Yhteenveto lannoitustutkimuksista metsikön perustamisen ja taimikonhoidon yhteydessä turvemailla
Kaunisto S. Yhteenveto lannoitustutkimuksista metsikön perustamisen ja taimikonhoidon yhteydessä turvemailla.
English title: Fertilization at stand establishment and referti-lization of young stands on peat soils in Finland. Literature reviewTiivistelmä
Fertilization has had only a minor effect when carried out in conjunction with the reforestation of forest-covered peatlands, apart from in southern Finland where NPK fertilization has increased the growth of pine seedlings and transplants on oligotrophic pine swamps. On bogs phosphorus is the most important nutrient at the afforestation stage, but later on potassium deficiency may abruptly cause the deterioration and even death of the stands. Pine and birch can be grown on peat cutover areas without N fertilization. The mineral nutrition of trees can be satisfied either by the mineral nutrients in the subsoil, if the peat layer is thin or if mineral soil has been lifted onto the peat, or by fertilization. The refertilization of young stands with NPK instead of PK may lead to frost damage in pine, unless boron is simultaneously applied.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1984
Katselukerrat 1496
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9595 | Lataa PDF