition; peat fields
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The effect of mineral soil, applied during the cultivation of fields, on the nutrient amounts of afforested peat fields was studied. 36 afforested peat fields (peat layer>40 cm) from Central Ostrobothnia (western Finland) and North Savo (central Finland) were sampled. Fields were divided into two groups on the basis of mineral soil addition. Volumetric soil samples (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40 cm layers) were taken and and analyzed for their total and ammonium acetate extractable nutrient concentrations (P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn). Kjeldahl nitrogen and boron in H3PO4-H2SO4 were also analyzed. Nutrient amounts in different soil layers were calculated. Mineral soil, mainly silt, had been added on average 230 m3ha-1 in Central Ostrobothnia and 630 m3ha-1 in North Savo. Mineral soil was clearly detectable in the plough layer (0-20 cm) but seldom in the 30-40 cm layer as an increased bulk density and ash content. Mineral soil admixture increased most of the total nutrient amounts, but not nitrogen, calcium and boron. In the amounts of extractable nutrients the effect of mineral soil admixture was smaller. Key words: afforestation, mineral soil, nutrition, peat fields
  • Wall, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, P.O.Box 44, FIN-69101 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Hytönen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Raija Laiho. Vedenpinnan alenemisen vaikutus sararämeen pintakasvillisuuden biomassaan ja lajistoon.
English title: Changes in understorey biomass and species composition after water level drawdown on pine mires in southern Finland.
Avainsanat: Drainage; peatland; succession; ground vegetation; field layer; moss layer
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Abstract: Understorey biomass and species composition were analyzed on six sites representing tall sedge pine fen at different stages of secondary succession caused by drainage for forestry. Two of the sites were undrained controls and the other sites had been drained 8 - 55 years earlier. Cyperaceous and herbaceous field layer was found to diminish permanently after drainage, whereas shrub and moss layers survived in the drainage succession in terms of biomass allocation although the species composition changed almost completely. On the oldest drained site the ground vegetation was dominated by typical upland forest species with the exception of Sphagnum russowii. Total understorey biomass varied from 260 g m-2 on sites drained 22-30 years earlier to 990 g m-2 on a site drained 8 years earlier. Key words: drainage, field layer, ground vegetation, moss layer, peatland, succession
  • Laiho, Department of Forest Ecology, P.O.Box 24, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Leila Korpela, Antti Reinikainen. Boreaalisen reunavaikutteisen suokasvillisuuden monimuotoisuuden analyysia.
English title: Patterns of diversity in boreal mire margin vegetation.
Avainsanat: peatland; boreal forest; structural diversity; vegetation diversity
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Mire margin communities are mosaics of forest and mire vegetation which consist of several ecological guilds (forest, spruce mire, marsh and spring vegetation). Diversity patterns of undrained forested mire margin communities were examined by using numerical classification (TWINSPAN) and ordination (DCA) techniques. The understorey vegetation was tested for both alfa (species richness, Shannon H' and Pielou J diversity indices) and beta diversity (DCA dimensions). The structural diversity of the overstorey was examined by producing structural (TWINSPAN) clusters based on the percentage cover of tree and shrub species in six canopy layers and in one shrub layer. The study was based on the systematic sample plot data collected from permanent plots of the 8th Finnish National Forest Inventory (1985-86). The material consisted of 92 plots of undrained forested mire margin sites in south and central Finland (60o-66o). The alfa diversities between the seven site clusters differed more clearly than those between the site types. A considerable variety of species of different ecological guilds were found that represented the ecological sources of high beta diversity. Structural diversity varied between clusters formed from overstorey data.
  • Korpela, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Vantaa Research Center, P.O.Box 18, FIN-01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Reinikainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Antti Wall, Leila Urvas. Uuttoajan ja EDTA:n vaikutus metsitettyjen peltomaiden ravinteiden uuttumiseen happamaan ammoniumasetaattiin.
English title: Effect of extraction time and EDTA on acid ammonium extractable nutrient concentrations of afforested agricultural soils.
Avainsanat: peat; acid ammonium acetate/EDTA; soil testing
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The effect of extraction time on the extraction of P, K, Ca, Mg and the effect of EDTA on the extraction of Mn, Fe and Zn with acid ammonium acetate was studied in 196 soil samples collected from afforested agricultural soils. Extraction time (1 hour or ca. 20 hours) did not significantly affect gravimetrically expressed mean concentrations of K, Ca and Mg in mineral soil samples. In peat samples the mean concentration of Ca and Mg with the shorter extraction time was 73% and 81% respectively of the mean concentration obtained with longer extraction time. The mean concentration of P with the extraction time of 1 hour was about 50% of the mean concentration obtained with the longer extraction time in peat and mineral soil samples. Extraction with acid ammonium acetate/EDTA extracted Fe sevenfold and Zn almost threefold compared with acid ammonium acetate alone. Regression models for converting gravimetric and volumetric nutrient values obtained with methods used in agriculture to gravimetric and volumetric nutrient values obtained with methods used in forestry are presented.
  • Wall, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, P.O.Box 44, FIN-69101 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Urvas, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Eeva-Stiina Tuittila, Veli-Matti Komulainen. Kasvillisuus ja C02-tase käytöstä vapautuneella turvetuotantoalueella Kihniön Aitonevalla.
English title: Vegetation and CO2 balance in an abandoned harvested peatland in Aitoneva, southern Finland.
Avainsanat: CO2 balance; Eriophorum vaginatum; GNMDS; harvested peatland; plant colonization
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The vegetation and CO2 balance (difference between C02 fixation rate and respiration rate) in an abandoned harvested peatland in Aitoneva, Kihnio (62° 12'N, 23° 18'E) were studied during the summer of 1994. The daytime CO2 fluxes from sample plots representing different kinds of vegetation were measured using two different static chamber techniques. To investigate the compositional variation of vegetation and its relationship with CO2 balance, data on the vegetation of the sample plots was analysed by global non-metric multidimensional scaling (GNMDS). A total number of 20 plant species was observed on the sample plots. The dominant plant species was Eriophorum vaginatum L. The main variation in GNMDS were connected with colonization stage (total cover of vegetation). The C02 fixation rate varied between -56 and 1869 mg m-2 h-1 and the respiration rate varied between 34 and 1168 mg CO2 m-2 h-1. The CO2 fixation and respiration rate increased with increasing total vegetation cover. The highest respiration and the highest CO2 fixation rates were found in sample plots dominated by mature Eriophorum vaginatum tussocks. Those sample plots were the only ones having positive CO2 balance. Regression analysis indicated that the respiration rate depended on soil temperature. Variation in the water table had no influence on the respiration or the C02 fixation rate. Key words: CO2 balance, Eriophorum vaginatum, GNMDS, harvested peatland, plant colonization
  • Tuittila, Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 24, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Komulainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Timo Silver, Markku Saarinen. Hakkuiden tarve ja toteutuminen yksityismetsien kunnostusojitusalueilla Satakunnassa.
English title: The need for and realization of cuttings in connection with ditch network maintenance in private forests in Satakunta, southwest Finland.
Avainsanat: peatlands; ditch cleaning; cuttings
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Today the emphasis in forest drainage in Finland is on the maintenance of old ditch networks. In connection with these maintaining activities all silvicultural cuttings should also be carried out, because on most old drained peatlands, thinnings are often badly neglected. The aim of this investigation was to determine the need and present extent of silvicultural cuttings in the area of the Satakunta forestry board, in southwest Finland. The main results were that only half the necessary cuttings had been carried out in connection with ditch maintenance. Keywords: Peatlands, cuttings, ditch cleaning
  • Silver, Satakunta District Forestry Board, Itsenäisyydenkatu 35 A, FIN-28100 Pori, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Saarinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Heikki Seppä. Turvestratigrafisen tutkimuksen historiasta ja kvartaaritieteellisestä merkityksestä Pohjoismaissa.
English title: On the history and Quaternary scientific significance of peat stratigraphical research in the Nordic countries.
Avainsanat: pollen analysis; Nordic countries; peat stratigraphy; postglacial climate history
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The early development of peat stratigraphical research was concentrated in the Nordic countries. Although this field of science originated in Denmark at the beginning of the 19th century, the most important pioneer of palaeoecological peatland research was the Norwegian, Axel Blytt. His model, as modified by the Swedish scientist Rutger Sernander, spread throughout Europe and from there to other continents and has had a major impact on peat stratigraphy and Quaternary science. However, our present knowledge of the regional differences in postglacial vegetation and climate history speaks against the use of the Blytt-Sernander scheme outside southern Scandinavia. Especially, the compulsive application of the Blytt-Sernander scheme in the zoning of pollen diagrams has lead to distortions and erroneous interpretations. Keywords: Nordic countries, peat stratigraphy, postglacial climate history, pollen analysis
  • Seppä, Department of Geography, Laboratory of Physical Geography, P.O. Box 9, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Rein Veski, Orru Mall. Viron soiden kemiallinen tutkimus.
English title: Chemical investigation of Estonian peat.
Avainsanat: peat chemistry; Estonia; peat technology
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Peat, alongside with oil shale, is one of the most important national energy resources of Estonia. Some 9836 peatlands cover 22.3 per cent of the Estonian territory. Peat resources exceed 2.37 billion tons. The chemical composition of Estonian peat was studied as early as in the 1920's. At the end of the 1930's some experiments on peat coking were carried out. Later on the chemical content of peat was studied by the Geological Survey of Estonia. An experimental plant for producing fodder yeast has been established, and attempts made to extract growth stimulators from peat. An experimental plant for the production of activated coal is under construction. Key words: Estonia, peat chemistry, peat technology
  • Veski, Peat Info Ltd., Söpruse 233-48, EE0034 Tallinn, Estonia Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Mall, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Mika Nieminen, Antti Pätilä. Puuston kasvu ja ravinteiden saatavuus turvemaiden vanhoilla kalkituskokeilla.
English title: The growth of Scots pine and the availability of nutrients in old Finnish liming experiments on drained peatlands.
Avainsanat: fertilization; tree growth; peat nutrients; Pinus sylvestris; needle nutrients
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Liming (with applications of 1 000 to 8 000 kg ha1) had no long-term (1929-1985) effect on the growth of Scots pine on drained oligotrophic peatlands. Liming plus NPK fertilization had a variable effect on the growth of the stands. The same treatment could result in a very different response in different experimental areas. Both liming alone and liming plus NPK fertilization increased the calcium, magnesium and nitrogen contents of peat and decreased the C/N ratio and acidity. Liming plus fertilization decreased needle boron and manganese and increased calcium and nitrogen concentrations. The results of peat and needle analysis indicated that the changes in nitrogen availability to trees caused by liming have not been sufficient enough to affect tree growth. It was also concluded that boron deficiency was the main reason for the lowered yield. Key words: fertilization, needle nutrients, peat nutrients, Pinus sylvestris, tree growth
  • Nieminen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18, FIN-01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Pätilä, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jyrki Hytönen. Lannoitemaaran vaikutus lyhytkiertoviljelmien ravinnetilaan ja biomassatuotokseen suonpohjilla.
English title: Effect of fertilizer application rate on nutrient status and biomass production in short-rotation plantations of willows on cut­away peatland areas.
Avainsanat: fertilization; biomass production; cut-away peatland; energy forestry; Salix
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The effects of N, P and K fertilizer application rates on the biomass production, soil properties and foliar nutrient status were studied in willow plantations (Salix x dasyclados, Salix 'Aquatica') established on cut-away peatland areas at Haapavesi (64 06'N, 25 36'E and Ruukki (64'27'N, 25 26'E). When the amount of one of the nutrients in NPK-fertilization was changed (N 0-200 kg/ha, P 0-60 kg/ha, K 0-80 kg/ha) the others remained unchanged (N 100, P 30, K 40 kg/ha). Three field experiments were made. Increasing phosphorus and potassium application rates increased the concentrations of corresponding soil extractable nutrients. There was a positive correlation between the fertilizer application rate and the concentrations of foliar nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. During the first growing season, the effect of nitrogen fertilization on biomass production was modest, but during the second growing season the yield of willows increased the most when fertilized with 100-150 kg N/ha. Although phosphorus fertilization increased yields, already the smallest amounts (15 kg/ha) resulted in biomass yields as high when applying the largest phosphorus fertilizer amounts (60 kg/ha). Potassium fertilization did not increase biomass production in any of the experiments. The highest total biomass yields after three growing seasons were 28-30 t/ha. Their compositions were as follows: 44% wood, 18% bark, 17% foliage, 16% roots, and 5% stumpwood. Key words: biomass production, cut-away peatland, fertilization, energy forestry, Salix
  • Hytönen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, Box 44, FIN-69J 01 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Leila Urvas. Rikki viljellyissä eloperäisissä maissa.
