Turvelajin mikroskooppisesta määrityksestä
Haihu K., Etelämäki H. Turvelajin mikroskooppisesta määrityksestä.
English title: Two microscopic methods for the determination of peat typesTiivistelmä
Preparation of peat samples, identification of tissues and estimation of constituents are important in microscopic determination of peat type. Two microscopic methods for determining peat type are described: a wet sieving method and a drying, pulverizing and KOH solution method. The wet sieving method does not involve a tissue-destroying base or acid treatment. In both methods slides are prepared from the peat suspension by pipetting and drying. The tissues are then identified under a microscope and checked by reference to literature and a slide collection. The amount of peat factors is estimated by the point frequency method. The wet sieving method is simpler and gives a higher proportion of better preserved tissues, making tissue identification more reliable. Key words: peat type, epidermic tissues, wet sieving, point frequency method, microscopy.
peat type;
epidermic tissues;
wet sieving;
point frequency method;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1986
Katselukerrat 1791
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9614 | Lataa PDF