Sadannan vaikutus vedenpinnan tasoon kohosuolla
Valgma Ü. Sadannan vaikutus vedenpinnan tasoon kohosuolla.
English title: Impact of precipitation on the water table level of different ombrotrophic raised bog complexes, central EstoniaTiivistelmä
The impact of precipitation on the water table level of different complexes on an ombrotrophic raised bog during a year (long-term effect) and a rain shower (short-term effect) was investigated on the basis of the data collected in the Männikjärve raised bog, Central Estonia, over the period of 1956-1991. The regression analysis showed that the effect of precipitation on the mean annual level of the water table depended on the bog complex and time-span considered. In the long-term scale the mean annual water table level depended strongly on the water table level of the previous year. The yearly amount of precipitation affected the water table level of the current year less. These effects were greater in the central pool-ridge complex than in the marginal pine bog forest. On the short-term scale, prerainfall water level affected the water level rise less than the amount of rainfall. The water level rise depended on the prerainfall water level in the central part of the bog (R2 = 0.22), but not in the marginal pine bog forest (R2 = 0.04). The effect of rainfall was of greater importance, explaining as much as 67-75% of the variation in the water level rise.
raised bog;
water table level
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1998
Katselukerrat 1415
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