Metsäojien jatkuvan kunnossapidon vaikutus ojitusalueiden tilaan Keski-Pohjanmaalla
Isoaho P., Lauhanen R., Saarinen M. Metsäojien jatkuvan kunnossapidon vaikutus ojitusalueiden tilaan Keski-Pohjanmaalla.
English title: Effects of continuous ditch network maintenance on the condition of forest drainage areas in Central Ostrobothnia districtTiivistelmä
The estimated annual need for ditch network maintenance in Finnish peatland forests is over 100 000 hectares, most of it consisting of ditch cleaning. However, there are not enough funds available for the needs of remedial ditching. In addition, environmental aspects in peatland forestry must be considered more than in the past. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate alternative work methods of ditch network maintenance. This paper presents the effects of continuous ditch network maintenance on the dimensions and the condition of ditches, as well as on the development of the tree stands on ditched sites. Key words: Alternative excavating methods, ditch maintenance, forest drainage, stand volume
forest drainage;
Alternative excavating methods;
ditch maintenance;
stand volume
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1993
Katselukerrat 2190
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