Articles by Tapio Lindholm

Tapio Lindholm, Raimo Heikkilä, Harri Vasander. Suoluonnon tutkimista suomalais-venäläisenä yhteistyönä.
English title: Mire ecosystem studies in Finland and in Russia as cooperation.
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  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus E-mail:
  • Heikkilä, E-mail:
  • Vasander, Helsingin yliopisto E-mail:
Tapio Lindholm, Pekka Vesterinen. Seitsemisen kansallispuisto soiden ennallistamisen koekenttänä.
English title: Seitseminen National Park as the experimental area of mire restoration.
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  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus E-mail: (email)
  • Vesterinen, Metsähallitus, Luontopalvelut E-mail:
Tapio Lindholm. Miten käsityksemme suoyhdistymistä syntyi, kehittyi ja muovasi näkemyksiämme Suomen soista - Sata vuotta A. K. Cajanderin suoklassikosta: Studien über dir Moore Finlands.
English title: Hundred years of mire complex studies in Finland. How the concepts have influenced our thinking? - A century from A. K. Cajander mire classic: Studien über die Moore Finnlands.
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  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Vladimir Antipin, Raimo Heikkilä, Tapio Lindholm, Pavel Tokarev. Karjalan tasavallan Vodlajärven kansallispuistossa sijaitsevan Lishkansuon kasvillisuus.
English title: Vegetation of Lishkmokh mire in Vodlozersky National Park, eastern Karelian republic, Russia.
Keywords: mire vegetation; mire classification; Karelia; mire conservation
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The article presents the results of Finnish-Karelian co-operation in mire conservation research with the aim to study the diversity of mires in Finland and Russian Karelia on a uniform basis. The classification of mires in Finnish and Karelian schools of vegetation science has been compared. The vegetation of Lishkmokh mire has been studied using aerial photographs and field surveys. The area consists of ombrotrophic bog complexes as well as aapamires, all in a totally virgin state. As a result of the surveys, two maps of vegetation have been compiled. Results of vegetation analyses in releves have been presented in the form of tables and DCA ordination. According to the Finnish mire classification, 32 mire site types have been distinguished, which is a high number in an area of c. 2000 ha. On the basis of the high diversity of site types, and the occurrence of some rare plant species, e.g. Juncus stygius, Drepanocladus vernicosus and Meesia triquetra as well as some eastern species like Rubus humulifolius and Polygonum bistorta, the conservation value of Lishkmokh mire can be considered as very high. Key words: Karelia, mire classification, mire conservation, mire vegetation
  • Antipin, Karelian Research Centre, Biological Institute, Laboratory of mire ecosystems, Pushkinskaya 11, RUS-185610 Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Heikkilä, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Tokarev, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Harri Vasander, Jussi Kuusipalo, Tapio Lindholm. Kasvillisuuden muutokset rämeillä ojituksen ja lannoituksen jalkeen.
English title: Vegetation changes after drainage and fertilization in pine mires.
Keywords: peatland forestry; Biomass; Apatite; biodiversity; biotite; urea
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The effects of drainage and fertilization (both slowly and readily soluble fertilizers were included) on the above-ground biomass and cover of understorey vegetation were studied in two mires situated at Lammi, southern Finland, and at Ilomantsi, northern Karelia. Urea and especially micronutrients decreased the cover of Sphagnum species. Slowly soluble nitrogen also decreased the cover of Sphagnum, but not as efficiently. In fen site types the cover and biomass of Vaccinium oxycoccos and Andromeda polifolia increased strongly after fertilization. The greatest change in vegetation was caused by micronutrients given together with macronutrients. The cover and biomass of Eriophorum vaginatum and Rubus chamaemorus increased on all the fertilization plots probably because phosphorus was included in all the treatments. Calluna vulgaris and Empetrum nigrum benefited from the NPK fertilization on hummock sites. Keywords: Apatite, biodiversity, biomass, biotite, peatland forestry, urea
  • Vasander, Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 24 (Unioninkatu 40 B), FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Kuusipalo, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tapio Lindholm. Rahkasammalesta turpeeksi, A.K. Cajanderin erään vanhan näytesarjan tarkastelua.
English title: From living Sphagnum to peat: a re-analysis of old material collected by A.K. Cajander.
