Timotein (Phleum pratense) sinkkipitoisuus turvemaalla
Urvas L. Timotein (Phleum pratense) sinkkipitoisuus turvemaalla.
English title: The zinc content of timothy (Phleum pratense) grown on peat soilTiivistelmä
The zinc contents of timothy grown on peat soils generally low in zinc were considerably raised by zinc fertilization, even when applied at the low rate of 550 g Zn/ha, in combination with other micronutrients. On peat soil groups with average extrac-table zinc contents of 0,60, 1,40 and 7,22 mg/1 the mean zinc contents of timothy before fertilization were 25,6, 27,1 and 28,9 and after fertilization 28,6, 34,8 and 36,4 mg/kg D.M., respectively. The corresponding increases were 11, 28 and 26 per cent. In general, the zinc contents of timothy in this study did not differ essentially from those measured elsewhere in Finland. Key words: Phleum pratense, zinc content, agriculture, peat soil, P/Zn.
Phleum pratense;
zinc content;
peat soil;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1986
Katselukerrat 1449
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9611 | Lataa PDF