Soiden käyttömuodot ja moninaiskäyttö
Päivänen J. Soiden käyttömuodot ja moninaiskäyttö.
English title: Utilization and multiple use of peatlandsTiivistelmä
The paper deals with the extent of peat-land utilization for different purposes such as forestry, agriculture, peat mining, berry picking, water reservoirs, peatland conservation, etc. It appears that in some cases it is possible to use the same peatland area for several purposes at the same time (multiple use). However, sometimes the use of a particular peatland area is so intensive that no other uses are possible. For this reason a special council for peatland research and utilization was appointed by Suoseura (Finnish Peatland Society) in the spring 1976. The task of this council is to coordinate all activities in this field.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1976
Katselukerrat 1474
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