Suot ja niiden metsätaloudellinen käyttö Kiinassa
Kaunisto S. Suot ja niiden metsätaloudellinen käyttö Kiinassa.
English title: Peatland and their use for forestry in chinaTiivistelmä
According to the Chinese Geographical Research Institute the definition of swamps include three criteria: - the area is waterlogged or under water - the area is dominated by hygrophytes - the area has either a peat or mud layer The area is classified as a swamp if two of the criteria are fulfilled simultaneously. Thus peat is not necessary. The entire China has a. 10 million ha of swamps that fit into this definition containing a 30 milliard cubic metres of peat. About 6 million ha are located in northern China. Usually the swamps have a rather shallow peat layer (less than 1 m). There is no nationwide swamp classification. A simple classification based on hydrological properties and draining techniques has been developed for the forestry use of swamps. Only open swamps are defined as swamps. The open swamps are divided into two main groups: seasonally waterlogged swamps and those waterlogged for the whole year. The area of such swamps is a. 1,8 million ha in Heilungkiang, a province in north-eastern China. It is estimated that 600 000 ha of these area suitable for growing forests. The afforestation of open swamps was started in the 1950's. So far 14 000 ha have been afforested. Most plantations, using Larix gmelini, are in seasonally waterlogged areas. Previously the sites were prepared mainly by manual mounding. The results have been highly encouraging. At the end of the 1970's a larger scale mechanical site preparation (by ploughing) was started.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1982
Katselukerrat 1454
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