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Peitsa Mikola (email)

Suot Suomen metsätaloudessa

Mikola P. Suot Suomen metsätaloudessa.

English title: Peatlands in Finnish forestry


Up to the present 5 Mha of peatland, i.e. 50% of the total peatland area of Finland, have been drained for forestry. The annual growth of peatland forests has increased from 6 Mm3 in the 1920s up 15 Mm3 in the 1980s, which is 22% of the total annual growth of the country's forests. To maintain the drainage systems, about 40 000 km of ditches should be cleaned annually. Silvicultural management of tree stands on peatlands is another urgent task in the near future. Keywords: Forest drainage, peatlands

forest drainage; peatlands

  • Mikola, Department of Silviculture, University of Helsinki, Unionin-Icatu 40 B, SF-00170 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1989

Katselukerrat 1458

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Mikola P., (1989) Peatlands in Finnish forestry Suo - Mires and peat vol. 40 no. 2-3 artikkeli 9652 (poista) | Muokkaa kommenttia