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Kimmo Tolonen (email)

Mitä suoarkistot voivat meille tulevaisuudessa kertoa?

Tolonen K. Mitä suoarkistot voivat meille tulevaisuudessa kertoa?

English title: What would be the significance of peat archives in the future?


An attempt is made to predict the progress of mire palaeoecological research in the near future. The prognosis is made in the light of recent advances in the field. Examples of some multi-faceted topics are given. They include ancient climatic changes for understanding the present changes, the greenhouse-effect, problems and new innovations in dating, organic pollutants such as PAHs and DDT, heavy metals and related air pollutants, man-made radionuclides, initiation of peatlands, peat growth, and fire history. Keywords: Carbon balance, dating, fire, DDT, global warming, heavy metals, PAHs

Carbon balance; dating; fire; DDT; global warming; heavy metals; PAHs

  • Tolonen, Department of Biology, University of Joensuu, P.O. Box 111, SF-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989

Katselukerrat 1555

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Tolonen K., (1989) What would be the significance of peat archives .. Suo - Mires and peat vol. 40 no. 2-3 artikkeli 9662 (poista) | Muokkaa kommenttia