Mätäs- ja painanneturpeen happi- ja lämpötilaoloista Kikeperan suolla Lounais-Eestissä
Zobel M. Mätäs- ja painanneturpeen happi- ja lämpötilaoloista Kikeperan suolla Lounais-Eestissä.
English title: Aeration and temperature conditions in hummock and depression peat in Kikepera bog, south-western EstoniaTiivistelmä
Aeration conditions in peat were studied in situ with the help of polycarbonate tubes filled with water and inserted into the soil at depths of 3—10, 13—20 and 28—35 cm. The study was carried out during the vegetation period 1986. Aeration conditions were more favourable in hummock peat, where the thickness of the better aerated layer was ca. 10 cm in June and September, and 20—30 cm in July and August. Aera-tion conditions in the upper 10 cm layer of depression peat only became favourable in July, while in deeper layers aeration conditions remained unfavourable. In September, after heavy rains, aeration conditions deteriorated in both hummock and depression peat. The oxygen content in mire water was higher in depression sites, which may be because of the inflow of surface water rich in oxygen. The temperature in the tubes was higher in upper layers of hummocks and deeper layers of depressions. In comparison with other sites (Filipendula forest type on gley soils, drained peat soils, hill pastures, pine forest on podzols), the aeration conditions in bog peat are considerably less favourable. Key words: peat, bog, hummock-depression variation, aeration, oxygen.
hummock-depression variation;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1986
Katselukerrat 1450
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