Mustakuusen istutustaimikon alkukehitys ojitetulla karulla avosuolla
Päivänen J. Mustakuusen istutustaimikon alkukehitys ojitetulla karulla avosuolla.
English title: Initial development of planted Picea mariana on a drained nutrient poor open bog in FinlandTiivistelmä
The paper deals with the initial development of black spruce (Picea mariana) (Mill.) B.S.P., provenance St. John River Valley, New Brunswick, Canada), compared with that of native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in a planting experiment on a drained smallsedge bog in southern Finland during the first thirteen years since planting. The results of the experiment showed that the every growth paramenter of black spruce was somewhat lower than that of Scots pine. Partly, the slow growth may have been connected with the stagnation period common to Picea species in general after planting. Also the provenance of black spruce is probably not the most suitable one to the conditions in southern Finland. It is considered to be worth-wile to continue follow-up studies. Especially the different nutrient requirements of the two tree species may turn out only later.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1983
Katselukerrat 1515
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