Millennium Wetland Event - The biggest ever organized congress of mires and peat in Québec
Vasander H. Millennium Wetland Event - The biggest ever organized congress of mires and peat in Québec.
Summary: Organized by The International Peat Society (IPS), The International Asociation of Ecologists (INTECOL ), The International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG), and The Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), The Millennium Wetland Event held in Québec City, Canada, on 6–12 August 2000 was the biggest ever organized congress devoted to mires and peat. Almost 1900 delegates (with accompanying persons almost 2100 participants) from 75 countries all over the world guaranteed that the programme and sessions were versatile and informative. The 12th IPS congress “Wise use of peatlands” will be organised in Tampere, Finland, between 6th and 11th August 2004 and that is why the Finnish candidate (Markku Mäkelä from Geological Survey of Finland) was elected as the first vice-president of IPS. Gerry Hood from Canada was elected as the president of IPS and Jack Rieley from Nottingham, UK, as the second vice-president for the next four years. In this review some Finnish specialists write about the themes they followed in Québec (Harri Vasander — general, Raimo Heikkilä and Leila Korpela — mire conservation and biodiversity of peatlands, Markku Mäkilä — peat geology, Sanna Saarnio — gas exchange studies, Juhani Päivänen and Sakari Sarkkola — ecology and management of forested peatlands, Arvo Leinonen and Pirkko Vesterinen — peat technology, Olli Reinikainen — horticulture, Juhani Päivänen — wise use of peatlands, Lasse Aro — restoration of peatlands and the post-congress excursion). The Millennium Wetland Event was considered to be a unique opportunity to visit, meet collegues and to update knowledge about mire and peat science. A great thank you for all the organisers of this magnificant occasion. Un grand merçi pour tous les organisateurs du congrès: "Évènement du millénaire sur les terres humides". C’était une occasion inoubliable et un excellent début pour le nouveau millénaire.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2000
Katselukerrat 1510