English title: Sulphur in cultivated organic soils.
Avainsanat: peat soil; mould soil; pH; Humus; extractable and total sulphur
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In mould soils the concentration of acid ammonium acetate extractable sulphur (SAAAc) was 33 mg/l on average and total sulphur (Stot) was 833 mg/l. Corresponding contents in peat soils were 45 and 1209 mg/l, respectively. Average extractability of sulphur was 4.2 % in mould soils and 3.7 % in peat soils. In both soil types the extractability was highest when pH was lowest. Increasing humus contents decreased slightly the extractability of sulphur. Key words: humus, mould soil, peat soil, pH, extractable and total sulphur L. Urvas, Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Soils and Environment, FIN-3J600 Jokioinen, Finland
  • Urvas, Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Soils and Environment, FIN-3J600 Jokioinen, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Heikki Veijalainen, Klaus Silfverberg, Jyrki Hytönen. Metsäteollisuuden bioliete ja kivihiilen tuhka rauduskoivun taimien ravinnelahteenä.
English title: Pulp biosludge and coal ash as nutrient sources for silver birch seedlings.
Avainsanat: fertilization; Boron toxicity; peat substrate; recycling
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Biosludge from a biological waste-water treatment plant was tested in a greenhouse experiment on three substrates at 7 levels (0-240 m3/ha). The growth of birch seedlings was best on nitrogen poor substrate collected from a Vaccinium vitis-idaea (VT) forest site. NPK-fertilization was superior to sludge treatments on poor peat substrate. Biosludge increased the foliar nitrogen content on all three soils. Nutritional value of coal ash was tested at 17 levels (0.4-160 t/ha) on mineral soil from an afforested field. Low application levels of coal ash (400-1600 kg/ha) increased the growth of the birch seedlings more than other applications. However, even extremely high coal ash amounts (up to 160 t/ha) were not lethal for birch seedlings. Coal ash increased foliar boron contents two to three fold and with applications higher than 20 t/ha increase was five to seven fold. Birches planted in 1978 on a coal ash landfilling area showed good survival and growth, despite toxic boron contents and visual disturbances in the leaves. Key words: Boron toxicity, fertilization, peat substrate, recycling
  • Veijalainen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Box 18, FIN-01301 Vantaa Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Silfverberg, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Hytönen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Hedwig Roderfeld. Kohosoiden luonnontilaan palauttaminen turpeen noston jälkeen Luoteis-Saksassa.
English title: Raised bog regeneration after peat harvesting in North-West Germany.
Avainsanat: peatlands; nature protection; rehabilitation; top spit
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An increasing awareness of the environment and the wide extension of mined peatlands require actions and measurements in order to ensure their regeneration and protection. A brief description of the most important peat harvesting methods in North-West Germany shows the stratigraphy of peatlands after exploitation has been finished and ecotechnological actions have been started to initiate a raised bog regeneration. The actions and measurements applied depend also on the properties of the peat as on the properties of the top spit layer. The requirements for a successful rewetting of peatlands will be shown. The terminology concerning the subject of raised bog regeneration will be explained. Keywords: nature protection, peatlands, rehabilitation, top spit
  • Roderfeld, Institute of Soil Technology Bremen, Geological Survey of Lower-Saxony, Friedrich-Mifller-Str. 46/50, D-2800 Bremen, Germany Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Raili Jokinen, Leila Urvas, Seppo Hyvärinen. Uuttuva kupari viljellyissä eloperäisissä maissa.
English title: Extractable copper in cultivated organic soils.
Avainsanat: peat soil; mould soil; pH; Humus; total copper
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The content of acid (pH 4.65) ammonium acetate-EDTA (AAAc-EDTA) extractable Cu was in mould soils (9.6 ±5.7 mg/1 soil) about one and a half times that in peat soils (6.6 ± 4.4 mg/1). There was a close positive dependence between extractable Cu and the total Cu in both soil types. The proportion of extractable Cu on the total Cu was in mould soils (wet combustion 40.0 ± 13.3%; dry ashing 40.9 ± 11.3%) somewhat lower than in peat soils (wet combustion 47.4 ± 13.6%; dry ashing 53.4 ± 19.5%). In mould soils the decrease in soil acidity had an increasing effect on both extractable Cu and total Cu contents of soil. In peat soils the extractable Cu and total Cu contents were lowest between pH(H20) values 5.0 and 5.5, and increased with both increasing and decreasing the soil acidity. The extractable Cu and total Cu contents were highest in mould soils of low humus content and in peat soils having humus content between 60 and 70%. Keywords: Humus, mould soil, peat soil, pH, total copper
  • Jokinen, Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Soils and Environment, FIN-31600 Jokioinen, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Urvas, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Hyvärinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Harri Vasander, Jussi Kuusipalo, Tapio Lindholm. Kasvillisuuden muutokset rämeillä ojituksen ja lannoituksen jalkeen.
English title: Vegetation changes after drainage and fertilization in pine mires.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; Biomass; Apatite; biodiversity; biotite; urea
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The effects of drainage and fertilization (both slowly and readily soluble fertilizers were included) on the above-ground biomass and cover of understorey vegetation were studied in two mires situated at Lammi, southern Finland, and at Ilomantsi, northern Karelia. Urea and especially micronutrients decreased the cover of Sphagnum species. Slowly soluble nitrogen also decreased the cover of Sphagnum, but not as efficiently. In fen site types the cover and biomass of Vaccinium oxycoccos and Andromeda polifolia increased strongly after fertilization. The greatest change in vegetation was caused by micronutrients given together with macronutrients. The cover and biomass of Eriophorum vaginatum and Rubus chamaemorus increased on all the fertilization plots probably because phosphorus was included in all the treatments. Calluna vulgaris and Empetrum nigrum benefited from the NPK fertilization on hummock sites. Keywords: Apatite, biodiversity, biomass, biotite, peatland forestry, urea
  • Vasander, Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 24 (Unioninkatu 40 B), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kuusipalo, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Lindholm, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Shashi B. Verma, Frank B. Ullman, Narasinha J. Shurpali, Robert J. Clement, Joon Kim, David P. Billesbach. Micrometeorological measurements of methane and energy fluxes in a Minnesota peatland.
Avainsanat: peatlands; methane flux; Eddy correlation technique
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The micrometeorological eddy correlation technique was used to measure fluxes of methane and energy. Results from these measurements made in a Minnesota peatland are reviewed here. The field observations made in a pilot study (1990) demonstrated the utility of the eddy correlation technique for measuring surface fluxes of methane. Seasonal distribution of methane flux at the same site was obtained in a detailed study (May to October) in 1991. The evapotranspiration rates and other components of the surface energy budget were also quantified. The daily evapotranspiration during the measurement period (mid May to mid October) ranged from 0.9 to 6.0 mm day-1, with a seasonal average of 3.6mm day-1. Keywords: Eddy correlation technique, methane flux, peatlands
  • Verma, Dept. of Agric. Meteorology, University of Nebraska, P.O. Box 830728, Lincoln, NE-68583-0728, U.S.A. Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ullman, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Shurpali, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Clement, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Kim, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Billesbach, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen, Goran Possnert, Högne Jungner, Eloni Sonninen, Jukka Alm. High resolution 14C dating of surface peat using the AMS technique.
Avainsanat: Sphagnum; peatlands; Moss increment dating; radiocarbon
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In an AMS (accelerator mass spectrometric) determination of 14C from moss-increment dated samples from a Sphagnum fuscum hummock, a clear peak representing the time of high 14C activity in the atmosphere due to nuclear bomb tests was found. The 14C activities in the peat profile at deeper levels, corresponding to the period down to 1600 BP, showed similar variations as the atmospheric values. The time-scale obtained from radiocarbon dating fitted well with results from moss-increment counting, pollen analysis and dendrochronological dating of a fire horizon. Using the bomb activity peak, the fraction of carbon emanating from deeper layers and refixed into growing peat was estimated. The fraction of soil carbon dioxide taken up by the contemporary Sphagnum sward was thus found to be in the order of 20%. Keywords: Moss increment dating, peatlands, radiocarbon, Sphagnum
  • Tolonen, Dept. of Biology, Univ. Joensuu, P.O. Box III, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Possnert, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Jungner, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Sonninen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Alm, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Ingvar Sundh, Mats Nilsson, Bo H. Svensson. Depth distribution of methane production and oxidation in a Sphagnum peat bog.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Carbon flow; methane oxidation; methane production
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The anaerobic production and potential aerobic oxidation of methane were assessed in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland in Sweden. Peat from four depths in the 0-40 cm (below the vegetation surface) layer was collected in three different plant communities. The rate measurements were made with peat slurries in flasks. The ratio between the mean production and mean oxidation activities was more than ten-fold higher in the two wetter than in the driest community. The within profiles depth distributions of methanogenic and methane-oxidizing activity were similar, showing that a particular level may act as a net source or a net sink for methane, depending on prevailing environmental conditions (primarily the oxygen distribution). The results also suggest that methane production and consumption processes can occur in anaerobic and aerobic micro-zones in very close proximity to each other. Key words: Carbon flow, methane oxidation, methane production, peatlands
  • Sundh, Department of Microbiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Nilsson, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Svensson, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jouko Silvola, Pertti Martikainen, Hannu Nykänen. A mobile automatic gas chromatograph system to measure C02, CH4 and N2O fluxes from soil in the field.
Avainsanat: peatland; Carbon dioxide; methane; Automated measuring; nitrous oxide
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A caravan has been converted into a mobile laboratory for measuring fluxes of C02, CH4 and N2O from the soil in the field. The caravan is equipped with a gas chromatograph fitted with TC-, FI- and EC-detectors, and a PC controlled data logger. The gas collecting chambers can be used up to 50 m from the caravan. The closing and opening of the chambers, as well as the flows of sample gases from chambers to the gas chromatograph, is pneumatically regulated. Simultaneous recordings of temperature, light intensity and the depth of water table are made. The system has been used for two months in 1992, and some preliminary results are presented. Keywords: Automated measuring, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, peatland
  • Silvola, Department of Biology, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box III, FIN-80I0I Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Martikainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Nykänen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Vladimir Sakovets, Natalia I. Germanova. Changes in the carbon balance of forested mires in Karelia due to drainage.
Avainsanat: peat; peatland forestry; phytomass; Russia
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The carbon balance of undrained and drained parts of a herb-rich pine fen mire ecosystem were calculated. The drainage had been carried out twenty years earlier. Drainage resulted in an increase of 1.23 t C ha-1 a-1 within the ecosystem. The increase was due to increased stand production, which exceeded a loss of carbon from the peat (-0.32 t ha-1 a-1). Keywords: Peat, peatland forestry, phytomass, Russia
  • Sakovets, Karelian Science Centre, Forest Institute, Pushkinskaja II, 185610 Petrozavodsk, Russia Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Germanova, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Timo Saarinen, Kimmo Tolonen, Harri Vasander. Use of 14C labelling to measure below-ground biomass of mire plants.
Avainsanat: production; peatlands; root biomass
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Below-ground biomass of dominating vascular plants on a mesotrophic fen and Sphagnum fuscum pine bog was estimated using 14C labelling techniques. Preliminary results show that up to 90% of living biomass of Carex rostrata growing on the fen may be located below ground. Fine roots form the majority of below-ground biomass. Keywords: Peatlands, production, root biomass
  • Saarinen, Department of Botany, Laboratories of Ecology, P.O. Box 4, FIN-00014University of Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Tolonen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Vasander, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jack O. Rieley, Gaston Sieffermann, Susan E. Page. The origin, development, present status and importance of the lowland peat swamp forests of Borneo.
Avainsanat: peatland; Deferrification; tropical podzols
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The peatlands of Borneo have been classified into coastal, basin/valley and high peats. Their formation is related to past and present climatic conditions, land erosion, sediment transport and deposition, pedogenesis, fluctuations in sea level and coastal building/uplift processes. The age of tropical peat varies from around 800 years to in excess of 10 000 years. The natural vegetation of tropical peatlands is forest within which most of the tree families of lowland dipterocarp rain forest have been recorded although the canopy is lower and more open. Tropical peatlands perform important ecological, economic and environmental functions. Keywords: Deferrification, peatland, tropical podzols
  • Rieley, Department of Life Science, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD, UK Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Sieffermann, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Page, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Pertti J. Martikainen, Hannu Nykänen, Patrick Crill, Jouko Silvola. The effect of changing water table on methane fluxes at two Finnish mire sites.
