Physical properties of organic soil in Sto owe Mountains National Park (Poland)
Bogacz A. Physical properties of organic soil in Sto owe Mountains National Park (Poland).
The aim of this work was to determine physical properties of organic soils developed in different sites of the mountain area of Stolowe Mountains National Park, Poland. The profiles with different botanical composition of peat were analysed and classified by types and species of peat. Peat, muck and peat-mud were identified (9 profiles) at chosen locations. Investigation showed that top plateau organic soils were developed on a sandy-loam or sand weathered sandstone base. Organic soils in valleys and slopes were developed on a loamy-silt or clay basement. Peat horizons developed according to different types of sites (mesotrophic and eutrophic, sometimes oligotrophic). Generally, these soils are ombrotrophic, i.e. fed by atmospheric water only. These soils were classified as Fibric Histosols and Terric Histosols. Organic soils within the main regions of the park were over-desiccated, with advancing muck-forming processes being noted.
Stolowe Mountains;
organic soils;
peat deposit;
physical properties;
muck process
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2000
Katselukerrat 1427
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