Termogravimetrian käyttömahdollisuudet polttoainetutkimuksissa. Osa V. Polttoaineiksi soveltuvien materiaalien pyrolyysin kinetiikasta
Tummavuori J., Venäläinen H., Nyrönen T. Termogravimetrian käyttömahdollisuudet polttoainetutkimuksissa. Osa V. Polttoaineiksi soveltuvien materiaalien pyrolyysin kinetiikasta.
English title: The usability of the thermogravimetry in fuel research. Part V. On the kinetics of the pyrolysis of materials suitable for fuelTiivistelmä
This work completes our previous thermo-gravimetric investigations of domestic solid fuels. In this part, we have mainly concentrated on the pyrolysis of less common fuels e.g. straw, stumps and rejected, old railway sleepers. These cannot, of course, be regarded as significant fuel sources but locally and we wanted to show that the kinetics of their pyrolysis shows no exceptional behaviour as compared with previous materials. Two peat samples were investigated because they differ from the other peat samples by their kinetic properties. The straw ash, however, has a surprisingly low melting point, which can be detected from the TG-curves. The utilization of used railway sleepers needs additional investigations, because the impregnating substances seem to evaporate in the course from the beginning to the end of the combustion. The safe use of the railway sleepers provides the determination of the toxicity of these substances.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1979
Katselukerrat 2025
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9496 | Lataa PDF