Avainsanat: peat soil; Drainage; nutrient status; methane flux; methane oxidation
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Methane fluxes were measured using a static chamber technique on a minerotrophic fen and an ombrotrophic peat bog site located on the Lak-kasuo mire complex in central Finland. Both sites consisted of a virgin area and an area drained in 1961 by ditching. The measurements in 1991 were made biweekly from spring thaw to winter freezing. During this period, the mean CH4 emission from the virgin minerotrophic site and virgin ombrotrophic site was 98 mg m-2 d-1 and 40 mg m-2 d-1 , respectively. The mean emission of CH4 from the drained ombrotrophic site was 18 mg m-2 d-1. The drained minerotrophic site consumed methane during most of the measuring period, the average uptake was 0.13 mg m-2 d-1. Draining had lowered the average water table by 4 cm at the ombrotrophic site and by 20 cm at minerotrophic site. The possible reasons for the different development of the water table and methane fluxes at ombrotrophic and minerotrophic sites after draining are discussed. Keywords: Drainage, methane flux, methane oxidation, nutrient status, peat soil
  • Martikainen, Department of Environmental Microbiology, National Public Health Institute, P.O. Box 95, FIN-70701 Kuopio, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Nykänen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Crill, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Silvola, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jukka Laine, Harri Vasander, Antti Puhalainen. A method to estimate the effect of forest drainage on the carbon store of a mire.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; Carbon stores; Boreal zone
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Mires are sinks for carbon. Drainage enhances the aerobic microbial decomposition of the surface peat, which may transform mires into net sources of carbon to the atmosphere. However, the increase in the growth of the tree stand and consequent fixation of carbon after drainage may be expected to have a compensating effect. The effects of drainage on the carbon stores of a mire are not easy to establish. This paper discusses a method that can be used to assess the changes in cases where part of the mire has been left in the virgin condition. The method is based on bulk density and carbon content profiles measured along a transect running from the undrained part to the drained part of the mire. The carbon store of the peat in each case is calculated for the peat depth in which drainage is considered to have caused changes. The subsidence at each measuring point on the drained side is subtracted from the original peat depth before carbon store calculations. Keywords: Boreal zone, carbon stores, peatland forestry
  • Laine, Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 24, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Vasander, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Puhalainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Pirkko Kortelainen, Sari Saukkonen. Leaching of organic carbon and nitrogen from peatland-dominated catchments.
Avainsanat: peatlands; leaching; hydrology; organic carbon; runoff
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The area of 13 study catchments is 2.5-56.3 km2 and 37-87% of the catchments is covered by peatlands. Ditching intensities varied from 0 to 100%. Median total organic carbon (TOC) in runoff waters from the catchments was 10-30 mg l-1 and median total nitrogen (Ntot) 380-1 000 µg l-1. The annual leaching of TOC and N tot was calculated for five catchments for which daily runoff data was available. The range for mean annual leaching of TOC and Ntot from the catchments was 4 700 to 7 300 kg km-2 a-1 and 190-250 kg km-2 a-1, respectively. The variation between different years was high and annual leaching was closely related to annual runoff. The regional variation in the leaching of TOC and N tot was small compared to the annual variation. Keywords: Hydrology, leaching, organic carbon, peatlands, runoff
  • Kortelainen, National Board of Waters and the Environment, Water and Environment Research Institute, P.O. Box 250, FlN-00101 Helsinki, Finland S Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Saukkonen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Marjut Karsisto. Microbiological and organic characterisation of peat.
Avainsanat: peatland; Decomposition; microbiological analysis; organic compounds
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Activity during the first phase of this SUOSILMU subproject was mainly focused on the development of methods for the fractionation of peat into its organic components and for the determination of microbial bio-mass. It is now possible to characterise peat using some fifty organic compounds. Using these methods, the effects of drainage intensity and fertilization on the organic character of the peat have been investigated. From the preliminary results, it appears that these methods can be used to determine more exactly the effects of such amelioration practices on the decomposition of peat. During the next phase of the project (1993— 1995), the production and decomposition rates of different organic compounds will be determined in long-term incubation experiments. Keywords: Decomposition, microbiological analysis, organic compounds, peatland
  • Karsisto, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 18, FIN-0I30I Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Jyrki Jauhiainen, Harri Vasander, Jouko Silvola. Differences in response of two Sphagnum species to elevated CO2 and nitrogen input.
Avainsanat: production; peatlands; climate change; Bryophyte ecology
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Cushions of Sphagnum fuscum and S. angustifolium were grown in the laboratory in four different C02 concentrations (350, 700, 1 000, and 2 000 ppm) and N deposition levels (0, 10, 30, and 100 kg ha-1 a-1). The same N deposition levels were also applied in the field. C02 concentration increased both the shoot density and dry mass of S. fuscum but decreased the length increment. There was no net effect on production. For S. angustifolium, shoot density did not alter with elevated C02 con-centration but the C02 induced increment in dry mass and length caused increased production. S. angustifolium suffered from nutrient deficiency on the 0 kg N ha-1a-1 treatment and S. fuscum had difficulties to survive at the heaviest N load. No clear trends in length increment or cover was noticed in the field study during the first year. Keywords: Bryophyte ecology, climate change, peatlands, production
  • Jauhiainen, University of Joensuu, Department of Biology, P.O. Box 111, FIN-80I0I Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Vasander, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Silvola, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Machteld C. Dierendock. Simulation of peat accumulation: an aid in carbon cycling research.
Avainsanat: Sphagnum; peatland; Meta-analysis; primary production
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Some preliminary results of a technique used to compare primary production and peat accumulation data mainly from published sources and the results of a peat accumulation simulation model are presented. Emphasis is on differences among micro-sites (hummock, lawn, hollow and pool) and among various Sphagnum species (S.fuscum, S. magellanicum, S. cuspidatum and S. balticum) associated with raised bogs. The primary production of lawns and pools were significantly greater than those of hummocks and hollows. Sphagnum balticum had the highest primary production (mean = 339 g m-2 a-1). Over 90% of the primary production of Sphagnum fuscum is accumulated while for the other Sphagnum species, the value is <50%. The data are used in a simulation model to show the influence on primary production of a doubling of rainfall over a 50-year period. Keywords: Meta-analysis, peatland, primary production, Sphagnum
  • Dierendock, Hugo de Vries Laboratory, University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 318, J 098 SM Amsterdam, The Netherlands Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
A. Russel Anderson, D. Graham Pyatt, Joanne M. Sayers, Stuart R. Blackhall, Helen D. Robinson. Volume and mass budgets of blanket peat in the north of Scotland.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; Carbon stores; Pinus contorta
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The ground surface was 0.5 m lower under a 22-year-old lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) plantation than in the adjacent unplanted ride. The peat was much drier beneath the trees than in the ride. The depth of peat under the trees, adjusted so that each layer had the same dry bulk density as the originally equivalent depths in the ride, effectively reversing shrinkage due to drying, was 2 cm greater than our best estimate of its original depth and the depth in the ride was 8 cm greater than in 1966. The original depths, surveyed in 1966 had too large an uncertainty (± 15 cm) for the changes to be significant. Keywords: Carbon stores, peatland forestry, Pinus contorta
  • Anderson, Forestry Authority, Northern Research Station, Roslin, Midlothian, EH25 9SY, UK Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Pyatt, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Sayers, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Blackhall, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Robinson, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Elon S. Verry, Noel R. Urban. Nutrient cycling at Marcell Bog, Minnesota.
Avainsanat: Minnesota; peatlands; global change; Carbon cycling; nutrient budgets
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Fourteen kg ha-1 yr-1 of N enter the mire acrotelm, and 12 are sequestered in the catotelm peat. However, 66 kg ha-1 yr-1 cycle between plant growth and decay in the acrotelm each year, primarily as ammonium and organic N. Fifty eight percent of the sulfate inputs to the mire are retained, but the export of organic sulfur (1.5 kg ha-1 yr-1) yields a total sulfur retention of 37%. As with N, recycling within the acrotelm and vegetation layer is large (12.5 kg ha-1 yr-1). The proton cycle in the mire is dominated by nutrient uptake and plant decay (about 80% of the 1 044 meq m-2 yr-1). Organic acid production is the major source of free acidity (263 meq m-2 yr-1) and buffers the water near pH 4. About half of the metals entering the mire are retained, and about 60% of the P is retained. Retention of P is particularly high (about 80%) during the spring snowmelt season. The carbon cycle at the Marcell mire consists of about 655 g C m-2 yr-1entering and leaving the acrotelm and vegetation. Eighteen to 28 g C m-2 yr-1are sequestered each year in the catotelm (true and apparent rate of accumulation). Net primary production in the moss, tree, and herbaceous layers accounts for about 385 g C m-2 yr-1, while C02 losses in soil and plant respiration account for about 589g C m-2 yr-1. Root net primary productivity (unmeasured) is estimated at 152 g C m-2 yr-1. Water export of C is 37 and methane losses are about 6 g C m-2 yr-1. Keywords: Carbon cycling, global change, Minnesota, nutrient budgets, peatlands
  • Verry, USD A- Forest Service, North Central Forest Exp. Stn., 1831 Highway 169 East, Grand Rapids, MN, USA. Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Urban, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
R. S. Clymo. Models of peat growth.
Avainsanat: peatland; Carbon balance; modelling; peat growth
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Models reflect reality but also simplify it. The modeller must choose where the balance lies between simplicity plus understanding and complexity plus realism. (1) Two pictorial and descriptive models of the surface of a peat-forming bog are given, and a third shows why the true rate of peat accumulation must diminish over time. (2) A simple quantitative model of the surface layers is described and leads to the conclusion that the surface layer is in a steady state, fixing carbon, losing some by decay, and passing some on to the underlying peat proper. A similar model for the underlying peat shows that if decay is at a rate that is a constant proportion of what remains then there is an upper asymptotic limit to the depth of peat. But if the rate of decay decreases, because the remaining material is more refractory, then peat accumulation continues indefinitely though at an ever-decreasing rate. (3) A simulation model allowing greater realism but diminished understanding is outlined. (4) Models should be aids, not objects in their own right. Keywords: Carbon balance, modelling, peat growth, peatland
  • Clymo, School of Biological Sciences, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London El 4NS, UK Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Eville Gorham, Jan A. Janssens. The paleorecord of geochemistry and hydrology in northern peatlands and its relation to global change.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Geochemistry; global change; hydrology; paleorecord
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Evidence is presented to show the utility of peatland paleorecords in determining (1) variations in the time of initiation as well as the rate of accumulation of peat and biophilic elements, (2) the history of changes in surface-water acidity and water-table depth, (3) shifts in ground-water influence upon plant communities and the chemistry of the water in which they grow, and (4) alterations in the rate of deposition of diverse pollutants from the atmosphere. This evidence constitutes background information of great value for investigations of the ecological and biogeochemical consequences of global change. Keywords: Geochemistry, global change, hydrology, paleorecord, peatlands
  • Gorham, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN 55108, U.S.A. Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Janssens, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Toyohiro Miyazawa. Japanin suot ja niiden hyväksikäyttö seka suojelu.
English title: The utilization and conservation of mires in Japan.
Avainsanat: peatlands; preservation; Hokkaido; Japan; utilization
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Japan has approximately 200 000 ha of mires (0.5% of the total land area), and peat reserves of ca. 625 million tons. Because of the great diversity in both climatic and topographic conditions various types of mire and wetlands are found. These range from the large coastal mires in Hokkaido to the mangrove forests with surrounding limnogenic mires in subtropical regions of the Ryukyu Archipelago. The majority of Japanese mires are, however, located in regions of recent volcanic activity and on the alluvial plains of Central Honshu and northwards. Most of the lowland mires have long since been reclaimed for rice culture or have partly been buried under built-up areas. In this paper, different forms of mire utilization are outlined and 30 legally (or otherwise) protected mires in Hokkaido are briefly described. Keywords: Hokkaido, Japan, peatlands, preservation, utilization
  • Miyazawa, University of Helsinki, Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station, SF-35500 Korkeakoski, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Markku Saarinen, Timo Silver. Karujen rämeiden kunnostusojituskelpoisuus.
English title: Evaluation of ditch network maintenance on drained poor pine mires.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Drainage; Classification; profitability
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In the southern part of Finland there are over 400 000 hectares of old drainage areas which are on very poor pine mires. This paper presents their problematic site type classification, growing stock variation and some criteria to evaluate the profitability of the ditch network maintenance. Keywords: Classification, drainage, peatlands, profitability
  • Saarinen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, SF-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Silver, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Seppo Kaunisto. Kalilannoituksen vaikutus männyn kasvuun ja ravinnetilaan.
English title: Effect of potassium fertilization on the growth and nutrition of Scots pine.
