Hidasliukoisten fosforilannoitteiden ominaisuudet ja käyttökelpoisuus suometsien lannoituksessa. Kirjallisuuteen perustuva tarkastelu
Nieminen M. Hidasliukoisten fosforilannoitteiden ominaisuudet ja käyttökelpoisuus suometsien lannoituksessa. Kirjallisuuteen perustuva tarkastelu.
English title: Properties of slow release phosphorus fertilizers with special reference to their use on drained peatland forests. A reviewTiivistelmä
Slow-release phosphorus fertilizers have long been considered as a primary fertilization option on drained peatland forests in Finland. There has also been growing interest in using slow-release P-fertilizers as a better alternative to water-soluble fertilizers on agricultural land. Manufacture of different P-fertilizers, and those fertilizer and site properties which affect the rate of P release, are reviewed. The effects of slow-release P-fertilizers on plant growth and the liability to be leached into waterways are also discussed. In particular, the behaviour of slow-release P-fertilizers on drained peatland forests is considered. Key words: fertilizer dissolution, fertilizer leaching, phosphate minerals, peatland forestry
peatland forestry;
fertilizer dissolution;
fertilizer leaching;
phosphate minerals
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1997
Katselukerrat 1359
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9769 | Lataa PDF