Keywords: Acrotelm; peat formation; Sphagnum growth
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The peat formation time scale in the acrotelm was evaluated using the rate of burial of the root collars and the tree age of buried Scots pine stems in the surface peat. The data were originally presented, but unanalysed, by A.K. Cajander (1906). During the first 30 years after the germination of pine seed the Sphagnum carpet above the root level increased its thickness without noticeable compression and decomposition. During the following 20-30 years the decomposition increased, but the growth of Sphagnum also decreased. A third phase began after 55-60 years during which the growth of Sphagnum was compensated by decomposition. Keywords: Acrotelm, peat formation, Sphagnum growth
  • Lindholm, Water and Environment Research Office (Nature Conservation), Water and Environment Research Institute, P.O. Box 250, SF-0010! Helsinki, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Harri Vasander, Tapio Lindholm. Suonviljely ja soiden luonnonkasvien hyödyntäminen Neuvosto-Karjalassa.
English title: Use of mires for agricultural, berry and medical plant production in Soviet Karelia.
Keywords: agriculture; peatland utilization; berry production; medical plants; Soviet Union
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The utilization of mires and some recent research results carried out in Soviet Karelia (ASSR), USSR are discussed. There are 3.5 million ha of peatlands and 1.7 million ha of paludified forests. Some 78 000 ha of drained peatlands are used for cultivation of forage and vegetable crops and there are plans to increase this amount. Some 38 000 ha of virgin peatlands have been preserved for berry production (Vaccinium oxycoc-cos, Rubus chamaemorus). The cultivation of cranberry has also been studied. Karelian peatlands are also used as resources of medicinally important plants: e.g. Me-nyanthes trifoliata, Ledum palustre, Potentilla palustris, Droseraspp., Vaccinium vitis-idaea. Key words: peatland utilization, agriculture, berry production, medical plants, Soviet Union.
  • Vasander, University of Helsinki, Department of Peatland Forestry, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00I70 Helsinki, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Harri Vasander, Tapio Lindholm. Männynversosyöpätuhot Laaviosuon jat-kolannoituskoealueella.
English title: Damage caused by Pine die-back (Ascocalyx abietina) on refertilization trial plots on Laaviosuo, Lammi, southern Finland.
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Damage caused by the pathogenic fungus Ascocalyx abietina (Lagerb.) Schläpfer was more common and severe on the trial plots which had been refertilized with NPK or NPK + trace elements than on control or those plots which had been refertilized with wood ash or only some of the macro-nutrients. The incidence of damage was also positively correlated with the density and the mean height growth. It was hypothesized that delayed hardening of shoots in the autumn and frost damage combined with the increased growth and possible micronutrient deficiencies could explain these differences.
  • Vasander, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tapio Lindholm, Harri Vasander. Soista, soiden käytöstä ja suoekologisesta tutkimuksesta Karjalan ASNT:ssa.
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The utilization of mires and some recent research results carried out in Soviet Karelia (ASSR), USSR are reviewed. Information concerning the utilization of mires for forestry and agricultural purposes, their value as a natural plant resource, and mire concervation are presented. The aims and results or the sturdies mostly carried out at the Kidasovo Field Station, are rewieved. Included are studies on medical plants, berry plants, primary production, peat microbiology, decomposition and forestry.
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Vasander, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tapio Lindholm. Rahkamättäiden sammalikon rakenteesta ja tiheydesta Laaviosuon keidasrameella.
English title: Variation in Sphagnum shoot numbers and shoot bulk density in hummocks of a raised bog.
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The shoot number of Sphagnum fuscum plants in hummocks was 42160 ± 12800 per m2 and the bulk density of the 10 mm shoot layer immediately below the capitulum level was 10.6 ± 3.3 g/dm3. The shoot number explained 36 % of the variation of bulk densities in different samples. There is a large variation in the size of individual shoots, shoot densities and shoot numbers in different parts of a Sphagnum fuscum hummock.
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Tapio Lindholm. Ruskorahkasammalen kasvurytmistä Lammin Laaviosuolla.
English title: Growth rhythm of Sphagnum fuscum (Schimp.) Klinggr. in the Laaviosuo bog, Southern Finland.
