Turpeen kemiasta ja turpeesta kemiallisena raaka-aineena
Pihlaja K. Turpeen kemiasta ja turpeesta kemiallisena raaka-aineena.
English title: Peat chemistry and peat as a chemical raw materialTiivistelmä
Peat chemistry is an important field of research, both from the molecular and from the applications point of view. Peat consists of a wide variety of different organic components and groups of compounds with differing properties. For example, the so-called humic substances can bind to and form complexes with inorganic ions. The use of peat as a chemical raw material for many chemical products is technically possible. At the present, however, the cost of production from peat needs to be significantly lower than from more conventional sources (e.g. oil) in order to overcome the complications caused by its heterogeneity and high water content. Nevertheless, it can be expected that in the coming decades the value of peat not merely as an energy source but as a chemical raw material will be realized. Keywords: Chemical refining, organic components, peat
Chemical refining;
organic components
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989
Katselukerrat 1497
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9661 | Lataa PDF