Avainsanat: peatland; Foliar nutrients; peat nutrients; Pinus sylvestris
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This paper is based on four experiments established in 1960-1969. There were four sources of potassium: potassium chloride, double salt of potassium and magnesium sulphates, cement potassium and potassium sulphate. The application rates of fertilizer potassium varied from 0 to 664 kg/ha as pure element. Nitrogen and phosphorus or phosphorus alone were also given at the beginning. The experiments were inventoried in 1988. The peat potassium amounts were independent of the application rate. On the other hand, the foliar potassium concentrations were the higher the higher the application rate. Yet, the effect of currently used potassium fertilizer rate, (about 80 kg/ha of K), on the foliar potassium concentrations did not significantly differ from the effect of the double rate. Fertilization increased the basal area growth for 8-22 years, after which the growth started to decline. The reason can at least partly be attributed to the shortage of potassium. The growth response was independent of the potassium source and rate on the potassium fertilized plots. Key words: Foliar nutrients, peatland, peat nutrients, Pinus sylvestris
  • Kaunisto, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, SF-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Leila Urvas, Raili Jokinen, Seppo Hyvärinen. Uuttuva sinkki viljellyissä eloperaisissa maissa.
English title: Extractability of zinc in cultivated organic soils.
Avainsanat: peat soil; Extractable zinc; humus content; mould soil; pH; total zinc
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The AAAc-EDTA extractable Zn content in mould soils (2,3±2,0 mg/ l soil) was not dependent on the total Zn content. In peat soils the extractable Zn content (2,0±1,9 mg/l soil) increased with the increase in total Zn content. The proportion of extractable Zn to the total Zn was less than 8% in Zn deficient mould soils but about 40% in Zn sufficient mould soils. In peat soils the corresponding proportions were 30% and 60%. In mould soils the increases in humus content and acidity caused an increase of AAAc-EDTA extractable Zn. In peat soils extractable Zn content increased with increasing humus content up to 65%. The extractable Zn content was highest between pH values 5,0 and 5,5. Keywords: Extractable zinc, humus content, mould soil, peat soil, pH, total zinc
  • Urvas, Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Soils and Environment, SF-31600 Jokioinen, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Jokinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Hyvärinen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
André-Jean Francez, Jean-Jacques Bignon, Anne-Marie Mollet. Ranskan suot ja niiden käyttö.
English title: The peatlands in France: localization, characteristics, use and conservation.
Avainsanat: agriculture; bog; peat utilization; fen
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We find in France two main peatlands-types: topogenous Carex-fens, in the north and east of the country, and ombrogenous Sphagnum-bogs, in the medium montanes. In total, there are about 100 000 ha peatlands which correspond to a volume of 2 x 109 m3. The amount of extracted peat in France was, in the eighties, 200 000 t (dry matter). Peat is essentially used as fuel or, mixed with German or Soviet peat, as soilless substrates. The fens of the floodplains have long been used for market gardening (tradition of 'hortillonnages' in Amiens or Bourges). Two national surveys were made during energy crises, during the Second World War and at the end of the 1970s following the oil shortage. The law of July 1976 on the preservation of the countryside lists 19 peatlands plant species that are nationally protected. Ten peatlands have been classified as nature reserves and two projects are in preparation. Keywords: agriculture, bog, fen, peat utilization
  • Francez, C.ER.E.M.CA., rue du Tisserand, Rouil-las-Bas, F-63 970 Aydat, France Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Bignon, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Mollet, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Mika Nieminen, Antti Pätilä. Ojitettujen rämeiden pohjaveden laatu ja sen riippuvuus turpeen kemiallisista ominaisuuksista.
English title: Groundwater quality and its relationship to peat chemical properties on drained pine mires.
Avainsanat: peatlands; peat nutrients; water chemistry
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The variation in groundwater nutrient concentrations from 29 oligotrophy pine mires were described. The relationships between groundwater chemistry and the chemical status of the surface peat layer were also investigated. The mean groundwater quality in different site type fertility groups was: pH 4.0-4.8; NH4+-N 0.45-0.80 mg l-1; P 0.06-0.15 mg l-1; K 0.27-0.54 mg l-1 ; Ca 1.40-3.78 mg l-1; Mg 0.49-1.67 mg l-1; Mn 0.01-0.12 mg I-1; Fe 0.69-3.20 mg l-1; Al 0.34-0.57 mg i-1; Zn 0.006-0.015 mg I-1; Na 0.63-1.91 mg l-1; B 0.008-0.010 mg l-1 and S 1.15-1.47 mg l-1. When ordered from the most infertile to the most fertile site types, groundwater pH and total concentrations of Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe and Na significantly (P < 0.001) increased. There was a large seasonal variation in the concentrations of S, K, Na, B and Zn, and a large within-plot variation in K, NH4+-N, P and B concentrations. The results indicated that factors other than the chemistry of peat were involved in determining the concentrations of these nutrients in the groundwater. Groundwater concentrations of Al, Fe, Ca and Mg, on the other hand, were found to be strongly correlated with the corresponding total nutrient concentrations in the surface peat layer. Keywords: peatlands, peat nutrients, water chemistry
  • Nieminen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18, SF-01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Pätilä, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Irmeli Vuorela. Turvetutkimus Suomen asutushistorian selvittämisessä.
English title: Settlement history of Finland traced by means of microfossil analyses of peat deposits.
Avainsanat: peatland; archaeometry; charcoal particles; loss-on-ignition; pollen analysis; settlement history
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Information on early settlement history in SW Finland has increased considerably as a result of archaeometrical studies including pollen analysis, charcoal analysis and loss-on-ignition analysis of peat deposits, especially of Sphagnum peat. The results together with 14C-datings, show that the introduction of agriculture took place from the S-SW in the SW archipelago as early as 3600±90 BP (before present). This, however, does not explain the early pollen and charcoal dust evidence of cultivation in the Kainuu district where corresponding darings of 3680±90 BP have recently been obtained, or in Siilinjarvi where evidence of early cultivation around 3000 BP has also been recorded. Keywords: archaeometry, charcoal particles, loss-on-ignition, peatland, pollen analysis, settlement history
  • Vuorela, The Geological Survey of Finland, Betonimiehenkuja 4, SF-02150 Espoo, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Seppo Kaunisto, Ari Ferm, Juhani Kokkonen. Suometsät ja niiden tutkimus Virossa ja Latviassa.
English title: Peatland forestry research in Estonia and Latvia.
Avainsanat: fertilization; peatland forestry; Drainage
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The authors visited Estonia and Latvia on 20-25.8.1990 in order to get acquainted with peatland forestry research and methods for increasing tree growth on cultivated peatlands, especially by using fertilization. The paper describes peatland forestry in general, paying special attention to the activities in the field of fertilization research on Estonian and Latvian peatlands. Keywords: Drainage, fertilization, peatland forestry
  • Kaunisto, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano ResearchStation, SF-39700 Parkano, Finland. Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ferm, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Kokkonen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Klaus Silfverberg. Wood ash, PK-fertilizer and two soil ameliorating additives on drained pine mires.
Avainsanat: ash fertilization; peat; Finland; Scots pine; growth; needle analysis
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The study was made in four experimental fields on drained peatland in western Finland (63-66°N). One of the experiments was laid out in 1972; the others in 1978-1979. Treatments included different kinds of wood ash and PK-fertilizer, an ash-imitating mixture and apatite+biotite. Needle analyses and growth measurements were carried out in 1983— 1986. The concentrations of Mg and Mn generally decreased after fertilization. A rise in the foliar P, foliar K and foliar weight correlated with the growth response. Best growth increment was achieved with the ash-imitating mixture and PK-fertilizer, while apatite+biotite did not increase growth. In the first years after fertilization, growth on the ash plots was weaker, but later stronger or equal to growth on PK- and ash-imitating plots. The correlation between initial tree height and post-fertilization growth was similar on the different treatments. The poor growth increment on some ash treatments was probably due to the insufficient amount of nutrients in the ashes used. Key words: Ash fertilization, Finland, growth, needle analysis, peat, Scots pine
  • Silfverberg, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18, SF-0I301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Seppo Kaunisto, Timo Viinamäki. Lannoituksen ja leppäsekoituksen vaikutus mäntytaimikon kehitykseen ja suonpohjaturpeen ominaisuuksiin Aitonevalla.
English title: Effect of fertilization and alder (Alnus incana) mixture on the development of young Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees and the peat properties in a peat cutover area at Aitoneva, southern Finland.
Avainsanat: Foliar nutrients; peat nutrients; peat thickness; root penetration
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The alder mixture and fertilization, both separately and especially together increased the growth of pine and the mass and length of roots, and decreased mortality of trees. Alder mixture increased the amounts of phosphorus and potassium in peat as compared to the alderless plots. The thickness of the peat layer (range 0.24-0.72 m) was negatively correlated with the growth of pine, the foliar P and K concentrations and the root mass and length. In no case were roots found in the peat layer closest to the subsoil. Obviously the peat layer should not be thicker than 30 cm, even if fertilized, for growing pine in a peat cutover area. Keywords: Foliar nutrients, peat nutrients, peat thickness, root penetration
  • Kaunisto, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, SF-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Viinamäki, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Petri Kärenlampi, Juha Suni. Motor-manual treatment of young stands on peatlands.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Ditches; nurse crop; terrain description; young stand treatment
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In connection with an Inter-Nordic research project concerning treatment of young forests, some aspects concerning peatlands were studied. A description of the difficulty of terrain and the importance of nurse crop were reviewed from the point of view of young stand treatment. A field experiment concerning the time needed to keep ditches free from slash was organized. Keywords: Ditches, nurse crop, peatlands, terrain description, young stand treatment
  • Kärenlampi, University of Helsinki, Department of Logging and Utilization of Forest Products, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00170 Helsinki Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Suni, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Carl-Adam Haeggström. The Finno-Swedish mire terminology.
Avainsanat: peatland; Classification; terminology
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The Swedish botanical mire terminology used in Finland for teaching students in biology at the University of Helsinki/Helsingfors and pupils in primary and secondary schools differs from that used in silviculture, e.g. by forestry technicians. In this paper some discrepancies between the mire terminologies used by the Swedish-speaking people in Finland, as well as the Swedish mire terminology used in Sweden are elucidated. An improved Swedish terminology is suggested. Key words: Classification, peatland, terminology
  • Haeggström, Department of Botany, University of Helsingfors, Unionsgatan 44, SF-00170 Helsingfors, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Juha-Pekka Hotanen. Esimerkki pseudolajien runsauskynnysten muuntelun vaikutuksesta TWINSPAN-Iuokittelussa.
English title: The effect of pseudospecies cut level settings on the results of TWINSPAN classification.
Avainsanat: drained peatlands; mire classification; vegetation; mire site type; multi­variate analysis
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TWINSPAN classifications of the same drained mire vegetation data using four different pseudospecies cut level scales were compared. The material consisted of 96 sample plots located on drained spruce and pine mires in eastern Finland. The pseudospecies cut level scales were the octave scale (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64%), a coarse scale (0, 5, 10, 20 and 50%), TWINSPAN default settings (0, 2, 5, 10 and 20%), and presence/absence. The classificatons were quite similar at the first division but they differed markedly from each other at the final third division showing that the choice of cut levels has an important effect on TWIN-SPAN results. The sample plots in one TWINSPAN cluster defined with set of cut levels were allocated to several clusters defined with other cut level settings. The presence/absence setting resulted in a classification which was the most different from the classification made using the default settings. The TWINSPAN classifications performed using the default and octave scale settings corresponded the best with the field classification of the plots and were ecologically the most interpretable. Keywords: Drained peatlands, mire classification, mire site type, multivariate analysis, vegetation
  • Hotanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Station, P.O. Box 68, SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Deborah S. Eustis, Kimmo Tolonen. Tuhka-ajoitusmenetelmän ja sammalvuosikasvainajoituksen vertailu rahkamättäissä.
English title: A comparison of ash dating and moss-increment dating in Sphagnum hummocks.
Avainsanat: Sphagnum; peatlands; dating; mineral dust; surface peats
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A comparison of two methods for dating recent ombrotrophic peat hummocks was made at three mires. For depths approximately below 10 cm, acid insoluble ash dating gave greater ages than moss-increment dating; for depths above 10 cm, the methods showed more similar ages. The moss-increment dates were assumed to be generally correct since there was a good correlation between several independent dating results and moss-increment ages at one of the study sites. Despite the declining accuracy of moss-increment dating with depth, it should be the method chosen for dating recent peat in areas where the assumption of constant acid insoluble ash deposition is invalid. Increment dating is practically useful only in the moss hummocks, except for when the moss stems have been compressed into a horizontal position. Keywords: Dating, mineral dust, peatlands, Sphagnum, surface peats
  • Eustis, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, P.O. Box U-42, Storrs, CT 06268, USA Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Tolonen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen, Lauri Ijäs. Turvesaannon arviointi suotyypin ja turpeen syvyyden perusteella.
English title: Estimation of peat yield of different peat deposit types.
