Articles by Kimmo Tolonen

Kimmo Tolonen, Heino Vänskä. Pekka Pakarinen suokasviekologian tutkijana.
English title: Dr. Pekka Pakarinen as trailblazer in plant ecological research of mires.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: (email)
  • Vänskä, Helsingin yliopisto, Biotieteiden laitos, Kasvibiologian osasto E-mail:
Kimmo Tolonen, Markku Suoknuuti. Keidassuon pintakuvioituksen muutokset viimeisten 82 vuoden aikana Pyhtään Munasuolla.
English title: Changes in the surface patterning in the raised bog Munasuo, SE Finland during the past 82 years.
Original keywords: keidassuo; kermi; kulju; allikko; ruoppakulju; välipinta; progressiivinen kehitys; ilmaston muutos; hiilen sidonta
English keywords: raised bog; mud-bottom hollow; mud-bottom pool; carbon sequestration; hummock ridge; progressive development of mire
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The paper is focused on the changes in the vegetation and surface patterns on a typical plateau raised bog in SE Finland during the past 82 years (1941–2022), studied by means of aerial images and field observations. Further, it aims to find explanations for the changes. It is part of the current studies on the changes in the mire vegetation in Finland linked with the present warming.
Our main body of data is collected from Munasuo bog, which constitutes the western part of the Valkmusa National Park (est. 1996, total area 19.5 km2). Some additional observations are from the western plateau of Kananiemensuo raised bog, situated in the eastern part of the National Park.
The photogrammetry-based identification and analysis of mire features in aerial photographs and field measurements showed that the hummock ridges were rather permanent, as opposed to the more variable lawn surfaces, mud-bottom hollows and pools. The observed increase in the relative coverage of hummock Sphagnum (notably S. rubellum) vegetation replacing hollow mosses and the very rapid shrinking of the open-water area of the pools may indicate a significant increase in the carbon sequestration in the Munasuo bog ecosystem.

  • Tolonen, Sepänkatu 4 as 2, 24240 Salo E-mail:
  • Suoknuuti, Heinäkorvenkuja 146, 48910 Kotka E-mail:
Kimmo Tolonen, Harri Vasander, Antoni H. Damman, R. S. Clymo. Preliminary estimate of long-term carbon accumulation and loss in 25 boreal peatlands.
Keywords: Climatic change; organic matter; stratigraphy
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The rate of carbon accumulation (RCA) was studied stratigraphically in individual vertical cores representing 25 mires in Finland, Estonia and Maine, USA. Carbon 14-datings (325 in total) were used for dating long cores encompassing all or most of the Holocene. The apparent long-term RCA (g m-2 a-1) in Finnish raised bogs and fens ranged from 13 to 41 and from 8 to 25, respectively, and in Maine bogs from 20 to 26 and in a single fen 27. Between and within core variations were great. In Finnish mires the true RCA, as derived from Clymo's peat accumulation model for long cores, was usually about 2/3 of the apparent long-term RCA. A change from intensive decay in the surface layers to very slow decay in deeper peat layers was dated to between some 300-500 years ago. Key words: Climatic change, organic matter, stratigraphy
  • Tolonen, Department of Biology, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box III, FIN-80I01, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Vasander, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Damman, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Clymo, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen, Goran Possnert, Högne Jungner, Eloni Sonninen, Jukka Alm. High resolution 14C dating of surface peat using the AMS technique.
Keywords: Sphagnum; peatlands; Moss increment dating; radiocarbon
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In an AMS (accelerator mass spectrometric) determination of 14C from moss-increment dated samples from a Sphagnum fuscum hummock, a clear peak representing the time of high 14C activity in the atmosphere due to nuclear bomb tests was found. The 14C activities in the peat profile at deeper levels, corresponding to the period down to 1600 BP, showed similar variations as the atmospheric values. The time-scale obtained from radiocarbon dating fitted well with results from moss-increment counting, pollen analysis and dendrochronological dating of a fire horizon. Using the bomb activity peak, the fraction of carbon emanating from deeper layers and refixed into growing peat was estimated. The fraction of soil carbon dioxide taken up by the contemporary Sphagnum sward was thus found to be in the order of 20%. Keywords: Moss increment dating, peatlands, radiocarbon, Sphagnum
  • Tolonen, Dept. of Biology, Univ. Joensuu, P.O. Box III, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Possnert, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Jungner, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Sonninen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Alm, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Timo Saarinen, Kimmo Tolonen, Harri Vasander. Use of 14C labelling to measure below-ground biomass of mire plants.
