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Juha Heiskanen (email)

Kasvualustana käytetyn heikosti maatuneen rahkataturpeen lämmönjohtavuus

Heiskanen J. Kasvualustana käytetyn heikosti maatuneen rahkataturpeen lämmönjohtavuus.

English title: Thermal conductivity of low-decomposed Sphagnum peat used as growth medium


The thermal conductivity of low-decomposed Sphagnum peat, used as a growth medium for container seedling production in tree nurseries, and of a sandy mineral soil was studied using the single thermal probe method in the laboratory. The thermal conductivity of the peat was low and decreased from 0.5 to 0.05 W m-1K-1 when the water content decreased from near saturation to air-dry. In comparison, the thermal conductivity of the sandy soil was much higher, decreasing steeply from 1.5 to 0.5 W m-1K-1 with decreasing water content. Results are in accordance with those reported earlier for similar media. The results suggest markedly weaker and more delayed temperature fluctuations in pure peat media compared with media containing mineral soil, which is in agreement with observations made in tree nurseries.

water content; peat substrate; water retention; sandy soil; thermal soil properties

  • Heiskanen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Juntintie 40. FIN-77600 Suonenjoki, Finland Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2000

Katselukerrat 1485

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