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Hannu Mannerkoski (email)

Vanhan ojitusalueen uudistaminen mätästysmenetelmällä

Mannerkoski H. Vanhan ojitusalueen uudistaminen mätästysmenetelmällä.

English title: Hummock-building method in reforestation of an old drainage area


The results of an experiment concerning the artificial regeneration of a pine stand growing on old drainage area are presented in this article. The area was clear-cut during the winter 1970-71. Six experimental plots were laid out on the area in summer 1971, three of them being control plots. Soil preparation was carried out on the remaining three plots. A tractor digger was used to make turf hummocks by lifting scoop-fulls of peat and placing them upside down on the ground at two meter intervals. The hummocks were then compressed by the digger scoop. In spring 1972 Scots pine transplants (2+1 years) were planted out on the hummocks and on the untreated peat surface of the control plots. The survival rates of the transplants are presented in Table 1. The average height and height growth of the surviving plants in different years can be seen in Table 2. The transplants growing on the hummocks have survived and grown better than those on the untreated peat surface. Eriphorum vaginatum has spread vigorously on the untreated peat surface of the control plots and has tended to check the growth of the seedlings. Damage caused by frost heaving was not observed. This planting method thus appears to be a useful soil preparation technique in the regeneration of old drained stands.

  • Mannerkoski, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1975

Katselukerrat 1579

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