Keywords: production; peatlands; root biomass
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Below-ground biomass of dominating vascular plants on a mesotrophic fen and Sphagnum fuscum pine bog was estimated using 14C labelling techniques. Preliminary results show that up to 90% of living biomass of Carex rostrata growing on the fen may be located below ground. Fine roots form the majority of below-ground biomass. Keywords: Peatlands, production, root biomass
  • Saarinen, Department of Botany, Laboratories of Ecology, P.O. Box 4, FIN-00014University of Helsinki, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Vasander, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jukka Alm, Kimmo Tolonen, Harri Vasander. Determination of recent apparent carbon accumulation in peat using dated fire horizons.
Keywords: dating; fire; Carbon accumulation; charcoal; dendrochronology
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Two charcoal layers, originating from two forest fires, were found at between 7 and 58 cm in the peat of Lakkasuo mire. Using dendro-chronological techniques and fire scars on Scots pine {Pinus sylvestris L.) stumps, the date when these two layers was deposited could be estimated. The earlier fire swept over the mire about 1780 A.D. and the later fire, which seems to have been limited to the eastern part of Lakkasuo, occurred in 1845 A.D. Knowing the thickness of the peat layer above the dated charcoal layers, its bulk density and carbon content, the rate of carbon accumulation during the last 212-147 years could therefore be calculated for different site types in the Lakkasuo mire complex. These values ranging from 39.8 to 80.7 g C m-2 a-1. can be compared to those (28.5-42.8 g C m-2 a-1 ) 0f the peat layer down to a still older fire horizon dated using the AMS radiocarbon "wiggle matching" technique at 1040 ± 90 B.P. Keywords: Carbon accumulation, charcoal, dating, dendrochronology, fire
  • Alm, Department of Biology, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, FIN-80100 Joensuu, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Vasander, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Antoni H. Damman, Kimmo Tolonen, Tapani Sallantaus. Element retention and removal in ombrotrophic peat of Haadetkeidas, a boreal Finnish peat bog.
Keywords: dating; Accumulation; element retention; input changes; nutrient dynamics
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We determined the rate elements are sequestered in hummock peat of an ombrotrophic bog. The peat below 65 cm was radiocarbon dated and the upper 65 cm was dated using the acid insoluble ash (AIA) content and Polytrichum strictum growth increments. Peat produced during the last 9 yrs contains roughly all the N, P, Ca, and Mg, and about twice the K, deposited during this period. However, these nutrients are depleted from older peat at rates that depends on mineralization and adsorption properties of the ions. Changes in inorganic chemistry occur mostly while peat is in the acrotelm. Therefore, only peat in the catotelm will show the true accumulation rate of elements. In peat below 65 cm, the annual accumulation rate, as a percent of the present annual input, is: N-38, K-2.5, P-18, Na-1.5, Ca-3, Mg-51 and S-3.5%. Dust fall increased 4-fold about 500 yrs ago and has remained at this level. Therefore, the annual accumulation of elements in peat below 65 cm, or older than 522 yrs, presumably underestimates present accumulation in the catotelm of soil-derived elements, especially Ca and P, and elements that have increased due to pollution such as N and S. This increased dust fall probably changed the floristic composition of the vegetation as well as production and decay. Keywords: Accumulation, dating, element retention, input changes, nutrient dynamics
  • Damman, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, 75 N. Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT 06269-3042, USA E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Sallantaus, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Deborah S. Eustis, Kimmo Tolonen. Tuhka-ajoitusmenetelmän ja sammalvuosikasvainajoituksen vertailu rahkamättäissä.
