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Antti Huttunen (email)

Hilla- ja karpalosadoista Siuruan alueella

Huttunen A. Hilla- ja karpalosadoista Siuruan alueella.

English title: On the cloudberry and cranberry yields in Siurua district, N-Finland


The material for this study was collected during summer 1974 in Siurua district, near Pudasjärvi, N-Finland (65°30'N/26° 30'E). Sample squares were marked out at regular intervals along the study lines crossing peatlands of different site type. The number of the plants and the berries in each square was then counted. The average weight of the single berries was calculated separately for cloudberry growing in spruce swamps (1,76 g) and for cloudberry in pine and open peatlands (1,30 g). The average weight for cranberry has been calculated using the individual weights of Vaccinium oxycoccos and V. microcarpon (0,756 and 0,293 g respectively) and the average value obtained from the ratio in which they occur in different peatland site types as presented by Ruuhijärvi (1960). The frequency of cloudberry shoots was at its highest in spruce swamps (MrK), in Sphagnum fuscum pine swamps (RR) and in S. fuscum peat banks (S. fuscum-jänne) (Fig. 1). The best yields, about 6—7 kg/ha, were found in the same peat-land site types (Table 1). It is most likely that the beetles and beetle larvae of the Galerucella (Col., Chrysomelidae) had the greatest effect in cutting down the cloudberry yield in Siurua district in 1974. The frequency of occurrence of cranberry shoots was highest in S. fuscum pine swamps, in S. fuscum cotton grass pine swamps (RTR) and in small-sedge bog (LkN) (Fig. 2). The best yields, in turn, were observed in S. fuscum cottongrass pine swamps and in mesotrofic sedge fens (RhSN), being about 40 kg/ha (Table 2). These cranberry yields are much lower than those observed by e.g. Ruuhijärvi (1974). Possible explanations for the difference in the results lie in the methods used and in the large temporal and regional variation in the yields. The total annual cranberry yield in Finland has been estimated at 25—50 mill. kilos and the cloudberry yield at 25—30 mill, kilos. According to the present results the total cranberry yield in nearly 50 mill. kilos and the total cloudberry yield about 5 mill, kilos, which, however, can be at least 3—4 times more in favourable years

  • Huttunen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1978

Katselukerrat 1467

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