Evaluation of nature reserves on wetland in the middle- west part of Poland
Ilnicki P. Evaluation of nature reserves on wetland in the middle- west part of Poland.
An inventory of wetlands in Poland was completed in 1994 and it opened the possibility of starting a planned supplementation of the reserve network on wetland.For this pur pose, it is necessary to carry out an evaluation of the existing objects.The studies include 52 existing and 72 planned nature reserves on wetland in the middle-west part of Poland (area of 33 600 km2 ).An original evaluation method uses seven criteria, which are evaluated in a three degree scale each.On this basis three classes (highest, medium, lowest value)were assigned.Only a small number of existing reserves are found in the extreme classes.In the highest class, there are only six nature reserves.In the lowest class there are small objects with little differentiated forest communities and high endangerment by degradation.A definite majority of the existing reserves are found on fens.Raised and transitional bogs are represented by a comparatively great number of small objects not exceeding 15 ha.The representativeness of the existing reserves in relation to the plant communities encountered on the wetland of this region is not the best one.
nature reserve;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2000
Katselukerrat 1330
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