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Saarinen, J. 1989: Effect of drying temperature on the extractable macro-and micronutrients and pH of different peat types. (Tiivistelmä: Kuivatuslämpötilan vaikutus eri turvelajien uuttuviin pää- ja hivenravinteisiin sekä pH-lukuun. — Suo 40:149-153. Helsinki. ISSN 0039-5471
Increasing the drying temperature from 20 to 105°C decreased extractable iron and lowered pH but increased the extractable phosphorus. Changes in the extractability of other nutrients were negligible. The effect of drying temperature on different peat types was similar.
Keywords: Extractable nutrients, peat chemistry, soil analysis
Agricultural Research Centre of Finland, Institute of Crop and Soil, Soil Science, SF-31600 Jokioinen, Finland