English title: A comparison of ash dating and moss-increment dating in Sphagnum hummocks.
Keywords: Sphagnum; peatlands; dating; mineral dust; surface peats
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A comparison of two methods for dating recent ombrotrophic peat hummocks was made at three mires. For depths approximately below 10 cm, acid insoluble ash dating gave greater ages than moss-increment dating; for depths above 10 cm, the methods showed more similar ages. The moss-increment dates were assumed to be generally correct since there was a good correlation between several independent dating results and moss-increment ages at one of the study sites. Despite the declining accuracy of moss-increment dating with depth, it should be the method chosen for dating recent peat in areas where the assumption of constant acid insoluble ash deposition is invalid. Increment dating is practically useful only in the moss hummocks, except for when the moss stems have been compressed into a horizontal position. Keywords: Dating, mineral dust, peatlands, Sphagnum, surface peats
  • Eustis, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Connecticut, P.O. Box U-42, Storrs, CT 06268, USA E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen, Lauri Ijäs. Turvesaannon arviointi suotyypin ja turpeen syvyyden perusteella.
English title: Estimation of peat yield of different peat deposit types.
Keywords: mire site types; Bulk density; peat deposits; peat resources
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Preliminary regression models are produced for the estimation of dry peat yield (tons) per unit area (hectare) for different types of peat deposits with different peat thickness. The models are based on 6 500 peat samples obtained for bulk density measurements from 245 vertical peat profiles (70 virgin and drained peadands) in Finland. In general, the increase in the peat yield does not take place in 1:1 relationship with depth because average bulk density tends to decrease with peat deposit thickness. Fairly reliable estimates of the peat yield using depth and mire site type were obtained. R2 values for the eight models representing eight different groups of "mire site types" ranged from 86.0 to 95.3%. Keywords: Bulk density, mire site types, peat deposits, peat resources
  • Tolonen, Department of Biology, University ofJoensuu, P.O. Box 111,SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Ijäs, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen. Mitä suoarkistot voivat meille tulevaisuudessa kertoa?
English title: What would be the significance of peat archives in the future?
Keywords: Carbon balance; dating; fire; DDT; global warming; heavy metals; PAHs
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An attempt is made to predict the progress of mire palaeoecological research in the near future. The prognosis is made in the light of recent advances in the field. Examples of some multi-faceted topics are given. They include ancient climatic changes for understanding the present changes, the greenhouse-effect, problems and new innovations in dating, organic pollutants such as PAHs and DDT, heavy metals and related air pollutants, man-made radionuclides, initiation of peatlands, peat growth, and fire history. Keywords: Carbon balance, dating, fire, DDT, global warming, heavy metals, PAHs
  • Tolonen, Department of Biology, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen, Martti Toikka. Radioaaltoanturi turpeen maatuneisuuden mittarina.
English title: Measuring the degree of decomposition in peats by means of a radiowave probe.
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A radiowave probe, which fairly precisily measures the moisture content of peat in situ, enables a rough estimation of the degree of decomposition in certain kinds of peat. It was found that the Acutifolia peats belong to these. This group of Sphagnum (moss) peat is the most commonly used garden (horticultural) peat type in many countries.
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Toikka, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen. Turpeen lämpöarvon ja maatuneisuuden välisestä riippuvuudesta.
English title: The relationship between the calorific value and the humification of peat.
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Results concerning the relationship between the calorific value and the humification degree (von Post) of peat from 282 Finnish peat samples were compared with corresponding data published earlier. Differences were most striking within Sphagnum peats indicating that new (larger) material is desired. Other methods tested for measuring the past decomposition included the fiber (rubbed and unrubbed) content of peat, Pyavchenko's laboratory volume weight method, the centrifuge method, the pyrophosphate index and the colorimetric method by NaOH (using lengths 280, 472, 570 and 664 nm). The usability of these methods for an indirect prediction of the calorific value was found to vary from one peat type to another. The regression equations presented are based on too few samples and enable only rough estimations of peat calorific value.
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen. Viiden yleisesti käytetyn maatumisasteen määritysmenetelmän käyttökelpoisuus polttoturpeen määrän ja energiapitoisuuden arvioimiseen Suomessa.
