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Maritta Liedenpohja (email)

Avosuotyyppien kasvillisuus, kasvibiomassa ja tuotos Janakkalan suurisuolla

Liedenpohja M. Avosuotyyppien kasvillisuus, kasvibiomassa ja tuotos Janakkalan suurisuolla.

English title: Vegetation, biomass and production of fens in Suurisuo mire, Janakkala, Southern Finland


The vegetation as well as the biomass of the field and ground layers was described and the production of the field layer was determined in the following mire site types in 1979: LkN (ombrotrophic), SN (oligotrophic), RiN, RhSN (mesotrophic), VL, RiL, WaL (eutrophic). The total biomass was highest in RhSN (606.5 g/m2) and lowest in RiL (252.6 g/m2) due to the small cover of both layers. The production of the field layer was highest in those site types (RhSN, VL, SN) dominated by Carex rostrata. The highest biomass of the ground layer was found in the ombrotrophic LkN and the lowest in the eutrophic site types. Only in RiL this could be explained by the sparseness of the cover. When the total production was calculated by summing the field layer production with half the ground layer biomass, it was found to be highest in RhSN and lowest in the eutrophic site types RiL and RiN. The ombrotrophic LkN was placed in the middle of this series. It was concluded that high trophy which is partly correlated to wetness does not signify high production. It is, however, seen in the number of plant species and in the versatility of the production.

  • Liedenpohja, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1981

Katselukerrat 1329

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