Avainsanat: mire site types; Bulk density; peat deposits; peat resources
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Preliminary regression models are produced for the estimation of dry peat yield (tons) per unit area (hectare) for different types of peat deposits with different peat thickness. The models are based on 6 500 peat samples obtained for bulk density measurements from 245 vertical peat profiles (70 virgin and drained peadands) in Finland. In general, the increase in the peat yield does not take place in 1:1 relationship with depth because average bulk density tends to decrease with peat deposit thickness. Fairly reliable estimates of the peat yield using depth and mire site type were obtained. R2 values for the eight models representing eight different groups of "mire site types" ranged from 86.0 to 95.3%. Keywords: Bulk density, mire site types, peat deposits, peat resources
  • Tolonen, Department of Biology, University ofJoensuu, P.O. Box 111,SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ijäs, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Eero Kaakkinen, Pekka Salminen, Harri Vasander. Skotlannin peittosuot ja niiden suojelu.
English title: Scottish blanket mires and their conservation.
Avainsanat: peatlands; afforestation; preservation; Scodand
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Controversy between the conservation and utilization of Scottish peadands is discussed on the basis of the authors' experience from the excursion of the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG) to Scotland in September 1986 (EK & PS) and the participation in the international symposium "Peatland Ecosystems and Man: An Impact Assessment" in Dundee, Scotland in September 1989 (HV). Many blanket mires, especially in north-central Scotland, have an international conservation value. At the same time almost one fifth of this mire area has been afforested. The purpose of the Nature Conservancy Council is to conserve as large watershed areas as possible and to guide afforestation to those areas which have already lost their naturalness. There is now an urgent need of mire conservation in Scotland in order to save distinguished areas of Scottish blanket mires. Key words: afforestation, peatlands, preservation, Scodand
  • Kaakkinen, Provincial Government in Oulu, P.O. Box 293, SF-90101Oulu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Salminen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Vasander, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
T. Viraraghavan, G. N. Mathavan. Öljyn poisto turvesuodattimella.
English title: Oil removal using peat filters.
Avainsanat: peat; Adsorption; filtration; oil-in-water emulsion; oil pollution
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The use of peat for the treatment of oil-in-water emulsions is gaining attention as a simple, economical means of environmental protection. The horticultural peat produced by Premier Peat Company Limited was assessed for its potential in removing oil from five representative oil-in-water emulsions of different stabilities. The emulsions were passed through a 300 mm peat filter bed at a flow rate of 12, 48 and 300 ml/min. Each test was conducted for 8 hours of continuous filter run. The results indicated that an average oil removal efficiency ranging from 34 to 99% can be obtained in a peat filter depending upon the flow rate and the type of oil-in-water emulsions. Key words: Adsorption, filtration, oil-in-water emulsion, oil pollution, peat
  • Viraraghavan, Faculty of Engineering, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, S4S OA2 Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Mathavan, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Juha Saarinen. Kuivatus­lämpötilan vaikutus eri turvelajien uuttuviin pää- ja hivenravinteisiin sekä pH-lukuun.
English title: Effect of drying temperature on the extractable macro-and micronutrients and pH of different peat types.
Avainsanat: Extractable nutrients; peat chemistry; soil analysis
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Saarinen, J. 1989: Effect of drying temperature on the extractable macro-and micronutrients and pH of different peat types. (Tiivistelmä: Kuivatuslämpötilan vaikutus eri turvelajien uuttuviin pää- ja hivenravinteisiin sekä pH-lukuun. — Suo 40:149-153. Helsinki. ISSN 0039-5471 Increasing the drying temperature from 20 to 105°C decreased extractable iron and lowered pH but increased the extractable phosphorus. Changes in the extractability of other nutrients were negligible. The effect of drying temperature on different peat types was similar. Keywords: Extractable nutrients, peat chemistry, soil analysis
  • Saarinen, Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Crop and Soil, Soil Science, SF-31600 Jokioinen, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Martti Aho, Pekka Korpelainen. Turpeen tärkeiden poltto­aineominaisuuksien nopea analysointi FT-IR-spektroskopian avulla.
English title: Rapid analysis of important fuel proper­ties of peat by FT-IR spectroscopy.
Avainsanat: peat; FT-IR spectroscopy; fuel analysis
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Several important fuel properties of peat were rapidly determined by FT-IR spectroscopy, using the multicomponent analysis program CIRCOM. The following correlations (r2) were found between FT-IR data and data obtained by traditional analytical methods, for 16 standard peat samples: calorific value 0.93, carbon content 0.95, volatiles 0.92 and nitrogen content 0.98. Determinations of hydrogen and ash contents in peat did not give satisfactory results (r2 = < 0.7). Keywords: FT-IR spectroscopy, fuel analysis, peat
  • Aho, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Fuel and Combustion Laboratory, P.O. Box 221, SF-4010! Jyväskylä, Fin­land Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Korpelainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tapio Lindholm. Rahkasammalesta turpeeksi, A.K. Cajanderin erään vanhan näytesarjan tarkastelua.
English title: From living Sphagnum to peat: a re-analysis of old material collected by A.K. Cajander.
Avainsanat: Acrotelm; peat formation; Sphagnum growth
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The peat formation time scale in the acrotelm was evaluated using the rate of burial of the root collars and the tree age of buried Scots pine stems in the surface peat. The data were originally presented, but unanalysed, by A.K. Cajander (1906). During the first 30 years after the germination of pine seed the Sphagnum carpet above the root level increased its thickness without noticeable compression and decomposition. During the following 20-30 years the decomposition increased, but the growth of Sphagnum also decreased. A third phase began after 55-60 years during which the growth of Sphagnum was compensated by decomposition. Keywords: Acrotelm, peat formation, Sphagnum growth
  • Lindholm, Water and Environment Research Office (Nature Conservation), Water and Environment Research Institute, P.O. Box 250, SF-0010! Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Kalevi Pihlaja. Turpeen kemiasta ja turpeesta kemiallisena raaka-aineena.
English title: Peat chemistry and peat as a chemical raw material.
Avainsanat: peat; Chemical refining; organic components
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Peat chemistry is an important field of research, both from the molecular and from the applications point of view. Peat consists of a wide variety of different organic components and groups of compounds with differing properties. For example, the so-called humic substances can bind to and form complexes with inorganic ions. The use of peat as a chemical raw material for many chemical products is technically possible. At the present, however, the cost of production from peat needs to be significantly lower than from more conventional sources (e.g. oil) in order to overcome the complications caused by its heterogeneity and high water content. Nevertheless, it can be expected that in the coming decades the value of peat not merely as an energy source but as a chemical raw material will be realized. Keywords: Chemical refining, organic components, peat
  • Pihlaja, Department of Chemistry, University of Turku, SF-20500 Turku, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Keijo Sahrman. Turve — suomalainen energianlähde.
English title: Peat — a national Finnish energy resource.
Avainsanat: peat; Finland; Energy; future developments
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Because of the lack of hydrocarbon fuels in the Finnish territory, peat plays a very important role as an indigenous energy resource. Some 5 per cent of the area of Finnish mires is estimated to be suitable for industrial peat harvesting. This area contains so much peat that at the present consumption rate it would suffice for 400 years. In the foreseeable future industrial peat use, most of which will be for energy production purposes, could grow by 50-100 per cent compared with present use. Such development will depend, however, upon economic competition from other energy sources and pressure related to the environmental aspects of peat harvesting and use. Keywords: Energy, Finland, future developments, peat
  • Sahrman, Association of Finnish Peat Industries, Kuokkalantie 4, SF-40420 Jyskä, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Kosti Ranta. Turveteollisuuden näkymät 1940-luvulla.
English title: The peat industry in the 1940s.
Avainsanat: peat; Energy
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Fuel peat production in Finland has usually been tied in with fuel crises in the world market. After the Second World War the most severe crisis was in 1945, when 98% of the country's energy consumption was supplied by indigenous fuels. The increase in coal imports in the late 1940s caused difficulties in the marketing of peat. Between 1945 and 1955 a law enabled the production and use of fuel peat to increase. The intention was not to solve the whole energy need of Finland with peat but to ensure the lives of people during those difficult times. Today we have a large peat production capacity, efficient power plants, and a high level of peat research in Finland. Keywords: Energy, peat
  • Ranta, Sammonkatu 8B 57, SF-40100 Jyväskylä, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Reijo Heikkilä. Soiden maataloudellinen merkitys nyt ja tulevaisuudessa.
English title: Peatlands in Finnish agriculture now and in the future.
Avainsanat: agriculture; peat soil; peatlands; peat cultivation
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While approximately 10% of agriculture in Finland is still carried out on peat soils, the area involved is decreasing faster than the area of mineral soils. However, the large reserve of peatlands in Finland may become important in the future for agricultural production as a result of global climatic warming which would move the best agricultural areas northwards. Keywords: Agriculture, peat cultivation, peat soil, peatlands
  • Heikkilä, Society of Peat Cultivation, Karelia Research Station, SF-82600 Tohmajärvi, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Arvi Valmari. Suot sodanjälkeisessä asutustoiminnassa.
English title: Peatlands in the postwar colonization.
Avainsanat: agriculture; colonization; peatland cultivation
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After the Second World War appreciable areas of land in Finland were cleared for cultivation to replace cultivated fields lost in the war, in order to reach self-sufficiency in food production and to satisfy the need for land. The clearance of unproductive fens in northern Finland enabled the preservation of an equivalent area of productive forest in the central and southern parts of the country. One hectare of forest saved in this way can be estimated to have produced 160 m3 of wood from 1949 to the present time. The colonization of Salla district in northern Finland is discussed in detail. The area of cultivated land increased by a factor of 12.3 during 1945-1969. The clearance remained unfinished, however, so that only a few of the farms reached the planned size and settlement remained smaller than intended. Nevertheless, information to date does not give any indication of cattle being given up any more rapidly on the colonization farms than on the old farms. The area of peatland as a part of the whole cultivation has decreased but peat is still an essential feature in the agriculture of Lapland. The abundant supply of humus throughout the land is largely due to the peat. The greenhouse effect could increase the value of the northern peatlands. Keywords: Agriculture, colonization, peatland cultivation
  • Valmari, Mäkiranta 2-4B 9, SF-96400 Rovaniemi, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Viljo Puustjärvi. Kasvuturve alkuvaiheistaan nykyhetkeen.
English title: The role of peat in horticulture up to the present.
Avainsanat: peat; Cultivation; horticulture
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After the Second World War greenhouse culture became more and more widespread in the industrialized countries and the need for effective plant substrates gave rise to a new industry. Peat rapidly established itself as the most important substrate for horticultural purposes. The extensive peat resources in Finland meant that peat culture soon became the dominating culture medium in Finnish greenhouse culture. Nowadays, however, water culture is becoming more and more popular. Keywords: Cultivation, horticulture, peat
  • Puustjärvi, Riihikallio, SF-04320, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Rauno Ruuhijärvi. Soidensuojelun kehitys Suomessa.
English title: The development of mire preservation in Finland.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Nature conservation
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The preservation of Finnish mires effectively started in 1965 when the Finnish Association for Nature Protection and the Finnish Peatland Society formed a joint committee for mire protection. This committee, chaired by the author, produced a conservation programme primarily for state-owned lands, comprising altogether 209 protection areas in different vegetation zones of Finland. Consequently, the majority of the areas suggested came under the jurisdiction of the National Board of Forestry. In 1976, a new working group was established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to assess the scientific basis of peatland protection and to prepare a comprehensive national programme for preserving Finnish mires. Most of the members of the previous committee were able to participate in the activities of the new working group. In 1979 and 1981 the Finnish Government approved in principle the basic protection plans which included approximately 600 mires covering a combined area of 0.5 Mha. In addition, national parks and strict nature reserves contain about 0.2 Mha of mires. The objective is to preserve ca. 7% of the original area (10 Mha) of Finnish peatlands. During the 1980s, some 400 000 ha of mire preservation areas have been established on state-owned land, while about 85 000 ha of privately-owned mires (included in the conservation programme) still remain unprotected. There is a clear need to complete the mire conservation programme, especially in southern Finland. Keywords: Nature conservation, peatlands
  • Ruuhijärvi, University of Helsinki, Department of Botany, Ecological Laboratories, Fabianinkatu 24A, SF-00100 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Allan Antola. Metsänparannuksella aikaansaadun tuloksen turvaaminen metsäojitusalueilla.
English title: Confirmation of the results of forest amelioration of drained peatland forests.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Drainage; silviculture
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Approximately half of the original area of Finnish peatlands, 10 Mha, have been drained for forestry. In addition slightly less than 1 Mha of paludified mineral soil have been drained. The drained area comprises approximately one quarter of the present total forest area in Finland and the current growth of tree stands on drained peatland forests is steeply increasing. Thus the increase in the annual growth increment due to forest amelioration is presently c. 8 Mm3 and increasing by several percent each year. While this trend is welcome a third of drained peatland area already needs urgent additional drainage and silviculture management if it is to continue. Keywords: Drainage, peatlands, silviculture
  • Antola, Central Forestry Board Tapio, Maistraatinportti 4A, SF-00241 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Peitsa Mikola. Suot Suomen metsätaloudessa.
