Kasvuturve alkuvaiheistaan nykyhetkeen
Puustjärvi V. Kasvuturve alkuvaiheistaan nykyhetkeen.
English title: The role of peat in horticulture up to the presentTiivistelmä
After the Second World War greenhouse culture became more and more widespread in the industrialized countries and the need for effective plant substrates gave rise to a new industry. Peat rapidly established itself as the most important substrate for horticultural purposes. The extensive peat resources in Finland meant that peat culture soon became the dominating culture medium in Finnish greenhouse culture. Nowadays, however, water culture is becoming more and more popular. Keywords: Cultivation, horticulture, peat
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989
Katselukerrat 1373
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9656 | Lataa PDF