Kaukokartoituksen ympäristösovellukset: suotyyppien erottaminen pintalämpötilojen perusteella
Juvonen T.-P., Ojanen M., Tanttu J., Rosnell J. Kaukokartoituksen ympäristösovellukset: suotyyppien erottaminen pintalämpötilojen perusteella.
English title: Environmental applications of remote sensing methods: discriminating mire site types by surface temperaturesTiivistelmä
Remote sensing methods used together with the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) open new possibilities also in vegetation area studies. In this paper we apply these methods to discriminate mire site types. We studied surface temperatures in Isoneva mire, western Finland (60° 40' N, 21° 59' P), using Thermal Infrared (TIR)-images. The vegetation composition data were based on previous field studies. Surface temperature samples for four different mire site type and one upland forest site type were taken, and the distributions of their surface temperatures were analyzed. The results indicate that there are discernible surface temperature differences between different vegetation types. Key words: GIS, Remote Sensing, Thermal IR, Vegetation areas
Remote Sensing;
Thermal IR;
Vegetation areas
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1997
Katselukerrat 2251
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9763 | Lataa PDF