English title: Usefulness of five common methods of determining the degree of decomposition in estimating the amount and energy content of fuel peat in Finland.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen, Martti Tiuri, Martti Toikka, Martti Saarilahti. Radiowave probe in assessing the yield of peat and energy in peat deposits in Finland.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tiuri, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Toikka, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Saarilahti, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen, Lauri Ijäs. Turvesaannon arviointiin käytetyn kahden suokairan vertailu.
English title: Comparison of two peat samplers used in estimating the dry peat yield in field inventories.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Ijäs, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen, David Keys, Veijo Klementti. Luonnontilaisten turvekerrostumien energiasisällöm ennustamisesta turpeen vesipitoisuuden ja tilavuuspainon perusteella.
English title: Predicting energy content of in situ peats by means of their moisture content and bulk density.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Keys, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Klementti, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Pekka Pakarinen, Kimmo Tolonen. Rikin huuhtoutuminen pintaturpeesta.
English title: Leaching of Sulphur from surface peat.
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Four ombrotrophic Sphagnum fuscum peat profiles (0—50 cm) were analyzed for total sulphur. The study sites include two bogs from southern Finland (Munasuo and Suurisuo, 60—61 °N) plus two bogs from northern Finland (Jänkävuopaja and Ah-venjärvenvuoma, 67°N). Sulphur was determined gravimetrically with BaSO4- method (Horwitz 1965). Sulphur concentrations and their vertical distributions are indicated in Figs. 2—3. In the top layer (0—20 cm) the S content is low, between 0.5 and 1.0 mg/g dry weight. In the southern Finnish sites, higher values were found near the transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions: in Munasuo at ca. 30 cm level and in Suurisuo at 45—50 cm level (Fig. 2). In northern Finnish sites, especially in Ahvenjärvenvuoma, the S concentrations of Sphagnum peat seem to be related to the dry volume weight (degree of humification) (Fig. 3), but further material will be needed to establish the commonness of "enrichment layer" of sulphur in these peats. The sulphur amounts per square meter for 0—20 cm and 20—50 cm layers are indicated in Table 1. In the 0—20 cm layer, which was in all sites weakly humified, it was possible to apply the moss dating method (Pakarinen & Tolonen 1977). Using the ages obtained for the top 20 cm layer (23 to 68 years), the annual accumulation rates of sulphur were found to range from 59 to 163 mg/m2 (Table 1). The estimated atmospheric sulphur deposition rates in the corresponding areas varied from 280 to 650 mg/m2 (according to data of Buch 1960, Haapala 1977, Järvi-nen 1978). Thus the retention % of S was estimated at 19 to 25 for the surface peat layer (0—20 cm), and it was concluded that the main part of the atmospheric S deposition is leached to deeper peat layers or more probably outside the mire ecosystem.
  • Pakarinen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Pekka Pakarinen, Kimmo Tolonen. Pintaturpeen kasvunopeudesta ja ajoittamisesta.
English title: On the growth-rate and dating of surface peat.
