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Jouni Tummavuori (email), Martti Aho, Sirpa Sironen

Turpeen ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksista. Osa III: Eräiden kasvuturpeiden ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksien vertailua ja jäädyttämisen vaikutusta siihen

Tummavuori J., Aho M., Sironen S. Turpeen ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksista. Osa III: Eräiden kasvuturpeiden ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksien vertailua ja jäädyttämisen vaikutusta siihen.

English title: On the ion-exchange properties of peat. Part III: Comparison of the adsorption properties of peat moss and the effect of freezing on the peat


The adsorption properties of peat mosses from different production areas and the effect of freezing on the adsorption properties have been studied. Though the number of the samples studied was limited, one can observe that the production area did not have a decisive effect on the properties studied. The ion-exchange capacity increases slightly with increasing degree of humification. If peat moss is used as substrate, the low degree of humification is an advantage because that kind of peat has physical properties for the purposes mentioned. Freezing has a small effect on the ion-exchange properties of peat. If the peat of high degree of humification is wetted and then freezed it's ion-exchange capacity increases slightly, but it has no conclusive significance on the ion-exchange properties and the retention of the nutrients on the peat. The accumulation of the radioactive strontium from the atmosphere to the peat may be due to the strong adsorption capability of that metal to the peat.

  • Tummavuori, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Aho, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Sironen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1983

Katselukerrat 2061

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