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Tenho Hynönen (email), Timo Makkonen

Turvemaapeltojen maan ominaisuudet ja niiden vaikutus hieskoivujen alkukehitykseen Pohjois-Savossa

Hynönen T., Makkonen T. Turvemaapeltojen maan ominaisuudet ja niiden vaikutus hieskoivujen alkukehitykseen Pohjois-Savossa.

English title: Soil properties of peat-based fields and their effect on the initial development of downy birch in Pohjois-Savo, southern Finland


The present study looked into the soil properties of twenty-four peat-based field by examining the 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 cm soil layers and thc effect that soil properties have on the initial development of young stands of downy birch growing in Pohjois-Savo, southern Finland. Adding of mineral soil to peat-based fields and the decomposition and subsidence of peat had resulted in increasing the bulk density of the peat, especially in the tilling layer. Also, the amounts of nutrients in the tilling layer were higher than in the layer below. Together with fertilization, the addition of mineral soil had increased the soil's nutrient amounts manyfold compared to virgin mires and mires drained for forestry. Eighthy-one per cent of the trees were alive. The share of viable trees had fallen to half of the planting density, being now just 840 trees per hectar. The increase in the amount of extractable potassium and total copper in the soil improved the growth of young stands and reduced the proportion of trees of inferior quality. Growth disorders were observed in downy birch, and these were probably caused by increases in the ratios of the amounts of main nutrients and micro-nutrients in the soil. The ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus to copper was reflected best of all in the growth of young stands. An increase in the amount of soil nitrogen and phosphorus in relation to the amount of soil copper impaired stand growth and promoted the occurrence of trees afflicted by growth disorders.

Bulk density; nutrients; downy birch; growth disorder; nutrient relations; peat based field

  • Hynönen, Pohjois-Savo Forestry Centre, P.O. Box 1019, FIN-70101 Kuopio, Finland Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Makkonen, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1999

Katselukerrat 1678

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Hynönen T., Makkonen T. (1999) Soil properties of peat-based fields and their e.. Suo - Mires and peat vol. 50 no. 1 artikkeli 9781