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Sphagnum f uscum hummocks have been studied in a southern Finnish ombrotrophic bog in Kuhmoinen (62°N). The annual increments of Sphagnum have been distinguished by means of cyclic pigmentation (cf. Bellamy & Rieley 1967), branching pattern (cf. Maimer 1962) and changes in growth-direction due to pressure of snow-cover. These «innate markers» (cf. Clymo 1970) can be found in scattered individuals of S. fuscum particularly in the less compact parts of hummocks. In addition, Polytrichum affine (= strictum) growing mixed with Sphagnum was utilised as a re-ference mark for the increments (cf. Long-ton 1972). With the combination of these methods it was possible to date a Sphagnum fuscum hummoc down to ca. 50 years old layers (Fig. 3). In the same site, volume samples were taken and analyzed in a vertical profile (Fig 4). It appears that the growth rate of surface peat decreases with depth (maximum gradient in the top 10 cm layer) indicating a progress of humification process and autocompaction (Aaby & Tauber 1975). It is concluded that the pine method used earlier (Borggreve 1889, Saarinen 1933) gives not comparable values of growth-rate of surface peat particularly if pines of different age are used. It is also suggested that the long-term growth curves of peat accumulation (cf. Tolonen 1973, Zurek 1976) should not be extended to the surface but instead to the level where compaction process has terminated, i.e. often at 30—50 cm below surface. The «moss dating method» was also applied to Sphagnum fuscum hummocks in several other bogs in southern Finland. The preliminary results indicate a considerable variability in the vertical distribution of growth rates, even within one hummock, but the overall picture is similar as in Fig. 4. From the profile dated with moss method the peat samples were also analysed for cesium-137 and potassium. As illustrated by Fig. 5, 137Cs has become enriched to the Sphagnum layer (as also potassium) supposedly by an active uptake mechanism. Thus the peak of 137Cs fallout in 1963 (see Fig. 5) cannot be used as a dating method in peat profiles in contrast to lake sediments (cf. Pennington et al. 1973).
  • Pakarinen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen. Turvekertymistä ja turpeen tilavuuspainoista kolmessa eteläsuomalaisessa keidassuossa.
English title: On dry matter accumulation and bulk density values in three South Finnish raised bogs.
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The annual deposition of peat (dry matter accumulation) was investigated in three South Finnish raised bogs on the basis of bulk density determinations combined with datings of peat layers by pollen analysis, radiocarbon age measurements and by moss increment dating method (see Pakarinen & Tolonen 1977). The range of accumulation rates varied in Kaurastensuo, Lammi (61° 02° N) from 25 to 43 g/m2, yr (Table 2); in the same site the current primary production was estimated to be about 420 g/m2 (Table 1). In an other bog (Munasuo, 60° 37'N) the average long-term dry matter accumulation ranged from 40 to 48 g/m2 (Table 3). Preliminary results in these bogs show that some 6—16 percent of annually produced organic matter was accumulated as peat (vegetation type: Dwarf shrub rich S. fuscum community). The bulk density in virgin Sphagnum peats, which are only slightly decomposed, was very low in the bogs investigated (20—50 g/dm3). This value can be often low (only a little greater than above mentioned) in special cases in highly humified peats, too. The high water content of peat and a low autocompaction degree can explain this feature. — After the drainage of the peat-lands a compression obviously very soon results a distinct increase in the bulk density. In natural conditions peat layers originated from hollows have much greater autocompaction (cf. Aaby & Tauber 1974) than the peats of hummock and intermediate surface (lawn). This difference comes still clearer when one compares the bulk density values of living Sphagnum layers with corresponding peat (Table 4). When estimating the peat resources in terms of dry matter, the great variation in «real bulk density» values in virgin peatlands, and factors determining it should be considered.
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen. Raskasmetallianalyysejä kahdelta tienvarsisuolta.
English title: Analyses of heavy metals on two roadside bogs in Finland.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen. Suomen keidassuovesien ravinteista.
English title: On the nutrient content of surface water in ombrotrophic mire complexes in Finland.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen. Soiden kasvunopeuden ja kasvutavan vaihteluista jääkauden jälkeisenä aikana.
English title: On the rate and pattern of peat formation during the postglacial time.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Pekka Pakarinen, Kimmo Tolonen. Rahkaturpeen maatumisasteen määritysmenetelmistä.
English title: Comparison between some methods of determining the degree of decomposition of Sphagnum peat.
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  • Pakarinen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Kimmo Tolonen. Pohjois-Karjalan metsien, soiden ja järvien kehityksestä.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen. Soiden kehityshistorian tutkimusmenetelmistä.
English title: On methdos used in studies of the peatland development.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen. Pohjois-Karjalan soiden kehityksestä.
English title: On the development of the bogs in northern Carelia.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)
Kimmo Tolonen. Eräs suoprofiili ja najas flexilis-subfossiililöytö Tohmajärven Valkeasuosta Pohjois-Karjalasta.
English title: A peat profil from Valkasuo of Tohmajärvi.
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  • Tolonen, E-mail: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (email)

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