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The total aboveground biomass and production of four mire site types (English names, see Ruuhijärvi & Reinikainen 1981) with rather stout tree stands were studied in Lammi, southern Finland. The o.b. volume of the stands was as follows: MK 251, MkK 167, LhK 120, MrK 83 m3/ha. The tree layer was proportionally the most significant component of the total biomass composing correspondingly 99,3, 98,3, 98,2 and 96,6 % of it. Among the spruce swamp sites the proportion of the ground layer increased as the
shading of the tree layer decreased and the moistness of the site increased. At the same time the significance of the field and shrub layers decreased. The proportional annual production was highest in LhK (20,4 % of the biomass) where the tree stand consisted of hardwood species and the field layer of herbs. For this reason the absolute production also was higher there than in the spruce swamp sites where the production percentage of the communities was 3,4—5,8 %.