Suoyhdistymätyypeistä suhteessa ilmastollisiin ja hydrologisiin vyöhykkeisiin
Solantie R. Suoyhdistymätyypeistä suhteessa ilmastollisiin ja hydrologisiin vyöhykkeisiin.
English title: The zonation of peatland complex types in relation to climatic and hydrological zonesTiivistelmä
The zonation of peatland complex types and prevalence of peatlands are examined in relation to climatic and hydrological zones in northern Eurasia, particularly in Finland. Mutual coincidences were found in most cases and are considered causal. Climatic and hydrological factor gradients were in many cases steeper about the boundaries than within zones. Keywords: peatland complex types, climatic and hydrological zones, zonation.
peatland complex types;
climatic and hydrological zones;
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1986
Katselukerrat 1417
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