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Pirkko Kortelainen (email), Sari Saukkonen

Leaching of organic carbon and nitrogen from peatland-dominated catchments

Kortelainen P., Saukkonen S. Leaching of organic carbon and nitrogen from peatland-dominated catchments.


The area of 13 study catchments is 2.5-56.3 km2 and 37-87% of the catchments is covered by peatlands. Ditching intensities varied from 0 to 100%. Median total organic carbon (TOC) in runoff waters from the catchments was 10-30 mg l-1 and median total nitrogen (Ntot) 380-1 000 µg l-1. The annual leaching of TOC and N tot was calculated for five catchments for which daily runoff data was available. The range for mean annual leaching of TOC and Ntot from the catchments was 4 700 to 7 300 kg km-2 a-1 and 190-250 kg km-2 a-1, respectively. The variation between different years was high and annual leaching was closely related to annual runoff. The regional variation in the leaching of TOC and N tot was small compared to the annual variation. Keywords: Hydrology, leaching, organic carbon, peatlands, runoff

peatlands; leaching; hydrology; organic carbon; runoff

  • Kortelainen, National Board of Waters and the Environment, Water and Environment Research Institute, P.O. Box 250, FlN-00101 Helsinki, Finland S Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Saukkonen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992

Katselukerrat 1554

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