Early 20th century Russian peat scientists as possible vectors for the establishment of Calluna vulgaris in Georgian Sphagnum bogs
Kaffke A., Matchutadze I., Couwenberg J., Joosten H. Early 20th century Russian peat scientists as possible vectors for the establishment of Calluna vulgaris in Georgian Sphagnum bogs.
In the summer of 2000, a stand of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull was found in the Ispani 2 bog near Kobuleti, being the first known occurrence of this species in Georgia (Transcaucasia). Pollen analysis of a peat core from the Calluna vulgaris stand shows that the species established itself there around 1920/1930. Dispersal by migrating birds, deliberate introduction as a garden plant, and unintentional introduction with cultural products are shown to have been improbable vectors for introduction far from the species’ main distribution area. It is concluded that Calluna vulgaris may have been accidentally introduced by Russian peat scientists and prospectors that were active in the area around the time of establishment.
pollen analysis;
Calluna vulgaris;
Colchis (Transcaucasia);
plant introduction
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.2002
Katselukerrat 2314
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