English title: Peatlands in Finnish forestry.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; peatlands
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Up to the present 5 Mha of peatland, i.e. 50% of the total peatland area of Finland, have been drained for forestry. The annual growth of peatland forests has increased from 6 Mm3 in the 1920s up 15 Mm3 in the 1980s, which is 22% of the total annual growth of the country's forests. To maintain the drainage systems, about 40 000 km of ditches should be cleaned annually. Silvicultural management of tree stands on peatlands is another urgent task in the near future. Keywords: Forest drainage, peatlands
  • Mikola, Department of Silviculture, University of Helsinki, Unionin-Icatu 40 B, SF-00170 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Jukka Laine. Metsäojitettujen soiden luokittelu.
English title: Classification of peatlands drained for forestry.
Avainsanat: drained peatlands; Classification; vegetation
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In the Finnish classification of drained peatlands in practical forestry, the post-drainage successional plant communities of recently drained areas have been traditionally classified according to their original mire site type (33 different types in forestry use), whereas the more stable communities of older drainage areas have been classified into so called "drained peat-land forest types" (4 types). This system is not firmly based on ecological factors or forestry requirements. The classification would be more logical and operational in forestry, if the successional plant communities of younger drainage areas already were classified into the drained peatland forest types. The paper describes seven such drained peatland forest types: herb-rich type, Vaccinium myrtillus type (I) and (II), Vaccinium vitis-idaea type (I) and (II), dwarf-shrub type and the Cladina type, which have their parallels in the series of upland forest types. The traditional V. myrtillus and V. vitis-idaea types have each been divided into two types; type (I) develops from genuine, forested mire types and type (II) from treeless and sparsely forested composite types. The proposed classification is supported by tree stand and peat property data presented in the paper. Keywords: Classification, drained peatlands, vegetation
  • Laine, Department of Peatland Forestry, University of Helsinki, SF-00170 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Jukka Matilainen. Ojitusalueiden puunkorjuun ja metsänparannustöiden yhteensovittaminen.
English title: Combining of logging and forest improvement measures on forest drainage areas.
Avainsanat: Drainage; peatland; forest amelioration; harvesting
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The paper is partly based on a practical instruction procedure to combine harvesting and forest amelioration measures on forest drainage areas. It is simply a scheme of order and schedule presented in a table, the purpose of which is to serve as a guide for planning the order and timing of harvesting and forest amelioration practices. In efficient peatland forestry it is necessary to be aware of all the operations that will be required early in the planning phase which presupposes cooperation between different organizations. In the future, with the increase of additional drainage and ditch maintenance, the presented schedule (or similar working model) must be followed in order to avoid bad results in peatland forestry. Keywords: Drainage, forest amelioration, harvesting, peatland
  • Matilainen, Forestry Board of Eastern Häme, Vesijärvenkatu 9D, P.O. Box 110, SF-15141 Lahti, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Eero Paavilainen. Satakunnan suometsien kehitys vuosina 1977-1987.
English title: The development of peatland forests in Satakunta Forestry Board District between 1977 and 1987.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; inventory; peatland forests
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The development of peatland forests over a 10-year-period (1977-1987) in Satakunta Forestry Board District, Western Finland, is presented, based on the results of the 7th and 8th National Forest Inventories. Over this period the amount of peatlands classified as forest land (MAI over bark over a 100 years rotation ≥ 1 m3ha-1) and the total volume and increment of peatland forests considerably increased, mainly as a result of drainage. Keywords: Forest drainage, inventory, peatland forests
  • Paavilainen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18, SF-01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Juhani Päivänen. Rämemäntyalkuperien kehityksestä kangasmaalla.
English title: Development of mire originated Scots pine on mineral soil.
Avainsanat: peatland; Hereditary; mire; Scots pine; stand development; stem form
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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) transplants (2+1+1 or 1+2 years old), the seeds of which had been collected from mire pines in different localities of South Finland, were planted in the early 1930s in a sandy Vaccinium site type at Tuusula (60°22´ N; 25°00´ E), north of Helsinki. The sample plots have been measured several times. At the time of the latest inventory the stands were about 50 years old. The stand development (standing volume, volume increment, dominant height, stem form) has been compared with the local mineral soil stands. The results show that seeds originated from mire pines produce offspring with form and growth (phenotypes) similar to those of pines originating from mineral soil. Keywords: Hereditary, mire, Scots pine, stand development, stem form, peatland
  • Päivänen, Department of Peatland Forestry, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 40B, SF-00170 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Keijo Lehtonen, Martti Ketola, Kirsti Haihu, Kalevi Pihlaja. Maatumisen vaikutus rahka- ja saraturpeista orgaanisilla liuottimilla uuttautuvan aineksen koostumukseen.
English title: Effect of humification on the composition of the solvent-extractable matter in Sphagnum and Carex peats.
Avainsanat: Sphagnum; Carex; humification; peat lipids
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Solvent-extractable matter of Sphagnum (S) and Carex (C) peats of different degrees of humification (S, H2-H8; C, H3-H8) were isolated, saponified and analyzed. The C peat material was found to contain more extract than the S peat (C, 9.3%; S, 5.9%, on average). In both peat series the extract content increased with increasing degree of humification. In both peats the unsaponifiable, non-volatile polymeric matter comprised the biggest part, nearly one half on average, of the saponified extracts, which also were analyzed for their lipid components and other volatile materials. These fractions accounted for over one third and nearly one fifth, respectively. The total amounts of all these three categories generally increased, as did those of the individual lipid groups, with increasing humification. However, the relative minimum of the polymers and the relative maximum of the analyzed lipid compounds were found in the samples of H4 in both peat series. Fatty and ω-hydroxy acids were the most abundant lipid groups, together accounting for 70-90% of the analyzed lipids. Sterols and 1-alkanols were clearly more abundant in the S peat. The relative amounts of the lipid groups did not show a distinct dependence on the degree of humification in either peat series. The individual lipid group compositions of both peat types were very similar although some exceptions were found. Keywords: Carex , humification, peat lipids, Sphagnum
  • Lehtonen, Department of Chemis­try, University of Turku, SF-20500 Turku, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Ketola, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Haihu, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Pihlaja, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jouko Silvola. Ojituksen ja lannoituksen vaikutus turpeen hiilen vapautumiseen ja ravinteiden mineralisoitumiseen.
English title: Effect of drainage and fertilization on carbon output and nutrient mineralization of peat.
Avainsanat: fertilization; Drainage; Carbon balance; nutrient mineralization; peat decomposition
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Carbon dioxide production increased to 2-3 fold from the peat of an oligotrophic sedge pine mire (VSR) after draining had lowered the water table to a depth c, 0.5 m. At two other sites, a mesotrophic sedge pine mire (RhSR) and a spruce swamp (MK), both the fall in the groundwater table and the increase in C02 production were smaller. At the VSR site, the fast-dissolving PK fertilizer and urea each caused a rapid increase while the slow-dissolving PK fertilizer a slow increase in soil respiration. The greatest, steady increase was achieved by treatment with wood ash. At RhSR and MK sites, the use of fertilizers generally led to a decline in soil respiration for 1-2 years, after which the initial level was normally regained. According to a simulation of the C02 production after drainage, the annual decomposition of peat was calculated to be c. 1 000 g (organic matter) m-2 in the VSR site. On the basis of this decomposition rate, the annual amount of nitrogen mineralizated was estimated to be c. 100 kg ha-1 and that of phosphorus c. 5 kg ha-1. Peat contains only a small amount of potassium, and the decomposition of old peat layers increases the amount of soluble potassium in peat very little. Keywords: Carbon balance, drainage, fertilization, nutrient mineralization, peat decomposition
  • Silvola, Department of Biology, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Erkki Ahti, Kimmo Paarlahti. Ravinteiden huuhtoutuminen talvella lannoitetulta metsäojitusalueelta.
English title: Leaching of nutrients from a peatland area after fertilizer application on snow.
Avainsanat: fertilization; phosphorus; peatland; leaching
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Runoff from 16 artificial minibasins was sampled after fertilizer application before snowmelt in March and after it in May. Extremely high concentrations of phosphorus, potassium and ammonium were observed during the snowmelt period in April. Key words: fertilization, leaching, peatland, phosphorus
  • Ahti, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Department of Peatland Forestry, P.O. Box 18,01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Paarlahti, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Seppo Eurola, Kaisu Aapala, Aira Kokko. Ojitustilanne Etelä- ja Keski-Suomen sekä Pohjanmaa-Kainuun alueella.
English title: A survey of peat-land drainage activity in southern and central Finland.
Avainsanat: Drainage; Finland; mire types; peatland
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The results of a survey of 254 random sample plots, each 1 km2 in area and covering 1 543 km of mire transect line are reported. 74% of the peat-land encountered were drained with open ditch networks for forestry purposes. Of those 19% were classified as recently drained, 66% as transitional, 10% as transformed peat-moor peatlands, and 5% as being under the influence of nearby drainage. Drainage activity had been most often carried out on spruce mires, pine bogs, combination types, and rich fens and to a lesser extent on poor fens/bog hollows. The nutrient status and peat thickness had been taken into account only to a limited extent although ombrotrophic peatlands had been drained to a lesser extent than rich peatlands. There was an increasing tendency to extend drainage activities to thick, ombrotrophic mire types. 17% of peatland under the influence of drainage (750 000 ha) are unsuitable for forestry purposes. Considered within each unsuitable mire type more than 50% of their area is drained. Keywords: Drainage, Finland, mire types, peatland
  • Eurola, Department of Botany, University of Oulu, Linnanmaa, SF-90570 Oulu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Aapala, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Kokko, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Seppo Kaunisto. Metsäojitettujen turvemaiden ravinnevaroista ja niiden riittävyydestä.
English title: On nutrient amounts and their sufficiency for wood production on drained peatlands.
Avainsanat: fertilization; peat nutrient stores; potassium; transformed mires
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Generally in peat soils but especially in the old forest drainage areas the amount of potassium is low compared with that of nitrogen (ab. 1:100) and phosphorus (ab. 1:4). However, the amount of potassium fixed in tree biomass is about four times the amount of phosphorus. When estimating the future sufficiency of potassium for wood production in old drainage areas after one rotation (drainage 75 years earlier), it seems that on nitrogen-rich deep-peat pine mires potassium stores become exhausted during the second rotation after drainage if potassium is not applied. Key words: Fertilization, peat nutrient stores, potassium, transformed mires
  • Kaunisto, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, SF-39700 Parkano, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Martti Aho. Turpeen pyrolyysistä.
English title: Pyrolysis of peat.
Avainsanat: air pollution; pyrolysis. peat
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The release of nitrogen and sulphur compounds in peat pyrolysis was investigated bet ween 300 and 700 °C. Seven peats with different nitrogen and sulphur contents (N: 0.8—2.9 %, S: 0.08—0.24 %) were studied. The pyrolysis was studied indirectly by following the elemental composition and the structure of the char residue. The tars of one peat sample were trapped. The greatest portion of the sulphur-containing compounds pyrolysed below 500 °C. Nitrogen-containing compounds pyrolysed in a larger temperature range. One group of peats contained easily pyrolysable and the other group weakly pyrolysable nitrogen compounds. This suggests that the behaviour of fuel nitrogen in combustion will be difficult to predict because pyrolysis compounds may react further to corresponding oxides. The nitrogen content may be high in the tar in which case the tarry in termediates may also increase the amount of NO in flue gases. Infrared spectroscopy provided information about the decomposition of the main compounds in peat, like carbohydrates and long chained hydrocarbons during charring complementary to the information provided by elemental analyses. Keywords: pyrolysis. peat, air pollution.
  • Aho, Technical Research Centre of Finland,Domestic Fuel Laboratory,P.O. BOX 221,SF-40101 Jyväskylä,Finland. Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Eero Kaakkinen, Pekka Salminen. Soidensuojelun perusohjelman toteuttaminen.
English title: Basic plan for peatland nature conservation in Finland.
Avainsanat: peatland conservation; nature protection; management
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The Government of Finland has approved a basic plan for peatland preservation. About 600 mire sites have been proposed for conservation, covering an area of ca. 490 000 hectares. State-owned mires (70 % of the area in the programme) will be protected under the Nature Conservation Act of 1923 (71/23). The mires under other ownership will be acquired by the state for preservation purposes or protected by a decision of the provincial government concerned. A special management and land use plan is to be prepared for every protected peatland area which will be approved by the Ministry of Environment. Key words: peatland conservation, nature protection, management
  • Kaakkinen, Provincial government in Oulu, P.O. Box 293, SF-90101 Oulu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Salminen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Stuart R. Gelder, Joan L. Brooks. Harvasukamatojen esiintymisesta rahkaturpeesta valmistetussa jäteveden suodattimessa.
