Öljyn poisto turvesuodattimella
Viraraghavan T., Mathavan G. N. Öljyn poisto turvesuodattimella.
English title: Oil removal using peat filtersTiivistelmä
The use of peat for the treatment of oil-in-water emulsions is gaining attention as a simple, economical means of environmental protection. The horticultural peat produced by Premier Peat Company Limited was assessed for its potential in removing oil from five representative oil-in-water emulsions of different stabilities. The emulsions were passed through a 300 mm peat filter bed at a flow rate of 12, 48 and 300 ml/min. Each test was conducted for 8 hours of continuous filter run. The results indicated that an average oil removal efficiency ranging from 34 to 99% can be obtained in a peat filter depending upon the flow rate and the type of oil-in-water emulsions. Key words: Adsorption, filtration, oil-in-water emulsion, oil pollution, peat
oil-in-water emulsion;
oil pollution
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989
Katselukerrat 1634
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