Turpeen ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksista. Osa V: Eräiden Sphagnum-tyyppisten turvelajien ioninvaihto-ominaisuudet
Aho M., Tummavuori J. Turpeen ioninvaihto-ominaisuuksista. Osa V: Eräiden Sphagnum-tyyppisten turvelajien ioninvaihto-ominaisuudet.
English title: The ion exchange properties of peat. Part V: Ion exchange properties of some Sphagnum peatsTiivistelmä
Normal milled peat contains different species of Sphagnum-peat. Five typical Sphagnum-peats were chosen for study in order to investigate differences in their ion exchange properties. IR-spectrum and TG-analysis reveal a great difference in the structure of the peat samples. Differences in the elementar composition does not effect on the ion exchange capacities. The ion exchange capacities of the different peat samples differ from each other S.fuscum having the largest capacity. This can be seen in IR-spectra at wave number region 1708—1727 cm-1. When the test solution first flows through the column the adsorption percentage is high but after a certain moment, the adsorption percentage decreases. The decrease obeys the first order kinetics.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1984
Katselukerrat 1820
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