English title: A preliminary study of the oligochaetes (Annelida) in a mature Sphagnum on-site wastewater treatment system.
Avainsanat: peat; oligochaetes; Annelida; wastewater treatment
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The earthworms Eisenia foetida and Lumbricus rubellus and unidentified juveniles were recovered from a stable, Sphagnum peat on-site wastewater treatment system studied at Orono, Maine, U.S.A. over a 13 month period. The oligochaetes had a heterogeneous distribution in the filter although they did show a preference for the mid and upper layers. The temperature and pH regimes in the filter did not appear to influence the distribution of the worms. Key words: peat, oligochaetes, Annelida, wastewater treatment
  • Gelder, Department of Biology, University of Maine, Presque Isle, Maine 04769,U.S.A Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Brooks, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Anneli Ylimartimo. Lapin kolmion lettoisista soista.
English title: The rich fens of the Lapland triangle region.
Avainsanat: fens; peatland drainage; endangered species; conservation
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The Lapland triangle region, located between the lower courses of the rivers Tornion-joki and Kemijoki in NW-Finland covers an area of 3500 km2. The region is renowed for its concentration of rich fen mire site types, including Campylium stellatum — Limprichtia intermedia — rich fens, eutrophic flark fens, eutrophic birch fens, eutrophic pine mires and eutrophic spruce mires. Peatlands cover about 60 % of the total land area of the region. By the end of the 1970's some 90 % of the area of rich fens had been drained and utilized for cultivation and forestry purposes and several plant species had become endangered. Although some 20 sites have been listed for conservation, enforcement so far has been very limited. Keywords: fens, peatland drainage, endangered species, conservation.
  • Ylimartimo, Department of Silviculture, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00I70, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Klaus Silfverberg, Jorma Issakainen. Turpeentuhkan vaikutuksesta puuston kasvuun ja ravinnetilaan käytännön lannoitustyömailla.
English title: Growth and foliar nutrients in peat-ash fertilized stands.
Avainsanat: peatland forestry; tree growth; ash-fertilization; phosphorus
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This study included growth and needle analysis in ash-fertilized spruce and pine stands near Oulu (65 °N, 26 °E). Most of these stands, totalling 770 measured trees, were on peat and fertilized in wintertime 1980 and 1981 as practical work with 40 m3/ha. By 1985 there was a clear increment of growth, especially in spruce stands, probably due to the great amount of phosphorus (375 kg/ha) applied. Keywords: peatland forestry, tree growth, ash-fertilization, phosphorus.
  • Silfverberg, Department of Peatland Forestry, The Finnish Forest Research Institu­te, Unioninkatu 40 A, 00170 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Issakainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kerttu Härkönen. Suot Aaro Hellaakosken ja Einari Vuorelan runoudessa.
English title: Peat-lands as a source of inspiration in Finnish poetry.
Avainsanat: peatlands; Finnish literature
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The author cites examples and discusses the abundant occurrence of mires, peatlands, bogs etc. in the work of two esteemed Finnish poets, Aaro Hellaakoski (1893—1952) and Einari Vuorela (1889—1972). Keywords: peatlands, Finnish literature
  • Härkönen, PO.B. 233, 00121 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Harri Vasander, Tapio Lindholm. Suonviljely ja soiden luonnonkasvien hyödyntäminen Neuvosto-Karjalassa.
English title: Use of mires for agricultural, berry and medical plant production in Soviet Karelia.
Avainsanat: agriculture; peatland utilization; berry production; medical plants; Soviet Union
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The utilization of mires and some recent research results carried out in Soviet Karelia (ASSR), USSR are discussed. There are 3.5 million ha of peatlands and 1.7 million ha of paludified forests. Some 78 000 ha of drained peatlands are used for cultivation of forage and vegetable crops and there are plans to increase this amount. Some 38 000 ha of virgin peatlands have been preserved for berry production (Vaccinium oxycoc-cos, Rubus chamaemorus). The cultivation of cranberry has also been studied. Karelian peatlands are also used as resources of medicinally important plants: e.g. Me-nyanthes trifoliata, Ledum palustre, Potentilla palustris, Droseraspp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Key words: peatland utilization, agriculture, berry production, medical plants, Soviet Union.
  • Vasander, University of Helsinki, Department of Peatland Forestry, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00I70 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Lindholm, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Henry Schneider, Carl Johan Westman. Turpeen ravinteisuuden suhde pintakasvillisuuteen sararämeillä.
English title: Relation of peat nutrients to ground vegetation communities on sedge pine fens.
Avainsanat: peatland classification; peat nutrient contents; multivariate analysis
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Vegetation and peat nutrient data from 167 sample plots representing microsites on sedge pine fens are related. The plant data was analysed by two numerical multivariate methods: DECOR AN A-ordination and TWINSPAN-classification. The connection between the results of the numerical analyses and the surface peat nutrient contents is discussed. Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium showed the closest relationship to those plant sociological variations that were interpreted as trophy-dependent. The variation in soil data within classes could not be diminished by using numerical classification methods instead of the Cajanderian peatland site type. Keywords: peatland classification, peat nutrient contents, multivariate analysis.
  • Schneider, Department of Peatland Forestry, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00I70, Finland. Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Westman, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jukka-Pekka Jäppinen. Ojituksen ja lannoituksen vaikutukset sammalten typpi- ja fosforipitoisuuksiin kahdella suomuuttumalla.
English title: Effects of drainage and fertiliza­tion on nitrogen and phosphorus contents of mosses in two drained peatland forests.
Avainsanat: drained peatlands; bryophytes; fertilization; nitrogen; phosphorus.
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The short-term effects of wood ash, PK and NPK fertilizers on total N and P contents of various mosses at an old drainage area in eastern Finland are studied. Total N contents increased after NPK treatment and total P contents increased after treatments that contained phosphorus (NPK, PK, wood ash). N contents of some mosses also increased after treatments which did not contain any nitrogen (PK and wood ash). On these plots drainage and obviously the fertilizer treatment fastened the decomposition rate of the peat and at the same time the mobilization of the nutrients. On the control plots (no fertilization) the N contents of the mosses did not differ statistically between the years in either of the study sites. The P contents of some mosses decreased on the control plots of the spruce swamp. One reason for this was apparently the level of the ground water, which did not lower so much in the spruce swamp than in the pine mire, and so the mobilization of the nutrients remained smaller. The observed nutrient contents of the peat mosses were much smaller than those of the forest mosses and the nutrient contents were also smaller at pine mire than at spruce swamp. Keywords: bryophytes, fertilization, drained peatlands, nitrogen, phosphorus.
  • Jäppinen, University of Joensuu. Department of Biology. P.O. Box 111, SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Jeff Rengo. Soiden kaytöstä Minnesotassa (USA).
English title: The utilization of peatlands in Minnesota (USA).
Avainsanat: peatland utilization; Minnesota; peat utilization
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Minnesota's peatland resources are described, and their historical, current, and prospective uses are reviewed. Minnesota has a large peat resource that has not been intensively utilized. The state government actively encourages both the industrial development of peatlands and the preservation of significant natural peatlands. Future peatland utilization in Minnesota will probably not be monopolized by a single use, for example, traditional fuel peat production. Key words: Minnesota, peatland utilization, peat utilization.
  • Rengo, Center for Environmental Studies, Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Min­nesota 55601, USA: and Department of Botany, University of Turku, SF-20500 Turku, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Veikko Salonen. Kasvillisuuden uusiutumisesta turvetuotantoa varten raivatulla alueella Ähtärin Mustasuolla.
English title: Revegetation of an area of Mustasuo-mire after clearing for peat harvesting.
Avainsanat: peat harvesting; revegetation; vegetation structure
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The structure of the vegetation in an area abandoned 13 years ago after clearing for fuel peat production was investigated in Ähtäri, Finland. The vegetation consisted of 13 plant species, all of which were typical bog-species. The average above ground dry weight biomass for the whole vegetation was 240 g/m2. The proportions of the total biomass for the shrub layer, field layer and ground layer were 46 %, 38 % and 16 %, respectively. In the field layer 78 % of the total biomass was formed by woody species. Polytrichum strictum formed 99,6 % of the total biomass of the ground layer. Revegetation had occurred unevenly; large openings with no plant cover were found, especially in the middle of the strips. Keywords: peat harvesting, revegetation, vegetation structure
  • Salonen, University of Jyväskylä, Department of Biology, Yliopistonkatu 9, SF-40100 Jyväskylä, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Martin Zobel. Mätäs- ja painanneturpeen happi- ja lämpötilaoloista Kikeperan suolla Lounais-Eestissä.
English title: Aeration and temperature conditions in hummock and depression peat in Kikepera bog, south-western Estonia.
Avainsanat: peat; bog; hummock-depression variation; aeration; oxygen
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Aeration conditions in peat were studied in situ with the help of polycarbonate tubes filled with water and inserted into the soil at depths of 3—10, 13—20 and 28—35 cm. The study was carried out during the vegetation period 1986. Aeration conditions were more favourable in hummock peat, where the thickness of the better aerated layer was ca. 10 cm in June and September, and 20—30 cm in July and August. Aera-tion conditions in the upper 10 cm layer of depression peat only became favourable in July, while in deeper layers aeration conditions remained unfavourable. In September, after heavy rains, aeration conditions deteriorated in both hummock and depression peat. The oxygen content in mire water was higher in depression sites, which may be because of the inflow of surface water rich in oxygen. The temperature in the tubes was higher in upper layers of hummocks and deeper layers of depressions. In comparison with other sites (Filipendula forest type on gley soils, drained peat soils, hill pastures, pine forest on podzols), the aeration conditions in bog peat are considerably less favourable. Key words: peat, bog, hummock-depression variation, aeration, oxygen.
  • Zobel, Department of Botany and Ecology, Tartu State University Tartu 202400, Estonian SSR Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Reijo Solantie. Suoyhdistymätyypeistä suhteessa ilmastollisiin ja hydrologisiin vyöhykkeisiin.
English title: The zonation of peatland complex types in relation to climatic and hydrological zones.
Avainsanat: peatland complex types; climatic and hydrological zones; zonation
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The zonation of peatland complex types and prevalence of peatlands are examined in relation to climatic and hydrological zones in northern Eurasia, particularly in Finland. Mutual coincidences were found in most cases and are considered causal. Climatic and hydrological factor gradients were in many cases steeper about the boundaries than within zones. Keywords: peatland complex types, climatic and hydrological zones, zonation.
  • Solantie, Meteorological Institute, PO. Box 503, SF-00101 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Erkki Eilavaara. Turpeen pientuotannon kartoitus.
English title: Inventatory of small-scale peat production.
Avainsanat: peat; production; technology
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The small-scale production of sod peat in Finland is, generally, production on farms for their own use. According to two postal questionnaires made by the Forestry Department of the Work Efficiency Association there were, in Finland, in 1980 77 and in 1984 136 small producers of sod peat. In the questionnaires, the production technology, economy, availability, conditions, areas and quantities of small-scale producers were identified. According to the questionnaires peat production on farms is mainly practised by using the farm's own labour and on their own or a hired production area. The larger part of small-scale production of peat is production of sod peat. Other peat products produced on farms are milled peat, agricultural peat and horticultural peat. Keywords: peat, production, technology.
  • Eilavaara, University of Helsinki, Department of Logging and Utilization of Forest Products, Unioninkatu 40 B SF-00170 Helsinki Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Kuiyi Zhao, Juhani Päivänen. Koillis-Kiinan suot ja niiden hyväksikäyttö.
English title: Peatlands and their utilization in northeast China.
Avainsanat: China; peatland complexes; peatland site types; peatland utilization
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Peatlands complexes, site type classification and utilization of peatlands in northeast China are reviewed. The number of mire plant species common to both Finland and northeast China is about 120. Peatlands have been reclaimed for agriculture for a long time, but amelioration for forestry is only in the beginning. However, the potential of peatlands for forestry after drainage is considered high. Keywords: China, peatland complexes, peatland site types, peatland utilization.
  • Zhao, Changchun Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People's Republic of China Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Päivänen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Riitta Korhonen. Turpeen balneologisista tutkimuksista ja käytöstä.
English title: Balneological studies and the use of peat.
