Kahdenlaista urakointia metsäojituksessa
Niskanen M. Kahdenlaista urakointia metsäojituksessa.
English title: tTo types of contract work in forest drainageTiivistelmä
Mechanical forest drainage has been a rather extensive branch of Finnish forestry for some fifteen years already. At its peak in the late 1960s mechanical forest drainage reached an annual output of 80 000 km of ditches, corresponding to 60 mill, m3 of excavating and nearly 300 000 ha of drainage area. At the present time forest drainage, which is fully mechanized, produces some 65 000 km of ditches annually. About 10 % of this amount is dug for improving the drainage effect in old drainage areas. 5 000 — 6 000 km of old ditches are being cleaned annually. 75 % of the digging work is carried out using light excavators, 20 % using heavy plowing equipment and the remaining 5 % using ordinary excavators or rotary ditchers. Most of the mechanical work is carried out by contractors. Contract work in the field of forest drainage for the State, or supported by the State, has followed, since 1961, the general instructions for construction works for the State. These intructions, however, apply only poorly to drainage operations, and consequently, the 350 —400 small-scale enterpriser (owners of 1—2 machines) working in the field of forest drainage in Finland, have demanded for a long time already that guiding prices for forest drainage be worked out and that working contracts covering longer periods of time than before be arranged. The employers were ready for a positive attitude toward contract work based on guiding prices only as late as in the 1970s. On the basis of decisions taken by the authorities and of agreements concluded between the parties concerned, the first one-year period with guiding prices for mechanical digging began on the 1st of April 1975. The recommendation concerned is now used by the National Board of Forestry, the Central Forestry Boards, the State Fuel Centre and the Metsäkoneurakoitsijain Liitto (Union of Forest :- Machine Contractors). The recommendation covers slightly more than 90 % of all forest drainage activities. The former way of procedure, based on free competition, is still in use abreast with the new system, particularly in the case of plowing. The experiences gained so far from contract work based on guiding prices are mainly positive. The strain on the labor market has been reduced, and over-aged equipment is being changed to a large extent into new machines. Despite the positive initial experiences, however, the system is not ready yet, but the digging difficulty classification involved, for example, requires further revising.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1975
Katselukerrat 1435
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