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The growth rate of Sphagnum fuscum growing in the hummocks of an ombrotrophic raised bog was measured. The method used was a nylon textile strip, which was anchored in the peat so that the free end of the strip was above the hummock. The distance of a certain mark in the strip and the capitula of Sphagnum was measured weekly or biweekly. The data presented here are from the years 1976 and 1977. Moreover, the mire water table and daily precipitation was monitored. The annual growth of S. fuscum was about 10 mm, which was quite the same as in several previous studies around the Baltic sea. The importance of immediate moisture for S. fuscum growth was revealed. The correlation between growth and water table was r = 0,59, periods of zero-growth caused by low temperatures excluded. The periods when the growth was dependent only on the water table were grouped linearily on the upper margin of a correlation graph (fig. 2). Thus, they showed the possible maximum growth on different water tables when not restricted by any other factor. The points deviating from the regression line B (fig. 2) have different explanations. Partly they are due to low temperatures in spring and autumn, partly they depict the periods of unfavourable temperature or radiation conditions. Only in one case (1977, 10. fig. 1) the importance of direct seepage water from heavy rains was revealed. The results showed uninterrupted connection between water table and growth medium of S. fuscum. The mosses in general have been supposed to have quite an opportunistic strategy of growth. During the two growing periods studied this was seen concerning S. fuscum, too. There is in the background clear regulation, but, whether this is internally or externally governed, is not possible to conclude from this material and analysis.
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Tapio Lindholm. Suppasuon kasviyhdyskuntien perustuotanto-ominaisuudet.
English title: Patterns of primary production of plant communities in a small kettle hole mire.
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The vegetation of a small kettle hole mire, which is situated near Lammi biological station in southern Finland and which has many different habitats, was mapped and a habitat map was constructed. The bio-mass and production of the vegetation in 13 different habitats was analyzed and measured. Moreover, some environmental parametres as fluctuation of ground water table was monitored. The vegetation of the mire consist of open and wooded habitats. The nutritional variation has eutrophic and ombrotrophic ends. There are also some special features due to the flooding and percolating water. An eutrophic habitat is VL. Mesotrophic habitats are TuSN, LuSN, RhNR, LuRhK. Oligotrophic habitats are SN, NR, KR, NK, KgK, Clear tendency to ombrotrophy have LkN and TR. Of these SN (almost), TuSN, LuSN, RhSN, VL and LkN are treeless habitats. The dry weight distribution from tree layer to ground layer mosses from all 13 habitats is presented. The material from field and ground layer was also grouped so that it illustrated the life form spectrum, trophic spectrum and spectrum of mire ecological factors, which can be seen in the dry weight relationship of the flora in different habitats. The greatest plant dry weight was found from dry and moderately fertile habitats. Ombrotrophy limits the production, but it does not prevent trees from growing. Wet habitats are treeless, but a moderately fertile substrate increases production. The eutrophic habitat was not the most productive one.
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Tapio Lindholm, Harri Vasander. Männyn kasvu ja uudistuminen luonnontilaisella ja ojitetulla sekä lannoitetulla keidasrämeellä.
English title: Growth and regeneration of scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on virgin, drained and fertilized raised bog sites in Lammi, Southern Finland.
