Artikkelit jotka sisältää sanan 'CH4 oxidation'

Ulrike Bosse, Peter Frenzel. Metaanivuo länsi-siperialaiselta suolta.
English title: CH4 emissions from a West Siberian mire.
Avainsanat: Siberia; CH4 emission; CH4 oxidation; CH4 production
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Northern wetlands are an important source of the greenhouse gas CH4. We studied CH4 turnover in an oligotrophic mire near the Yenisej River in West Siberia in July 1996. CH4 emissions were determined using closed chambers. CH4 production and CH4 oxidation potentials were estimated from flask incubations. Mean CH4 emissions from lawn and mudbottoms were 117±19 mg m–2 d–1 (SE; n=47). CH4 concentrations, CH4 production and CH4 oxidation potentials in lawn samples were high, indicating that CH4 oxidation might be important in controlling CH4 emissions from this mire. Ridges showed low values in all parameters including CH4 emissions. The area-weighted estimate for the mire was 80 mg m–2 d–1, which makes this an area of medium to high CH4 emission. For the surrounding pine forest soil, a CH4 sink of about –1 mg m–2 d–1 was estimated, a value similar to that in other boreal forest soils. The area-weighted estimate for ca. 360 km2 of mire and forest around the site was a CH4 emission of at least 25 mg CH4 m–2 d–1 during summertime.
  • Bosse, Biology Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, Canada Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Frenzel, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo

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