Artikkelit jotka sisältää sanan 'Russian cartography'

Olga Galanina. Kahden kasvupaikkaluokitusmenetelmän vertailu suon kasvillisuuskartoituksessa.
English title: Comparative application of two vegetation classification approaches to large-scale mapping of bog vegetation.
Avainsanat: dominant classification; geobotanical map; mire massif; Russian cartography
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This article focuses on geobotanical mapping with special emphasis on mire vegetation. A brief review of the history of mire mapping in Russia is given. The purpose of the research reported here is to promote the application of cartographic methods to phytosociological studies as well as to contribute to further development of methods for large-scale mapping of mire vegetation. Kudrovsky mire massif (Leningrad region, NW Russia) was chosen as the study area. Two vegetation maps were prepared on the basis of different vegetation classifi cation approaches, namely the dominant (ecologicphytocoenotic) and fl oristic (Braun-Blanquet) methods. The same vegetation relevé data were classifi ed using both approaches and the resulting classifi cations were used to construct legends for the maps. The traditions and problems of Russian vegetation cartography are briefl y discussed.
  • Galanina, Kainuu Regional Environment Centre, Friendship Park Research Centre, Lentiirantie 342, FIN-88900 Kuhmo, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

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