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The effect of draining and fertilization on the radial and height growth of Scots pine has been studied on an ombrotrophic bog Laaviosuo in the vicinity of Lammi Biological Station. The study site represents a southern Finnish raised bog with Calluna vulgaris — Empetrum nigrum — Sphagnum fuscum -hummocks and Eriophorum vagi-natum — Sphagnum angustifolium or Sphagnum majus — S. balticum -hollows. Total thickness of the peat layer is 5—7 m with a 2—3 m of Sphagnum peat on the surface. Part of the bog (6 ha) was drained in 1966 and fertilized in 1970 (N as urea 100 kg/ha plus PK fertilizer 400 kg/ha). This study is part of a project concerning the comparative analysis of virgin and forest-improved mire ecosystems (Ruuhijärvi et al. 1979). Height growth of pines during 15 last years was measured with the accuracy of 1 cm from 37 trees in the virgin site, 23 trees in the site with only drainage and 27 trees in the drained and fertilized site during the autumns 1978 and 1979. In addition seven trees from a virgin dwarf shrub pine bog near the marginal slope of Laaviosuo were measured for comparison in the autumn 1978. Radial growth was measured in 1979 from 17, 10, 10 and 7 trees, respectively, with the accuracy of 0.01 mm. All the measured trees were selected randomly. At the same time we counted all the trees and seedlings from a sample area both in the virgin and fertilized sites. In the virgin bog the size of the sample area was 1.92 ha and in the fertilized area 1.60 ha for trees and 0.88 ha for seedlings. Height of all seedlings was measured with the accuracy of 10 cm and breast height diameter (d1.3) of trees with the accuracy of 1 cm. Growth of trees in the virgin bog site was very low: height growth about 3 cm and radial growth: 0.2 mm annually (Fig. 1, 2). In dwarf shrub pine bog the corresponding values were about 9 cm and 0.6 mm. Mere draining had very little effect (about 1 cm) on the height growth (Fig. 1.). Radial growth increased more clearly (Fig. 2). However, the figures exaggerate the situation because the trees have been measured very near the ditches (about 1—8 m). Trees which have grown at a distance of less than about 3 m from the ditches have incresed their radial growth, but others growing further away have not. This increases the variation as seen in Fig. 2. In practise, if this kind of ombrotrophic bog is drained fertilization with all macro-nutrient (N, P, K) is needed. Effect of fertilization is very similar on radial and height growth with the difference that height growth always reacts one year later (Fig. 1, 2). Maximum growth (about 35 cm and 3.2 mm) was reached in 1973 and 1974, respectively, after which the growth decreased almost as quickly as it had increased. In ombrotrophic sites the effect of fertilization is known to last less than ten years (Huikari & Paavilainen 1972 and Ipatiev & Paavilainen 1975). Only refertilization could possibly secure the continuing of tree growth. Fertilizing has changed also the size-classes of trees and seedlings (Fig. 5,6). Number of trees has increased from 470 per ha in the virgin area to 1390 per ha in the drained and fertilized area. The tree volume increment has been six-fold (from 1.3 to 8 m3/ha). Number of pine seedlings increased from 7100 per ha to 15300 per ha. There were also 2060 birch seedlings per ha in the fertilized area. Especially hollows have become stocked with seedlings. All these seedlings must compete with dense shrub layer for the nutrients but its effect on the mortality of seedlings can not yet be known. Mere draining seemed to have no effect on the population structure of seedlings. The present volume of the pine stand in the fertilized area, 8 m3/ha on average, is of the same magnitude as Heikurainens (1971) average values for virgin cottongrass pine bogs. However, drainage of cotton-grass pine bogs and Sphagnum fuscum pine bogs with so scarce pine stands seems to be economically questionable (Heikurainen 1973). Thus according to our results, even after the drainage and NPK fertilization the tree stand of this site type is still so low that the drainage and fertilization of such ombrotrophic pine bogs is probably unprofitable.
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Vasander, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tapio Lindholm. Keidasrämeen mätässammalten vuotuinen pituuskasvu Lammilla EH.
English title: Annual height growth of some hummock mosses in Southern Häme.
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The annual height growth of three hummock moss species was studied in two neighbouring ombrotrophic raised bogs in Lammi commune, southern Finland (N 61° 02', E 24° 58'). The species were the dominant species of the hummocks: Sphagnum fuscum, Polytrichum strictum and Sphagnum rubellum. The annual increment was measured backwards for seven years (Figs. 1—3) by the "innate markers" occuring of the cyclical patterns of the growth (Maimer 1962, Pakarinen & Tolonen 1977). The samples were taken from c. 30 different places in different parts of the bogs. The mean height growth was 10.8±l.5 SD/a in Polytrichum strictum, 11.6 mm ±0.9 SD/a in Sphagnum fuscum, and 10.9 mm ±l.l SD/a in Sphagnum rubellum. The annual variation was quite small, whereas the variation between microhabitats was great. In high hummocks the growth of P. strictum and S. rubellum seems to diminish by years due to increasing distance to the water table. S. fuscum seems to be more tolerant against drier conditions. It also grows slightly better than the other two species. This may be the reason why S. fuscum is the dominant species on Finnish raised bog hummocks. The "innate marker"" method does not allow measurements of the annual increment if the moss shoot growth is very slow in the hummock and thus may give slightly too high growth estimates. Similar values of annual increment of hummock peat have been observed also in other studies (Borggreve 1889, Saarinen 1933, Hornets 1974, Pakarinen 1978). The annual variation in the growth was not investigated in the earlier studies, where results are mainly means of many years' growth. It is obvious that in ombrotrophic raised bogs the hummock mosses cannot grow more than 10—12 mm/a in our environ-mental conditions. In other conditions, eg. in Great Britain (Clymo 1970), and also in better sites in Finland (author's own field observations) the annual growth rate can be much higher. "
  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Tuula Larmola, Tapio Lindholm, Helena Lundén, Sakari Sarkkola, Markku Suoknuuti. Suoseura opintoretkellä Valkmusan kansallispuistossa ja sen ympäristössä.
