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Jukka Matilainen (email)

Ojitusalueiden puunkorjuun ja metsänparannustöiden yhteensovittaminen

Matilainen J. Ojitusalueiden puunkorjuun ja metsänparannustöiden yhteensovittaminen.

English title: Combining of logging and forest improvement measures on forest drainage areas


The paper is partly based on a practical instruction procedure to combine harvesting and forest amelioration measures on forest drainage areas. It is simply a scheme of order and schedule presented in a table, the purpose of which is to serve as a guide for planning the order and timing of harvesting and forest amelioration practices. In efficient peatland forestry it is necessary to be aware of all the operations that will be required early in the planning phase which presupposes cooperation between different organizations. In the future, with the increase of additional drainage and ditch maintenance, the presented schedule (or similar working model) must be followed in order to avoid bad results in peatland forestry. Keywords: Drainage, forest amelioration, harvesting, peatland

Drainage; peatland; forest amelioration; harvesting

  • Matilainen, Forestry Board of Eastern Häme, Vesijärvenkatu 9D, P.O. Box 110, SF-15141 Lahti, Finland Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989

Katselukerrat 1218

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Creative Commons License CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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