Turpeen käytön soveltuvuus jätehuollossa
Selin P., Nyrönen T. Turpeen käytön soveltuvuus jätehuollossa.
English title: Some applications of the use of peat in waste handling: a reviewTiivistelmä
The water retention capacity, porosity and cation exchange properties of peat have been effectively utilized, for example, in modern greenhouse horticulture. However, these properties make peat also a suitable material for handling problem environmental wastes. It is also easily available and relatively cheap. Treated or untreated peat can be used in several waste handling applications, including litter for cattle, horse, chicken, fox or mink, as a treatment system for the water purification plants or the fish farms, together with the wastes from the composting process. The porous structure and the absorption capability can also be utilized to absorb oil contaminated waters.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1985
Katselukerrat 1746
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9608 | Lataa PDF