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  • Larmola, E-mail:
  • Lindholm, E-mail:
  • Lundén, E-mail:
  • Sarkkola, E-mail:
  • Suoknuuti, E-mail:
Leila Korpela, Sakari Sarkkola, Tapio Lindholm, Harri Vasander. Suoseuran ja metsäylioppilaiden retkeily Pohjois- Saksan kosteikkoviljelykohteille 15.–20.9.2019.
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  • Korpela, Luonnonvarakeskus E-mail:
  • Sarkkola, Luonnonvarakeskus E-mail:
  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus E-mail:
  • Vasander, Helsingin yliopisto E-mail:
Vilma Anttila, Terttu Hermansson, Tapio Lindholm, Markku Saarinen, Pasi Talvitie, Pekka Vesterinen. Geologiaa, suokulttuuria ja suoluonnon helmiä – Suoseuran retki lounaisen Suomenselän rajamaiden soille 14.8.–15.8.2018.
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  • Anttila, Helsingin yliopisto E-mail:
  • Hermansson, Lauhanvuori−Hämeenkangas Geopark ry. E-mail:
  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE) E-mail:
  • Saarinen, Luonnonvarakeskus E-mail:
  • Talvitie, Lauhanvuori−Hämeenkangas Geopark ry. E-mail:
  • Vesterinen, Metsähallitus E-mail:
Tapio Lindholm. Suotietoutta ristiin rastiin laajan Venäjänmaan – Suopäivät Pietarissa 5.–7.2.2018.
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  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE), Suojelualueverkostot E-mail: (email)
Tapio Lindholm, Ilkka Immonen, Sakari Rehell. Suoseura Hossan maisemissa 16.–17.8.2017.
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  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE), Suojelualueverkostot E-mail: (email)
  • Immonen, E-mail:
  • Rehell, Metsähallitus, luontopalvelut, Oulu E-mail:
Liisa Elo, Tapio Lindholm, Juha Ovaskainen, Harri Vasander. Suoseura Virossa 2016 – keidassoita, lähdelettoja, tulvametsiä ja turveteollisuutta.
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  • Elo, E-mail: (email)
  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE), Suojelualueverkostot E-mail:
  • Ovaskainen, Vapo Oy, Jyväskylä E-mail:
  • Vasander, Helsingin yliopisto, Metsätieteiden osasto, Helsinki E-mail:
Tapio Lindholm. Perusteos Alankomaiden soista hollanniksi.
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  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus, Helsinki E-mail:
Rauno Ruuhijärvi, Tapio Lindholm, Heino Vänskä, Ahti Mäkinen. Soiden levästön tutkija ja luonnon inventoija on poissa – Väinö Hosiaisluoma 1934–2016.
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  • Ruuhijärvi, E-mail: (email)
  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE), Suojelualueverkostot E-mail:
  • Vänskä, E-mail:
  • Mäkinen, E-mail:
Rauno Ruuhijärvi, Eero Kaakinen, Tapio Lindholm. Suotyyppien klassikko on poissa – Seppo Eurola 1930–2016.
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  • Ruuhijärvi, E-mail: (email)
  • Kaakinen, E-mail:
  • Lindholm, Suomen ympäristökeskus (SYKE), Suojelualueverkostot E-mail:
Tapio Lindholm. Mikä on aapasuo?
English title: Aapamire - what is it?
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  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Tapio Lindholm. Onko suomalainen suoluokittelu oppinsa vanki?
English title: Does the Finnish mire classification system restrict oneself within its doctrine?
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  • Lindholm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)

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