Soiden metsänparannustutkimus Tsekkoslovakiassa
Päivänen J. Soiden metsänparannustutkimus Tsekkoslovakiassa.
English title: Forest amelioration of peatlands in CzechoslovakiaTiivistelmä
The paper discusses the research activity in the field of forest amelioration (including forest drainage, forest fertilization, afforestation etc.) on peatlands and forest hydrology in the Chechgslovak Socialist Republik. The discussion is based partly on literature and partly on a study tour the author took to CSS in June 1981. A report in English delivered over to the Academy of Finland and the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences who financed the trip is available at request from the author.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1982
Katselukerrat 1471
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