Japanin suot ja niiden hyväksikäyttö seka suojelu
Miyazawa T. Japanin suot ja niiden hyväksikäyttö seka suojelu.
English title: The utilization and conservation of mires in JapanTiivistelmä
Japan has approximately 200 000 ha of mires (0.5% of the total land area), and peat reserves of ca. 625 million tons. Because of the great diversity in both climatic and topographic conditions various types of mire and wetlands are found. These range from the large coastal mires in Hokkaido to the mangrove forests with surrounding limnogenic mires in subtropical regions of the Ryukyu Archipelago. The majority of Japanese mires are, however, located in regions of recent volcanic activity and on the alluvial plains of Central Honshu and northwards. Most of the lowland mires have long since been reclaimed for rice culture or have partly been buried under built-up areas. In this paper, different forms of mire utilization are outlined and 30 legally (or otherwise) protected mires in Hokkaido are briefly described. Keywords: Hokkaido, Japan, peatlands, preservation, utilization
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1992
Katselukerrat 1436
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9693 | Lataa PDF