Suometsät ja niiden tutkimus Virossa ja Latviassa
Kaunisto S., Ferm A., Kokkonen J. Suometsät ja niiden tutkimus Virossa ja Latviassa.
English title: Peatland forestry research in Estonia and LatviaTiivistelmä
The authors visited Estonia and Latvia on 20-25.8.1990 in order to get acquainted with peatland forestry research and methods for increasing tree growth on cultivated peatlands, especially by using fertilization. The paper describes peatland forestry in general, paying special attention to the activities in the field of fertilization research on Estonian and Latvian peatlands. Keywords: Drainage, fertilization, peatland forestry
peatland forestry;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1991
Katselukerrat 2125
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