Koivuverhopuuston tiheyden ja kuusialikasvoksen pituuden tasauksen vaikutus taimikon pituuskasvuun ojitusalueella
Päätalo M.-L., Hilli A., Moilanen M., Tillman-Sutela E. Koivuverhopuuston tiheyden ja kuusialikasvoksen pituuden tasauksen vaikutus taimikon pituuskasvuun ojitusalueella.
English title: Impact of birch crop density and heigth equalization of Norway spruce understorey on spruce seedlings' height growth on a drained peatlandTiivistelmä
A viable understorey of Norway spruce often develops under a nurse crop on nutrientrich peatlands drained for forestry. The impact of birch nurse crop density and height equalization of the Norway spruce understorey on the height growth of spruce seedlings was studied on three sites: on a transforming herbrich spruce swamp, an abandoned peat field and a mixed peat/mineral soil field. The nurse crop was managed in 1990: 1) no thinning, 4000 stems ha-1, 2) thinning to 1000 stems ha-1. 3) thinning to 500 stems ha-1, or 4) removal of the nurse crop. In addition, the spruce seedlings over 1 m in height were removed from randomized halves of each plot. The unmanaged nurse crop reduced the growth of the understorey the most on all the sites. On the other hand, the spruce seedlings grew the best on the plots where the nurse crop had been removed. Due to height equalization the growth of the spruce understorey first slowed down, but towards the end of the study period the height growth of the equalized and non-equalized spruce understoreys were almost the same.
Betula pubescens;
Picea abies;
drained peatland;
height equalization;
height growth;
natural seedlings;
nurse crop density;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2003
Katselukerrat 2369
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9829 | Lataa PDF