Harvennusmenetelmien vertailu ojitetun turvemaan männikössä. Simulointitutkimus
Miina J., Pukkala T. Harvennusmenetelmien vertailu ojitetun turvemaan männikössä. Simulointitutkimus.
English title: Comparison of thinning methods in a Scots pine stand on drained peatland. A simulation studyTiivistelmä
The post-drainage growth of a simulated model stand according to different thinning methods was predicted for 84 years by spatial single-tree growth models. In thinnings, the post-thinning stand density varied as a function of the distance of the ditch. The best yield and income were obtained by leaving the stand near ditches and extraction road midway between ditches denser than elsewhere. Keywords: growth model, Pinus sylvestris, stand management
Pinus sylvestris;
growth model;
stand management
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1995
Katselukerrat 1795
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9742 | Lataa PDF