Fine root dynamics on two drained peatland sites
Finér L., Laine J., Halko L. Fine root dynamics on two drained peatland sites.
Total fine root biomass was 397 g/m2 at an afforested and fertilized tall sedge fen (VSN), and 529 g/m2 at a tall sedge pine fen (VSR). The studied sites were located on the Lakkasuo mire complex in central Finland. The greater biomass on the VSR site could be a result of its lower nutrient status compared to that of the fertilized VSN site. Total root production during May-September 1991 was 178 g/m2 at the VSN site and 242 g/m2 at the VSR site when all significant increments in the living and dead root biomasses were summed up. Almost half of the fine root biomass was renewed during the summer. Keywords: Biomass, drainage, ground vegetation, necromass, Pinus sylvestris, production
Pinus sylvestris;
ground vegetation;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992
Katselukerrat 1993
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