Pohjois-Suomen murteiden suosanastosta
Aapala K., Aapala K. Pohjois-Suomen murteiden suosanastosta.
English title: Mire words in the dialects of northern FinlandTiivistelmä
Nineteen words, describing different types of mires and morphological and topographical features in mires, used in the dialects of northern Finlad are described in this article. Several of these words have been adopted from the indigenous Sami people, who live in the northernmost part of Finland, Sweden and Norway. Best known of these Sami words are aapa and palsa, which are internationally used mire terms. Key words: dialect, loan words, mire words, North-Finland, Sami language
loan words;
mire words;
Sami language
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1997
Katselukerrat 1734
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9762 | Lataa PDF