Avainsanat: peat; medical geology; balneology
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Peat therapy has been used in Continental Europe with good results to treat rheumatic diseases, rheumatoid arthritis in particular, and also gynaecological and urological ailments. Peat preparations have also been used in the treatment of eye diseases and diseases caused by the Herpes virus. Peat balneology is studied in numerous balneological research institutes where minerals waters are also investigated. The physicochemical properties of peat are determined. The most important parameter to be taken into account when selecting bath peat appears to be the degree of decomposition. The degree recommended for Sphagnum peat is H6 — H8 and for Carex peat H8 — H10 measured on the von Post scale. The mean degree of decomposition of the bath peat used in the German Democratic Republic fluctuates, however, between H5 and H7 . The curative power of peat therapy is attributed to the thermophysical properties of peat, which allow the human body to become overheated, and to the special properties of the biologically active substances in the peat. Key words: peat, medical geology, balneology.
  • Korhonen, Geological Survey of Finland, Kivimiehentie 1, SF-02150 Espoo, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Kalevi Pihlaja. Turpeen biologi-sesti aktiivisista aineista ja niiden luonteesta.
English title: Biologically active substances in peat — is it possible to characterize them and their modes of action at the molecular level?
Avainsanat: peat therapy; biologically active substances; mode of action at the molecu­lar level
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A short review on biologically active substances in peat and their characterization is given. There is a clear need for further multidisciplinary research into use of peat as a chemical raw material. The material is based on a lecture presented at DGMT symposium "Operating Mechanisms of Peat Therapy" in Bad Alexandersbad, FRG, 1985. Key words: peat therapy, biologically active substances, mode of action at the molecular level
  • Pihlaja, Department of Chemistry, University of Turku, SF-20500 Turku, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Juha-Pekka Hotanen. Tuhka- ja NPK-lannoituksen lyhyen aikavalin vaikutuksista änkyrimatoihin kahdella vanhalla ojitusalueella Itä-Suomessa.
English title: Short-term effects of ash and NPK fertilization on Enchytraeidae populations in two old, drained peatland areas in eastern Finland.
Avainsanat: Enchytraeidae; NPK fertilization; ash fertilization; drained peatlands
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The short-terms effects of wood ash and NPK fertilizer on the population of Enchytraeidae worms in a drained spruce swamp and pine bog were studied. Both NPK fertilizer (300 kg/ha) and ash (3000 kg/ha) treatments reduced worm numbers at both sites, but the effects were slight compared to seasonal fluctuations. Temporal fluctuations in worm numbers were relatively smaller at the pine bog than at the spruce swamp. NPK fertilizer temporarily changed the relative vertical distribution while tha ash treatment did not. The effects upon worm biomass and respiration rate were similar as those for worm numbers . Key words: Enchytraeidae, NPK fertilization, ash fertilization, drained peatlands
  • Hotanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Station, Yliopistonkatu 7, SF-80100 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Kirsti Haihu, Hannu Etelämäki. Turvelajin mikroskooppisesta määrityksestä.
English title: Two microscopic methods for the determination of peat types.
Avainsanat: peat type; epidermic tissues; wet sieving; point frequency method; microscopy
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Preparation of peat samples, identification of tissues and estimation of constituents are important in microscopic determination of peat type. Two microscopic methods for determining peat type are described: a wet sieving method and a drying, pulverizing and KOH solution method. The wet sieving method does not involve a tissue-destroying base or acid treatment. In both methods slides are prepared from the peat suspension by pipetting and drying. The tissues are then identified under a microscope and checked by reference to literature and a slide collection. The amount of peat factors is estimated by the point frequency method. The wet sieving method is simpler and gives a higher proportion of better preserved tissues, making tissue identification more reliable. Key words: peat type, epidermic tissues, wet sieving, point frequency method, microscopy.
  • Haihu, University of Turku, Department of Chemistry, SF-20500 Turku, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Etelämäki, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Raili Vesterinen. Puuta ja turvetta käyttävien lämpölaitosten päästöt.
English title: Emissions from wood and peat-fired heating plants.
Avainsanat: emissions; air pollution; wood firing; peat firing; combustion process.
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The use of wood and peat in small scale boilers (10 kW—10 MW), has increased because the price of oil has advanced. Further the acidification of environment caused by emissions of sulphur oxides has increased. Wood and peat with their small sulphur content are good fuels in this respect. Emissions of sulphur dioxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides are not too high during good combustion process. If wood and peat is burnt in plants (1—10 MW), emissions of hydrocarbon and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are low. High emissions of tar, total hydrocarbon and PAH have been measured from combustion of wood and peat in small furnaces. The development of boilers to correspond better the properties of the fuels used may decrease significantly these emissions. Also the complete control of the whole combustion process helps to the emissions. The dust emissions of small plants can be decreased with flue gas collectors. The multicyclone has generally been used as the collector in this scale. Emissions of some metals depend on the fly ash separation efficiency. Key words: emissions, air pollution, wood firing, peat firing, combustion process.
  • Vesterinen, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Domestic Fuel Laboratory, P.O. Box 221, SF-40101 Jyväskylä, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Leila Urvas. Timotein (Phleum pratense) sinkkipitoisuus turvemaalla.
English title: The zinc content of timothy (Phleum pratense) grown on peat soil.
Avainsanat: Phleum pratense; zinc content; agriculture; peat soil; P/Zn
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The zinc contents of timothy grown on peat soils generally low in zinc were considerably raised by zinc fertilization, even when applied at the low rate of 550 g Zn/ha, in combination with other micronutrients. On peat soil groups with average extrac-table zinc contents of 0,60, 1,40 and 7,22 mg/1 the mean zinc contents of timothy before fertilization were 25,6, 27,1 and 28,9 and after fertilization 28,6, 34,8 and 36,4 mg/kg D.M., respectively. The corresponding increases were 11, 28 and 26 per cent. In general, the zinc contents of timothy in this study did not differ essentially from those measured elsewhere in Finland. Key words: Phleum pratense, zinc content, agriculture, peat soil, P/Zn.
  • Urvas, Agricultural Research Centre, Department of Soil Science, SF-3J600 Jokioinen, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
André-Jean Francez. Rahkasammalten pieneläimistö kahdella Ranskan Keskiylängölla sijaitsevalla suolla.
English title: Sphagnum microfauna in two peat-bogs of the French Massif Central.
Avainsanat: peat-bog; mire ecosystem; microfauna; French Massif Central
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The composition and the seasonal fluctuations of the Sphagnum microfauna in two peat-bogs of the Puy-de-Dôme (France) are described and the author attempts to show the importance of the dominant groups in the functioning of the peat-bog ecosystem. Key words: peat-bog, mire ecosystem, microfauna, French Massif Central
  • Francez, Station Biologique de Besse-en-Chandesse, B.R 45, F-63J70 Aubiére, France Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Teuvo Herranen, Tapio Toivonen. Turpeen alkuainemääritykset Geologian tutkimuskeskuksessa – tuloksia laajasta analyysiaineistosta.
English title: The element assays of peat in the Geological Survey of Finland.
Original keywords: turvemaa; turvenäyte; alkuainepitoisuudet
English keywords: peatlands; peat sample; elements
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  • Herranen, Geologian tutkimuskeskus Sähköposti:
  • Toivonen, Sähköposti:
Minna Väliranta, Sanna Piilo, Hui Zhang. Viimeisten vuosisatojen lämpimien ja kylmien ilmastovaiheiden vaikutus ikiroutasoiden hiilidynamiikkaan ja hydrologisiin muutoksiin.
English title: Response of permafrost peatland hydrology and carbon dynamics to warm and cold climate phases during the last centuries.
Original keywords: hiilen kertyminen; ilmastonmuutos; hydrologiset muutokset; ikiroutasuot; kasvimakrofossiilit; kuoriamebat
English keywords: climate change; Carbon accumulation; hydrological changes; permafrost peatlands; plant macrofossils; testate amoeba
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  • Väliranta, Environmental Change Research Unit (ECRU), Ekosysteemit ja ympäristö tutkimusohjelma; Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) Sähköposti:
  • Piilo, Environmental Change Research Unit (ECRU), Ekosysteemit ja ympäristö tutkimusohjelma; Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) Sähköposti:
  • Zhang, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), Fysiikan laitos, Helsingin yliopisto Sähköposti:
Aki Pitkänen, Jukka Turunen, Heikki Simola. Erityyppisten turvekairojen vertailu tilavuustarkkojen näytteiden otossa.
English title: Comparison of different types of peat corers in volumetric sampling.
Original keywords: turvekaira; turvetutkimus; volumetrinen näytteenotto
English keywords: corer performance; peat coring; peat samplers; volumetric sampling
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As part of an investigation of the long-term effects of ditch-draining on peat deposits, we cored peat samples altogether from 51 peatland sites that had been earlier inventoried by volumetric coring by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) during the 1980s. In most cases, it proved possible to match the old and new profiles cored of the same site, especially concerning their lower parts, in which typically no big changes seem to have taken place. However, comparison of the results revealed a recurring, albeit not systematic bias: the dry bulk density values of the GTK data tended to be somewhat smaller than our corresponding results. In cases where peat compression can be ruled out, a plausible explanation is that the piston corer did not function properly. This paper describes a test series in which we compared the GTK piston corer, a 1-m box corer and a Russian peat corer in quantitative sampling of peat strata. The piston corer proved to have a slight tendency to underperform, particularly with peats rich in sedge, cottongrass or wood remains. Implications of the variable sampler performance on quantitative peat inventories are discussed.
  • Pitkänen, Aki Pitkänen, Deparment of Biology, University of Eastern Finland, P.O.Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu, Finland, email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Turunen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Simola, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Bertalan Galambosi, Kirsi Jokela. Viljellyn kalmojuuren (Acorus calamus) ja mustuvapajun (Salix myrsinifolia) sadot suonpohjalla.
English title: The crops of the cultivated Common Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus) and Dark Leaved Willow (Salix myrsinifolia) on peat.
Original keywords: kalmojuuren juurisato; mustuvapajun versosato; salisiini; β-asaron
English keywords: cut-away peatland; root yield; one-year shoot yield; total salicil content; β-asaron content
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(Acorus calamus L.) ja mustuvapajun (Salix myrsinifolia Salisb) viljelykokeita. Kalmojuurta ja mustuvapajua viljeltiin Juvan Pakinsuolla (61° 50’ N/27° 52’ E) ja Mikkelin Kovalansuolla (61° 46’ N/27° 18’ E). Lisäksi pajua viljeltiin kivennäismaalla MTT:n Mikkelin Karilan tutkimusasemalla (61°44’ N/ 27°18’ E). Suonpohjapeltojen happamuus oli 4,3 ja 4,8; kokeet perustettiin joko lannoittamattomille ja kalkitsemattomille tai lannoitetuille ruuduille. Lannoitetuissa ruuduissa käytettiin 15000 kg ha–1 kalkkia ja NPK-lannoitusta 75-90-300 kg ha–1. Kolmen kalmojuurikannan taimia istutettiin 80 cm × 40 cm:n etäisyydelle ja viiden mustuvapajukannan juurrutettuja varsipistokkaita istutettiin 60 cm × 50 cm:n välein. Kalmojuuren juurisato mitattiin toisen ja kolmannen kasvukauden lopussa ja sadosta tutkittiin sekä juuriöljyn määrää että koostumusta. Pajukantojen yksivuotisten versojen sato mitattiin joka vuosi elokuussa ja määritettiin salisiinin kokonaispitoisuus. Kalmojuuren tuore- ja kuivajuurisato oli kolmannen kasvukauden jälkeen 6,2 ja 1,7 kg m–2. Kuivan juurisadon öljypitoisuus oli suurin kolmannen vuoden lokakuussa 1,5 %. Öljyn β-asaronin pitoisuus eurooppalaisten triploidikantojen öljyssä oli 11 – 12 %, kun vastaava määrä pohjoisamerikkalaisen diploidikannan öljyssä oli β-asaronia vain 1,8 %. Lannoitetun mustuvapajun yksivuotisten versojen tuore sato oli toisena ja kolmantena vuonna 6,4 ja 10,4 kg m–2. Salisiinin kokonaispitoisuus oli korkein pajun Si-4 kannassa (4,4 %), ja suurimmat pitoisuudet mitattiin elokuun alussa. Suopellolta ja kivennäismailta saatiin määrältään ja laadultaan samanlaiset sadot. Viljelykoetuloksien mukaan kalmojuurta ja mustuvapajua voidaan viljellä suonpohjalla. Sadonkorjuun toteuttaminen on kuitenkin eräs merkittävä viljelyn pullonkaula. Lisää tutkimusta tarvittaisiinkin laajemmassa tuotantomittakaavassa mm. koneellisen sadon korjuun edellytysten selvittämiseksi.
  • Galambosi, Bertalan Galambosi, Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus, Kasvintuotannon tutkimus, Karilantie 2A, 50600 Mikkeli, email: Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Jokela, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo

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