Soiden trofiajakojen tarkastelua
Pakarinen P. Soiden trofiajakojen tarkastelua.
English title: Trophic classifications of peatlandsTiivistelmä
The article deals with the oligotrophic-eutrophic and ombrotrophic-minerotrophic gradients in peatlands. The use of these terms in Finland, Sweden, the Soviet Union, Central Europe, Canada and England is briefly reviewed. In the case of peatlands, the concept of eutrophy, as defined by most authors, implies high pH, high levels of calcium and nitrogen, but its relationship to phosphorus and potassium levels (which greatly affect the tree growth and productivity) is not so clear. It is important to make a distinction between trophic series related: (1) to primary production, and (2) to pH (Ca)gradient. For the former, the terms oli-go-, meso- and eutrophic seem appropriate (as in the case of limnology); for the latter, the following four categories could be used: ombrotrophic, weakly-, moderately- and strongly minerotrophic. Apparently some authors have also used the terms soligenic or rheotrop-hic as synonyms for minerotrofic.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1975
Katselukerrat 1386
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