Fosforin ainekierto rämemännikön puustossa ja pintakasvillisuudessa ojituksen jälkeen
Laiho R., Penttilä T., Vasander H., Laine J. Fosforin ainekierto rämemännikön puustossa ja pintakasvillisuudessa ojituksen jälkeen.
English title: Post-drainage dynamics of P uptake by trees and ground vegetation in Scots pine dominated peatlandsTiivistelmä
We investigated long-term dynamics of phosphorus (P) in ground vegetation, tree stand biomass and litterf all in two undrained and four drained oligotrophic pine fens in southern Finland. The study sites, which encompassed observation periods up to six decades after drainage, were chosen to form a chronosequcncc of sites initially similar floristically, showing different stages of the forest succession induced by drainage. The pattern of P allocation to above- and below-ground plant biomass followed the changes in growth form dominance from mosses, graminoids and shrubs to trees. Overall, net vascular plant uptake of P increased after drainage and remained on a higher level compared to that in the pristine fen. The amount of P in the drained ecosystem seems to remain high enough to support the uptake and continuing forest succession.
secondary succession;
ecosystem functioning;
drainage for forestry;
nutrient cycling;
nutrient upatake;
Pinus sylvstris
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2006
Katselukerrat 2431
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