Artikkelit kirjoittajalta Anneli Terho

Anneli Terho. Eräiden Pohjois-Satakunnan soiden stratigrafiasta ja turpeiden fysikaalis-kemiallisista ominaisuuksista.
English title: On the stratigraphy, physical and chemical characteristics of certain peat bogs in northern Satakunta.
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This investigation deals with the peat types, their degree of humification, acidity, water and ash contents, phosphorous, sul-fide and nitrate contents of three peat bogs Hangasneva, Puurokeidas and Suomikeidas situated in North-Satakunta, western Finland. The Sphagnum peats of Puurokeidas bog and Suomikeidas bog are less humified and have lower pH-values than the peats at Hangasneva (Tables 1—2) which contain a higher proportion of Carex residues. The ash contents of Hangasneva peats are greater than those of other bogs. The phosphorus, sulfide and nitrate contents are low. This is very typical of bogs occuring in areas where the bedrock is granite. The history of development of the investigated peat bogs has determined by pollen analysis datings. Peat accumulation started at the time of the boreal age.
  • Terho, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

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